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Remote Viewing 9/11 - Farsight Institute

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Charlie Prime

Paranormal Adept
Yesterday I heard an interview with Dr. Courtney Brown promoting his new DVD where he claims his Remote Viewers saw stuff that debunks the official story of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.

If anyone has seen this DVD, please give us your impressions.

I've listened to many interviews with the guy over the years. I don't find him credible. His sales pitch is too keen. He often says things in ways I perceive as deceptive. Every time I looked at what is presented as evidence of Remote Viewing's efficacy, I was unconvinced. It reminded me of Cold Reading, with a thick coat of scientifical word salad slathered over it.

If you've seen this video, was it convincing, or sketchy?

Here's the webpage for the video:

The Farsight Institute | Mysteries Project

Here's the trailer:

I haven't seen the video, but I did read Dr. Brown's book, Cosmic Journeys, or something like that. In the book, he claims to remote view, God, Jesus, Buddha, Guru Dev, alien abductions in progress and a race of displaced Martians living underground somewhere here in the US.

Now, maybe that doesn't sound that crazy to you. Personally, I'd take anything that guy says with a giant boulder of salt.
I was one of the two participant remote viewers on this project - maybe I can help with your questions?

Very cool! Thanks for posting.

It would be unfair of me to critique the video without having seen it.

That being said, a good test of the efficacy for this remote viewing project would be if you guys found information that has not already been supposed by 9/11 researchers. In the audio interviews with Dr. Brown I did not hear him give any new, unsupposed information.

Did you "view" any new information about 9/11?
I was one of the two participant remote viewers on this project - maybe I can help with your questions?

It's very good to see you joining this discussion and offering to answer questions about Courtney Brown and about remote viewing in general. This is an excellent opportunity for members of this forum to learn more about various successful applications of remote viewing. I have not trained in RV but I have read a number of books and articles about it and most of Ingo Swann's website. His theory of superpowers of the biomind seems to me to be sound and borne out in his own and others' experiences, including the experiences of the gifted mediums tested by the SPR and other research organizations. In my opinion there is considerable veridical evidence that psychic capabilities including trained remote viewing work successfully in a variety of situations. The one question I would ask you at this point is whether anyone is making efforts to work with Ingo's relatives in publishing in book form some or all of his unpublished writings now accessible only on the web. Thanks.
Did you "view" any new information about 9/11?
First, when I participate in projects I do so BLIND - meaning both the viewers has no information what-so-ever on the project upfront or during the project. Now back to the data i supplied, was it new, I guess it depends on how informed you are on the events. we both independently describe:
objects in flight hitting structures causing catastrophic dames
structures being blown-up form placed explosives form the inside (probably the WTC7 target)
i sketch and describe in detail 3-4 small covert groups that infiltrate a building and set explosives from the ground up
we both describe in detail the make-up of explosive events and how the fingerprint and clues are in the very small particle matter/debris
we both describe a core group of 12 high-up individuals who plan and control the events
we both describe an object we describe as a missile that hits a structure (on the pentagon target)
and much more.

All the best...
The one question I would ask you at this point is whether anyone is making efforts to work with Ingo's relatives in publishing in book form some or all of his unpublished writings now accessible only on the web. Thanks.

Yes, currently I republish Ingo's (past) articles in my FREE remote viewing magazine eight martinis (www.eightmartinis.com).
And the family have started to republish Ingo's books - Penetration, his most controversial has just been republished in ebook format on Amazon and other places.

All the best..
Yes, currently I republish Ingo's (past) articles in my FREE remote viewing magazine eight martinis (www.eightmartinis.com).
And the family have started to republish Ingo's books - Penetration, his most controversial has just been republished in ebook format on Amazon and other places.

All the best..
saw the site, is it just news magazine or do you TRAIN remote viewers too
we both describe an object we describe as a missile that hits a structure (on the pentagon target)
Geewiz, what happened to the plane and all the passengers that died at the Pentagon??? Frack, anyone that studies the Pentagon missile "insanity" in a serious manner finds this Crack Pot Shit just insane! You're full of it. Bullocks! This is an insult to America, and it's an insult to those innocent people [and their families] that perished in that plane that impacted the Pentagon.
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