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Recommend a UFO Book/Film 2001 onwards

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Ignorant Fool

Paranormal Novice
Would anyone like to recommend a worthwhile UFO related book that has been published since 2001? I bought Leslie Kean's UFOs...and Richard Dolan's UFOs..Vol 2. I'm also interested in watching any half-decent films on the subject.

Has anyone read this?
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Has anyone read this? UFOs-Government-A-Historical-Inquiry
I picked up a copy for my UFO book collection. It's pretty dry stuff with a lot of reproductions of official documents. The opinion in the introduction on what the word UFO means isn't well supported, but overall, it's a good resource for personal research.
I picked up a copy for my UFO book collection. It's pretty dry stuff with a lot of reproductions of official documents. The opinion in the introduction on what the word UFO means isn't well supported, but overall, it's a good resource for personal research.

Thanks, I'll probably get it.

The Amazon reviews of the 2007 Tim Good book suggest that it is simply a rehash of his previous books. Is there much new information in it?
Thanks, I'll probably get it.
The Amazon reviews of the 2007 Tim Good book suggest that it is simply a rehash of his previous books. Is there much new information in it?
If you hadn't put the date constraints on your request, I would have suggested that you acquire a copy of Tim Good's Beyond Top Secret, which is a must have for any UFO book resource. So if you don't have Need To Know, then this is the next best thing and somewhat newer ( I have both ). I'd also get both before I spent money on the MUFON publication. I wasn't as impressed with it as I was hoping. You can find pretty much all the same info on the Blue Book Archive website. If you don't know about that, then check it out at http://www.bluebookarchive.org/

Also, should I presume that you already have the classics? If not. Then you're missing some of the best material ever published ( plus they're collectible ). Try fishing for them at your local used bookstore.
Thanks ufology. Yes I have some of the classics including Ruppelt's book, most of Keyhoe's books. I managed to get hold of a copy of Frank Scully's book (not sure it is a classic in terms of its information however!). It might not be a bona fide classic but I've always found the UFO section in Gordon Cooper's Leap of Faith memoir fascinating.