Jeff while I find you to be a very intelligent poster I'm afraid I can't go with ya here. I have had (on more than one occassion) knowledge from a dream and even a vision on one occassion where I did "know" without any real physical assistance about events. Now, I can't call it up on cue and I'm not a fortune teller. But, as I've said time and time again it only takes "one" white crow to prove they are not all black. So, while I'm not going to my local physic for advice I cringe when I hear people make statements about something being possible or impossible that they have never experienced. I was raised in a very religious enviroment. My expereince in life (not a skeptic or a guru) led me to doubt and then finally to reject the "dogma" I was raised with. I also studied and earned a Degree and was around both athiest and religious folks. My expereince in life has shown me that reductionism is false.
Just sayin.
Tyder, it's okay if we agree to disagree and I'm very fine with that, however I think I do need to clarify my position somewhat. I've heard that psychic ability (abilities and experiences based on psi, a parapsychological term) described as an ability that people possess to nth degree. Some people have it, others don't.
A supporting anecdote; my mom took up piano lessons at the age of 56 but after 3 years of trying to play she could never play well...ever. Don't tell her I typed this but she was always very bad at playing even though she tried very hard for long hours. Of course we know that there are prodigies that play the piano very well, without a single lesson. I view psychic ability along those same lines; some people are naturally born with it and others, well...not. Like any prodigy in a skill or talent, however, I believe that those who possess psychic ability are extremely rare and may even go through their lives without ever discovering or recognizing their abilities.
Yes, it's true that I do believe
some, very rare, people possess psychic ability, and do receive input from extrasensory perception of their surroundings, but like the cumulative reports of UFO phenomena, (of which 3 to 5% remain unexplained after thorough scrutiny), I believe that approximately 3 to 5% of people
claiming to have psychic abilities actually
have psychic abilities. All the rest, including the grand majority of those that make their living via psychic....stuff.... are working off of luck, cold readings, or down-right fraud. I also stick to my statement that there are people out there who don't have a stitch of psychic ability, and most likely never will, myself included in that. Then again, tyder, I do respect your opinion that all of us human beings may have such an ability, I'm just not holding my breath until I develop my "inner psychic."