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Recall or remove all the Congressional Supporters of NDAA!

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Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
Staff member
As two time Medal of Honor winner Marine General Smedley Butler once said:

"There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights."

Oath Keepers has launched a national effort to recall (or remove by any other lawful means) all of the oath breaking members of Congress, in both the House and Senate, who voted for the National Defense Appropriations Act of 2012 (NDAA), which contains provisions that authorize indefinite military detention and trial by military commission of "any person" - including U.S. citizens and lawful residents - upon the mere say-so of the President or one of his subordinates in the Executive Branch, such as within the Department of Defense or CIA.

Number three on the Oath Keepers list of Orders We Will Not Obey states:

3. We will NOT obey orders to detain American citizens as "unlawful enemy combatants" or to subject them to military tribunal.
That is near the top of our list for very good reason - this claimed power will kill our Bill of Rights unless it is stopped. To be blunt, we consider the NDAA of 2012 to be a declaration of war on the American people, and an act of treason. But even if you disagree with that view, and merely consider those who voted for it to be oath breakers, please work hard to remove them allfrom office. Oath Keepers members across the nation will lead or assist efforts in their states to remove any member of Congress, regardless of party, who voted for this monstrosity.'

We encourage all Americans of whatever political party to set aside their differences and come together in defense of our Bill of Rights by rooting out this den of vipers in Washington D.C. who are either knowingly killing our Bill of Rights, were too concerned with their careers to take a principled stand by voting against the NDAA, or are useful idiots who don't understand what they swore an oath to defend. Whatever their excuse, they have violated their oaths to defend the Constitution and must be sent packing. This is not about politics. This is about defending the Constitution. As Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes put it:

These politicians from both parties betrayed our trust, and violated the oath they took to defend the Constitution. It's not about the left or right, it's about our Bill of Rights. Without the Bill of Rights, there is no America. It is the Crown Jewel of our Constitution, and the high-water mark of Western Civilization.
This is a bi-partisan assault on the Bill of Rights that will require a bi-partisan defense. We the People must adopt a scorched-earth policy againstallwho voted for the NDAA of 2012, regardless of party, using any and all lawful means available to remove them from office. If you can remove them by means of recall, then do so. If that option is not available in your state, consider working to make it an option in your state. If attempts to recall are stopped by the courts, then root the oath breakers out in the next primary of whatever party they are in, making this issue the litmus test and supporting a challenger who will pledge to repeal this dangerous law. Make this desecration of our Bill of Rights campaign issue number one.

And if you don't manage to root them out in the primary, then defeat them in the general election, again supporting a challenger who pledges to repeal the detention provisions of the NDAA. Use whatever lawful means or combination of strategies available to get the job done. And even when any particular method "fails," it still succeeds in keeping the focus on this act of betrayal, and it serves to educate the American people, waking them up to the ongoing bipartisan assault on our Bill of Rights. Even if we lose a battle we can still win the war.

We must keep this issue in the public eye, and keep the pressure on. Just as Jefferson and Madison were successful in rallying opposition to the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, which clearlyAA violated the Constitution, and used that opposition to sweep the Federalists from Congress in what was known as "the revolution of 1800," we must rally opposition to this clearly unconstitutional act and use it to sweep all of the Bill of Rights killing career politicians, of both major parties, out of Congress.
Clean them all out!

Continue reading and comment at Oath Keepers:
Yea, China is the other part of the equation. A war was waged in Vietnam, supposedly to stop the spread of communism. Here we are in debt to the communist bastards, buying all their crap from Walmart. Go figure?
Yes, this is a monstrosity, a betrayal, a major assault on the bill of rights and our constitution. The light at the end of the tunnel? More like a pitch black hole into tyranny.
This brought to mind a song from the 60s called Wooden Ships: It is more applicable now.

If you smile at me I will understand
'Cause that is something
Everybody everywhere does in the same language
I can see by your coat, my friend you're from the other side
There's just one thing I got to know
Can you tell me please who won?
Say can I have some of your purple berries?
Yes, I've been eating them
For six or seven weeks now haven't got sick once
Probably keep us both alive
Wooden ships on the water very free and easy
Easy, you know the way it's supposed to be
Silver people on the shoreline let us be
Talkin' 'bout very free and easy
Start fighting my friends for democracy and freedom must be maintained at all time less while you sleep it should be sold piece by piece under the guise of safety and become tyranny.

Call the thought police! There is a riot happening on the Paracast!

you can not pepper spray an idea :D

Lose the Bill of Rights and all else is lost. It's not hard to imagine what the founders of this republic would have thought about this piece of quasi-legal garbage.
Sad, isn't it? Congress can vote away the bill of rights and the American people don't give a rats ass...or at least they act like it.

If you ask me, the terrorists already won. Our freedoms are evaporating at the speed of that chinese bullet train mentioned above. Perhaps this is the 1984 that Orwell was thinking of?

"War is Peace"
"Freedom is Slavery"
"Ignorance is Strength"

Fun times we live in, eh? Try and fight it and we'll find ourselves labeled as "terrorists."
Start fighting my friends for democracy and freedom must be maintained at all time less while you sleep it should be sold piece by piece under the guise of safety and become tyranny.

Democracy is what we do NOT want. We are NOT a democracy, WE are a Constitutional REPUBLIC.
Democracy = two wolves and a sheep deciding whats for dinner.
Democracy is what we do NOT want. We are NOT a democracy, WE are a Constitutional REPUBLIC.
Democracy = two wolves and a sheep deciding whats for dinner.

Very true I forget that America is a Republic my apologies. Either way the NDAA is not going to be good.
Very true I forget that America is a Republic my apologies. Either way the NDAA is not going to be good.

"Democracy and Republic, are not only dissimilar but antithetical, reflecting the sharp contrast between (a) The Majority Unlimited, in a Democracy, lacking any legal safeguard of the rights of The Individual and The Minority, and (b) The Majority Limited, in a Republic under a written Constitution safeguarding the rights of The Individual and The Minority"