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Reptoids built Noah's Ark

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Robert Baird

Paranormal Maven
Noah's Ark - Alien?
In this detailed analysis of the possible remains of Noah's Ark which you have probably seen on TV, we have many lies or errors of stupidity brought about by belief our ancestors were as stupid as these people are.

They say the Golden Ration was not know about 5100 years ago. How did Pythagoras learn about it when studying the Great Pyramid?

I enjoyed seeing the anchor stones which are related to mooring stones and pot holes ground into rock to moor ships in many places.

They admit the government was helping them and they say the government stopped because it was too advanced for our ancestors to have built. I have seen where the government thought it was a hoax.

So their argument would be stupid people talked to a god and built an ark to house all the life forms or representatives thereof - hmmm? Then the aliens who travelled numerous light years in technology we still don't have (We need shield technology to get to Mars safely.) might have helped grind holes in rocks rather than using ultrasound or lasers such as the sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid (which never had any human interred) must have had according to Dunn and others. And these same people did not know how to smelt iron or other anchors? Research Dolni Vestonici to see alloying metals would have been known 30,000 years ago. Yes, they say the aliens left this knowledge and get a whole lot wrong about time-lines including when language existed on Earth and what alphabet is oldest etc. Cuneiform and hieroglyphics are not languages as much as they are tally systems. They seem to think it is probative and important to note all the cults who accept the myths of Ur or Abrahamic misogynists are similarly believers. Of course, they all follow the same scripture - they are the same reptoid evil spreading cult. They are promoting more apocalyptic fears.


"The Great Flood and Noah's Ark legend is common to the Christian, Jewish and Moslem religions. But as often occurs with religious beliefs, few have analyzed the Ark's nautical restrictions. Instead, a common belief exists that it was a simple rectangular vessel built by a single man and his extended family. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Ark's relic has been found (and re-found time and again) in the mountains of Ararat. Matching biblical parameters, it was 64% longer than any modern wooden vessel and had an (unloaded) displacement greater than that of a modern British aircraft carrier.

Government (Los Alamos) personal, once helpful with tests and measurements of it, no longer believe this relic to be Noah's Ark. No wonder, it clearly shows that it was NOT built by humans ~5200 years ago. It offers details of alien engineering principles involving the Golden Ratio. Its metallurgy shows ironwork not even possible until ~3200 years ago as well as the presence of other metals (e.g. titanium and aluminum) that would have been difficult to fabricate even in the early twentieth century. The Book of Noah explicitly specifies that "angels" (with extensive metallurgical skills) built the Ark. They were likely the Nommos, an amphibian species reportedly from the Sirius star system. They left mankind with cuneiform writing and the wheeled vehicle (alien technology of that day). They offered us astronomical knowledge of their own and our solar system (including Vulcan) and evidence of a past major comet/meteorite Earth impact. Finally, they appear to have left repositories of technologies far more advanced than our own. Their story tells of an alien species' attempt to save a deceitful mankind from an approaching comet impact catastrophe that caused Noah's Great Flood."