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recover material from UFO ENCOUNTER

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Paranormal Novice
heres a case that many have heard.

Bob White had a ufo encounter in 1985..what make his different is he has material from the encounter and has had if tested at labs all over the country..matches nothing made on this planet.


The above Object was recovered
from Bob White's UFO encounter in 1985.

The Black Vault

this has a brief bio of Mr White from the encyclopedia project.

larryroyc said:
heres a case that many have heard.

Bob White had a ufo encounter in 1985..what make his different is he has material from the encounter and has had if tested at labs all over the country..matches nothing made on this planet.

Larry, we're going to look this over and consider Mr. White for a future episode.

Thanks for sending us this information.

Listeners: If you have anything further to offer, please do so.
I remember Jeff Rense interviewed Bob White - a most interesting story

I recall Bob sounded very genuine and was clearly quite a character....

It would be great to hear some more from this man.
ozman said:
I remember Jeff Rense interviewed Bob White - a most interesting story

I recall Bob sounded very genuine and was clearly quite a character....

It would be great to hear some more from this man.

You will, sooner than you expect :)
Yes. I've been aware of this for years now. There's an issue with the item being mishandled by MUFON, reportedly. Thewoman from MUFON that was reportedly involved was as ignorant of the matter as I was. She said she'll look into it. I never heard back from her. This is all from my poor memory. Last I was at Bob's site, there was info. on what I am refering to. This was years ago though.

There was also an issue with the people that did testing didn't know to look for aspects that would prove it to be ET, since no one told them the circumstances, perhaps as a control. Last I read, more money was needed for a test to look at isotopic ratios. I haven't really followed the case since then.
absolutely great interviews...the bob white interview is one of most credible stories i have heard..

if you havnt heard the story you need to listen to the file...

Finally listened to it tonight and will listen to the rest of it on the drive to work tomorrow.

Thanks guys for this show. :)
found this information that was just posted last month at the black vault about new tests that had been done..seems neutron radiation along with gama and beta are being emitted and have been verified.


the post below. theres more information at the link besides this.


we did neutron radiation tests in san diego..object tested postive on all tests including gamma beta and neutron..

the metal has been exposed to cosmic radiation since the only place you can get neutron is a nuclear reactor or out in space.

readings where low but they where above normal back ground readings and we use bubble chambers for the test and the latest gamma beta neutron equipment available now..

the operator at san diego said its hard telling how much has decayed out of it already...

it will be in the DVD documentary that we have done now..

just have to add this bit of information to the video...our producer will be here over the holidays to pick up the edited tape i just finished..

we crashed the IEEE nuclear science symposium and had access to all kinds of super high end detection equipment all set up..

they couldnt wait to test a of piece of a meteorite or what ever this is... we forgot to mention the UFO that it came from...

found 2 more elements also... brings the total to 32 now.

lets just say these boys where impressed by the metal...

just more to add to the already pile of evidence saying bob white saw a extraterrestrial vehical of some sort and this came from it.
