There's an old saying ... Two wrongs don't make a right. Are the consequences also unfair? Who said life is fair? If you're not prepared to deal with the consequences, then don't break the rules.
Its not about fair from where I stand it is about what is happening.
And if it were just about right or wrong and break the rules then pay the price then the cartoon above would not be such a stark reality.
I have no problem with those who work hard for their money and success because that is to be applauded, and overall these sorts of people tend to put back into the community etc.
No my problem is with those that would seek to take every thing they can by any means they can caring not for the lives destroyed as long as they can have all the money they want at the expense of everyone else. No life is not fair but in the case of the bankers the deck is well stacked in their favor (in fact they own the deck).
Face it the vast amount of traders and bankers are little more than parasites when you get down to how they actually make money but I digress.
These people care not if they break laws, hell they are the people writing the laws these days by proxy.
So two wrongs don't make a right? sure but really it is a matter of degree of scale ... young guy punks a corp.. or banking corp steal's along with other ones the collective wealth of the western world by questionable moral means then sticks their collective hands out for the public to pay their party tab, while the mainstream media plays along with this to cast a positive light on why those that caused the collapse should be the ones to be bailed out of it (hey got to help their pay masters).
So we get to this young guy in the video, should he have done what he did? No in fact he should not have and I am a former anon saying that.
But should he be looking at many years in prison and a massive fine the combination of which will more or less destroy his life.. all for what? well for what amounts to spray painting an anarchy sign on the fount door of a building.
On the other hand we have high powered bankers and traders that have stolen billions from the people of this world that get ... wait for it ... a bonus, a bale out, and prison time of none.
Two wrongs don't make a right... yeah for sure.... but which act has caused more pain, suffering, suicide, and general destruction? punking a website? of fucking the world over?
Your choice.