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Uh, it looks like this thread has been hijacked, but here's my take on remote viewing...and psychic abilities as well.


If something does not have practical applications it falls to the way side. It may take thousands of dollars and years for people to realize that 'something' does not have practical applications and is a waste of time and money, but eventually this is what has happened with Remote viewing.


If, and this is a big if, remote viewing were real, why have we not found Osama bin Ladin? Where's the weapons of mass destruction? Why did it take us so long to find Sadam?  Where is the application? If remote viewing cannot be used to save lives (of whatever country the viewer owes allegence to) then it is worthless.


That's why we don't hear about remote viewing. That's why the government dropped it. That's why it's not mentioned with any air of seriousness. It doesn't work. Period.


My very educated opinion.
