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Read The Books First

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Paranormal Novice
Mr. Steinberg and Mr. O'Brien:

Over the past two years I have listened to many of the Paracast podcasts. I find them informative, entertaining, funny, provocative and sometimes infuriating.

However, there is one thing in particular, I do find disappointing. Too often when a book or other written record is referred to, the guest (or host) may say, " I have not read the book" and then he or she goes on to offer pointed opinions about it!

This recently happened when Mr. Jim Moseley was interviewed. He was asked his opinion on the new book, "Area 51" authored by Annie Jacobsen. He replied that he had not read the book. Moreover, he said, his interest was principally in "Flying Saucers" and not in what went on at Area 51 (as if there could be no connection). He then dismissed Ms. Jacobsen's writing as essentially ill-informed if not preposterous.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, however if they are going to dismiss another author's book they should first read it. It is only fair. They may in fact discover that what they read is significantly different from what they have "heard." It is intellectually dishonest to offer a review of a book you have not read.

I will add I did enjoy Mr. Moseley's remarks on other matters. But I do feel he should read Ms. Jacobsen's book first and then offer his rebuttal and or commentary.

Thank you.
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