Paranormal Adept
I happened to be thinking of some of my journey in the world of the "esoteric" and thought I would share something that happened to me back in the 80's. I was starting to read some material on the concept of reincarnation. Now, I was pretty much an evangelical Christian up to that point. Raised in the bible belt and "The Church."
Anyway, due to some old memories from my childhood and a certain memory that seemed to belong to an "older" me
I found myself considering a concept that just could not be "true." I read some debunkers such as James Randi. I read some Christian debunking of reincarnation to go along with it. Including a guy whose name I can't pull up right now. The funny thing is he was a evangelical writer who absolutely hated anything that smacked of the "supernatural." I'm talking even the Christian Charasmatic movement and the pentacostal movement as well as the "new age" and "occult" stuff of the so called secular world. This dude was a dead ringer for James Randi. I'm not kiddin it's like he had a "Christian" twin. They even shared many of the same beliefs as far as the paranormal except one was very religious and one was very religous in his none religion.
This guy even gave Randi as a "good starting point" to debunk the "lies of the new age." Anyway, even with all my reading I decided to attend a reincarnation seminar that A.R.E. (The Edgar Cayce folks) were putting on in Montgomery, Alabama. I'm from North Alabama so it was a couple of hours drive for me but off I went. Hoping all the way that I wasn't being decieved and led down the wrong path. Anyway, once I got there I had some really different vibes. A young lady walks up to me and I promise this actually happened. I thought "She was a warrior in her last life." She actually says to me "I was a warrior in my last life." We start talking and it turns out she is the wife of a very,very skeptical member of the staff at Auburn University. He had agreed for her to have her little "wild hair" by going to Montgomery but he was not there. He also told her that she could not talk about it around the other faculty spouces once she got back. So, I guess I wasn't the only one feeling a little guilty. Anyway, just one of the "stops" I have made in my journey around the "Twilight Zone" of the human journey.