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Real or baloney?

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Seems like my homepage has become a kind of marketing repository for all manner of junk. A kind of online supermarket tabloid.

Phooey ! :(
It happens my friend.
In my email I won two lottery's this past week that I never even got a ticket for and got a business proposal from an Arab sheik who needs me to hold a large amount of money for him.. Oh the luck of it all :-)
It happens my friend.
In my email I won two lottery's this past week that I never even got a ticket for and got a business proposal from an Arab sheik who needs me to hold a large amount of money for him.. Oh the luck of it all :)

Yeah i got an email from this chick called Anastasia in russia who said she liked me and wanted to be friends....... turns out the little tramp sent the same email to all my friends too. i was heartbroken