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Paranormal Novice
Oh God no.
Your show is about two old men who think they are the experts in the UFO community (an oxymoron) and like to complain a lot. A LOT! How annoying! To top it off, all they want to do is debunk everything and everyone. Also annoying! What? You don't believe me? Listen to your own podcasts.
I got and idea.....when you are ready to stop your complaining, stop debunking everything, provide your listners with UFO information and allow the listners to make up their own mind,...let me know. I would be glad to return.


----- Original Message -----
From: "The Paracast Community Forums" <"The ParacastCommunityForums"@mta25.lycos.com>
Sent: Friday, July 9, 2010 12:31:57 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: peter! We miss you at The Paracast Community Forums!
Hello, peter!
We've noticed that you've not been active on The Paracast Community Forums for quite some time now, and we miss you!

Could we not tempt you back?
If you don't remember your password, you can request it here: https://www.theparacast.com/forum/login.php?do=lostpw
We hope to see you soon.
Kindest Regards
The Paracast Community Forums
To stop receiving this email, visit this URL: https://www.theparacast.com/forum/misc.php?do=unsub&u=114
I'm sorry but it would help if you actually listened to The Paracast and not a caricature of what we really do.

We do not debunk everything. We debunk that which should be debunked, and we debate lots of issues where there are different points of view.

Yes, I have listened to our shows. Clearly you have maybe heard a few and have distorted the content of the rest. Besides, we have never, ever, claimed to be expert UFO researchers. Not ever.

So here's your homework assignment: Listen to the last four episodes, starting with tonight's, and tell me where what you actually hear fits with your distorted view of what we do.
That's nice, Peter. I've listened to many of the shows from the very beginning and didn't get the impression the hosts were on a debunkery mission.

David B. (and perhaps others) seemed to have a lot of emotional energy invested (being a very sincere "experiencer") in the beginning, so I cut him some slack. Art Bell was known to go on rants from time to time when he had something to share or add--overall I think the current hosts should be mindful of the listener impact of ranting--its like salt or cajun seasoning: a little goes a long way.

"Chomping at the bit" isn't necessarily a good quality for a listener to hear in an interviewer. I have more respect for a host that lets the interviewee either support or hang themselves with their own rope. Certainly I think that some of the hosts have performed this role admirably from time to time--other times I think they've probably lost their composure.

Overall I am very pleased with the results and have listened to some of their shows not once--but several times.

The problem, as Gene and others have stated, is the catch-22 of either allowing known BS artists a huge platform (which would tick a certain group off) or giving everyone a "3rd Degree" (which would tick off the ardent supporters of the guest). Bottom line: they aren't going to please everyone.
Gene that may be the classiest response to a snide remark I've ever heard. Certainly up there. Maybe some of the rest of us (including me and some host and mods and posters) could learn from your example.
Aren't you free to make up your own mind anyway despite what you hear??

Would you prefer something like this, .."Lloyd Pye says he has some genetic evidence that says his skull is that of an alien hybrid and Jim Sparks says he is a real abductee even though he now conveniently counsels similar abductees for a pretty penny.... we don't want to question these claims by upsetting anyone, .... so just make your own mind folks!"
Aren't you free to make up your own mind anyway despite what you hear??

Would you prefer something like this, .."Lloyd Pye says he has some genetic evidence that says his skull is that of an alien hybrid and Jim Sparks says he is a real abductee even though he now conveniently counsels similar abductees for a pretty penny.... we don't want to question these claims by upsetting anyone, .... so just make your own mind folks!"

I think when someone falsifies what we're about, they deserve the appropriate response. I've also sent a copy via email in case this was meant as a hit and run job. :)
This guy has posted twince since 2006, both are attacks on the Paracast and its hosts. It is obvious to me he doesn't listen any longer as he seems oblivious to the current host/cohost situation. Thus, he is banned.
This guy has posted twince since 2006, both are attacks on the Paracast and its hosts. It is obvious to me he doesn't listen any longer as he seems oblivious to the current host/cohost situation. Thus, he is banned.

Or he's never listened at all, which is more probable.

---------- Post added at 02:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 PM ----------

Just a followup: I got a response from "Peter." He claims to have listened to the show for six months, and that all he thinks we did was debunk UFOs. Evidently he didn't listen too carefully. Oh well.

In any case, he did promise to listen to our newest episode, but I see little indication it will give him a dose of reality.
Or he's never listened at all, which is more probable.

---------- Post added at 02:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 PM ----------

Just a followup: I got a response from "Peter." He claims to have listened to the show for six months, and that all he thinks we did was debunk UFOs. Evidently he didn't listen too carefully. Oh well.

In any case, he did promise to listen to our newest episode, but I see little indication it will give him a dose of reality.

I think his real points\feelings are lost in exaggeration. A dose of reality might help, or he might actually give us a dose of his qualitative reality--unfortunately his "reality" seems buried under trollish exaggerations.

I've been guilty of exaggerating for various reasons:

(1) To get the attention of someone who may be a bit thick (in the head)
(2) To make a point
(3) Theatrics, antics...
(4) Pure trolling

Rarely have I (ever) believed in my own exaggerations.
My response from him this evening: "Wow! You sure debunked me. Goodbye. And please remove me from your mailing list."

Caught him dead to rights. :D
This thread made me actually laugh out loud. I was under the impression those emails about "We want you back..." to the Paracast were auto generated for people who've not signed onto the forums in a while. I get the same ones for Technight Owl. I think it's astoundingly funny that someone felt compelled to actually come onto the forums and respond to the email. Some one has way too much time.