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Ray Stanford: What to look for in a UFO clip...

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Interesting clip. If he's got conclusive reference points and video evidence to support the UFO phenomena, why not immediately publicize ? Why hold off and only make private showings of it?
This alone just breaks his credibility.

If you can't convert 40 years of persistent data accumulation and observation into a solid hypothesis.... then what's it worth ?
That's the same issue I've always had with Stanford - any time someone asks him for his conclusive proof, he diverts attention by providing some sort of nebulous data. I doubt we'll ever see what he has.
Interesting clip. If he's got conclusive reference points and video evidence to support the UFO phenomena, why not immediately publicize ? Why hold off and only make private showings of it? This alone just breaks his credibility. If you can't convert 40 years of persistent data accumulation and observation into a solid hypothesis.... then what's it worth ?
That's not how you conduct science---publicizing your data to the masses before peer-review. Sorry, you all will just have to be patient, or go pay him a visit...
That's the same issue I've always had with Stanford - any time someone asks him for his conclusive proof, he diverts attention by providing some sort of nebulous data. I doubt we'll ever see what he has.
Go pay him a visit Angelo--I doubt you'll be able to keep up with him, but at least you'll learn more than a few things about the science behind UFOs.
Wasn't Ray the guy who was supposed to deliver some sort of data/evidence a year ago? There was talk about that on the show and on the forum, if I recall exactly...
I think Angelo mentioned it more than once. What was that about?
Ray Stanford goes way back. He formed an organization called Project Starlight. I talked with Ray on the telephone many years ago. We discussed him coming to Montana with equipment to record UFOs. I wanted to be directly involved, he said there could not be a 3rd party. So it never happened. He claims to have evidence, but I wonder how substantial it actually is. He claims to be a psychic, able to see auras, etc. He is old and in poor health. I know he had a heart attack. Unfortunate. He had the backing and equipment but nothing ever really came of it.
Great interview! So, Adamski confessed to Ray? I'd love to hear the whole story about that. I wish he would publish more of his findings. Giant mother ships, operating in compressed time using plasma antennas creating the mystery booms! Wild. I'd love to see his presentation.

You've probably the most acquainted with Ray's thoughts about the nature and origin of the objects he has been observing. What does he think they most likely are and has he been able to put together an idea what they are doing here from observing their activity?
Ray...claims to have evidence, but I wonder how substantial it actually is...
I have seen his analytical process of this evidence and although I'm not a scientist, I do know when I'm seeing the results of a scientific process being applied impressively in a systematic manner. I'm convinced that Ray is the "real thing" and I share this opinion with others who have seen his presentation of his analytical work--including a world-class physicist who recently traveled to visit Ray.
He is old and in poor health. I know he had a heart attack...
He had a heart attack in the late 90s but has made a impressive recovery since then. For someone 71 years old, it is remarkable that he still hikes the creek beds of the DC area and is able to carry a rucksack with up to 100 lbs of fossil-laden rocks back to his car.
Chris, you've probably the most acquainted with Ray's thoughts about the nature and origin of the objects he has been observing. What does he think they most likely are and has he been able to put together an idea what they are doing here from observing their activity?
He is convinced that these are huge, 14 mile long, cigar-shaped carrier vehicles ("grandmother ships") that discharge 1,400 foot triangular "motherships" that carry smaller discoidal scout-type craft. Good questions concerning these apparent beings agenda... now that you mention it, I've never heard him speculate about why they are here and what they could possibly be doing... Hmmm, I'll ask him for you...Good questions!
He is convinced that these are huge, 14 mile long, cigar-shaped carrier vehicles ("grandmother ships") that discharge 1,400 foot triangular "motherships" that carry smaller discoidal scout-type craft. Good questions concerning these apparent beings agenda... now that you mention it, I've never heard him speculate about why they are here and what they could possibly be doing... Hmmm, I'll ask him for you...Good questions!

Is he coming to the Paracast ? :)
Good questions concerning these apparent beings agenda... now that you mention it, I've never heard him speculate about why they are here and what they could possibly be doing... Hmmm, I'll ask him for you...Good questions!

Thanks Chris. 14 mile long carriers transporting 1,400 ft expeditionary type vehicles with their own shuttles says a couple of things to me. One, "There is a large infrastructure somewhere that supports the design, manufacture, and maintenance of these machines." And two, "Whoever is mounting this significant effort has a definite goal in mind other than the mere operation of these devices." Meaning the machines are just the means to some end. To me, large and numerous vehicles says, "They come here to get something physical (as opposed to just data) and take it back to where they came from." However, it could also be a colossal engineering project of some kind. The question is, "What is this great work?"

Do the construction and operational parameters of these machines give Ray some indication as to what that work they are designed to perform might be? I would think that the data is presenting possible purposes for constructing them (wherever that is done) and then operating them here on Earth. Someone like Ray who has given considerable thought to the unique data available to him, must have some suspicion as to what their intended use might be. I am very interested in what Ray's thoughts are in that regard.
Thanks Chris. 14 mile long carriers transporting 1,400 ft expeditionary type vehicles with their own shuttles says a couple of things to me. One, "There is a large infrastructure somewhere that supports the design, manufacture, and maintenance of these machines." And two, "Whoever is mounting this significant effort has a definite goal in mind other than the mere operation of these devices." Meaning the machines are just the means to some end. To me, large and numerous vehicles says, "They come here to get something physical (as opposed to just data) and take it back to where they came from." However, it could also be a colossal engineering project of some kind. The question is, "What is this great work?"

Do the construction and operational parameters of these machines give Ray some indication as to what that work they are designed to perform might be? I would think that the data is presenting possible purposes for constructing them (wherever that is done) and then operating them here on Earth. Someone like Ray who has given considerable thought to the unique data available to him, must have some suspicion as to what their intended use might be. I am very interested in what Ray's thoughts are in that regard.
I must recuse myself from making any further comments. The information I posted was intended for Gene not the general public.
Thanks Chris. 14 mile long carriers transporting 1,400 ft expeditionary type vehicles with their own shuttles says a couple of things to me. One, "There is a large infrastructure somewhere that supports the design, manufacture, and maintenance of these machines." And two, "Whoever is mounting this significant effort has a definite goal in mind other than the mere operation of these devices." Meaning the machines are just the means to some end. To me, large and numerous vehicles says, "They come here to get something physical (as opposed to just data) and take it back to where they came from." However, it could also be a colossal engineering project of some kind. The question is, "What is this great work?"

Do the construction and operational parameters of these machines give Ray some indication as to what that work they are designed to perform might be? I would think that the data is presenting possible purposes for constructing them (wherever that is done) and then operating them here on Earth. Someone like Ray who has given considerable thought to the unique data available to him, must have some suspicion as to what their intended use might be. I am very interested in what Ray's thoughts are in that regard.

My reaction to the data is different, the size may only be significant from our perspective.
Planetary bodies as platforms for habitation, have a number of risks and shortfalls.
They are geologically unstable and fixed in orbit, one can gain far better control over your environment if you design and build it yourself

Whenever i hear of super sized vessels i'm reminded of

My reaction to the data is different, the size may only be significant from our perspective.
Planetary bodies as platforms for habitation, have a number of risks and shortfalls.
They are geologically unstable and fixed in orbit, one can gain far better control over your environment if you design and build it yourself
Whenever i hear of super sized vessels i'm reminded of [RAMA].

The fictional RAMA was considerably larger than 14 miles long if I remember correctly. Ray isn't saying these are biospheres, he is saying they transport smaller vehicles. The size is only significant from our perspective? I don't care what your super-duper technology is, designing and manufacturing large carrier spacecraft to transport other carrier type spacecraft, has to be complex, expensive, and absolutely non-trivial. Unless they have magic "blink-tech" from Bewitched or something.

My point being it is completely unreasonable to dismiss the gravity of the situation that would bring about the creation of 14 mile long space carriers filled with 1,400 ft long vehicles that you send to another planet.
Yes Rama was 31 miles, I doubt Ray or anyone could state as fact they are not simply biospeheres.
If they are , then their size may have nothing to do with us or any agenda here, they could simply be the habitats of a nomadic spacefaring species.
On our own oceans we have huge vessels that transport large quantitys of cargo, like coal or oil, but we also have ships of similar size whose function is to transport people, thus size is not necessarily an indicator of function

Freedom of the Seasis the largest luxury cruise ship in the world, owned by Royal Caribbean.
This cruise ship weighs 160,000 tons, it is 1,112 feet long, 184 feet wide and it has 15 passenger decks holding 3,634 guests double-occupancy. Freedom of the Seas towers 208 feet tall, approximately the same height as two of the Statue of Liberty, placed head to toe.

The Berge Stahl is the largest bulk carrier of the world. The ship has a length of 343 meters (1122ft), is 65 meters (208ft) wide and sails continuously between Brasil and Rotterdam to transport iron ore to Europe.
Yes Rama was 31 miles, I doubt Ray or anyone could state as fact they are not simply biospeheres.
If they are , then their size may have nothing to do with us or any agenda here, they could simply be the habitats of a nomadic spacefaring species.
On our own oceans we have huge vessels that transport large quantitys of cargo, like coal or oil, but we also have ships of similar size whose function is to transport people, thus size is not necessarily an indicator of function

I guess a 14 mile long structure could contain several biospheres and a few of these other large machines. Of course their design specifications carry some information about their intended purpose. You've already pointed out the obvious one, they are transports. Large transports carrying smaller transports.

Ray apparently has much more than just information about their size. That data may contain some further clue or it may not. Do they appear to making changes to the environment? Are there things they always do? The compressed time thing suggests to me that they are doing much more than can be casually observed. Since Ray is heavy into instrumentation it seems like there may be some clue in that aspect as well.

Here are my flying by the seat of my pants largely unsupportable hypothesis of the morning:

The large cylinders are interplanetary transports and possibly processing facilities or refineries of some kind. The smaller vehicles brought here in them are performing the task at hand. Popular UFO mythology suggests that they are here primarily to interact with human beings but may also include other animals and plant life on the planet. This appears to have been going on for some time, so it could to be either a maintenance activity or a very long term project.

Since there are no reports of large mineral deposits being mined by mysterious unknown parties and people do not appear to be disappearing in large numbers the idea that they are here to get something and take it back seems less likely. This makes a maintenance activity or long term engineering project more likely. As it seems these things operate on the fringe of our perception, the actual locus of their actions could be as well.

And now, back to reality where ...
There are no UFOs in the sky here, only dragons. I'm taking a short cut through a frozen forest over to a mountain pass, hoping against hope not to run into another damn troll or Sabre Cat. One of those freaking monster cats killed my horse and I torched my traveling companion fighting a Troll/Yeti thing just hours ago. Note to self, "Don't step in front of a panicking novice spell caster." Now I need to get somewhere and unload some of this loot I'm dragging through this f'ing blizzard before another dragon shows up. I should have never wasted all that gold on that useless horse. Never again. I'm buying something I can kill a troll with. Something like a super-duper flame spell of some kind or maybe a strong poison. Yeah, that might work. Oh crap ... what is that up ahead? Save, save, save!