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REUTERS News Service

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You would think that something as significant as allegations of compromised nuclear weapons would cause quite a stir in the media. Unfortunately, I'm thinking it is going to get swept under the rug and ignored. Let's see what kind of legs this story grows.
You would think that something as significant as allegations of compromised nuclear weapons would cause quite a stir in the media. Unfortunately, I'm thinking it is going to get swept under the rug and ignored. Let's see what kind of legs this story grows.

News has a short memory. Hopefully, Leslie Kean's recent success in the media will give the Hastings team a similar flourish? She generated a lot of interest and that might be enough for them to give him a fair shot too. Time will tell.
We live in interesting times there does seem to be more willingness among the media to entertain the UFO subject. Also the Vatican is openly discussing the possibility of intelligent life outside our World, and lot of countries have released UFO files to the public. There is an easing of barriers against the subject of UFO's that I personally find curious and hope it continues. Anyway Hastings has attracted good publicity here so long may it continue.
I don't recognize all the people on the list. Are there any new first hand witnesses that are going to offer up something new?? I know Salas and others have already told their story many times even at the NPC.
I know Salas and others have already told their story many times even at the NPC.

You're right. There have been several NPC events about UFOs that just don't seem to go anywhere. What you would need it seems is an active duty military officer getting up there and saying, "UFOs are real and they are a problem we need to address." before anyone really pays attention.
I agree I don't expect the news to budge much on this. I guess Salas article is #4 on the most read articles on Reuters, maybe we can make it most read.

But yes the National Press Club events are becoming the norm now and the never seem to go anywhere.