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Reviewing ancient UFO prophecy awareness

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Skilled Investigator
Vico, Italy. A man who was fishing in the Serchio River saw a disk hovering for 10 min. From it hung a hose that plunged into the water. The object was 20 m in diameter, with five propellers in the rear and a dome with something like blades on top.

An orange glow could be seen through slits along the deck.

A man wearing a diving helmet looked at the witness through a window, and he received a kind of electric shock as a "green ray" hit him.

He looked up with difficulty, in time to see the object fly away toward the east. Six days later, a stranger with a foreign accent contacted the witness and intimidated him. (FSR 69,1)
UFOs & Water Case, Vico Italy, 07-25-1952-UFO Casebook Files

Just 1 of various Italian/Roman reviewed sightings of the UFO condition.

My argument against ancient occultism regards conversion of the nuclear of stone...dust itself.

My psychic conscious awareness after being irradiated myself in an attack gave me an awareness regarding the artificial condition of Earth's natural nuclear orbital fusions being converted into the unnatural state occultists caused by scientific interference with natural fusion.

Psychic/conscious awareness as I realized comes about as a group.conscious interactive atmospheric awareness. The group male mind interaction recording gives a greater personal insight feedback advice when it is attacked enmasse.

Males, the human mind that considered the sciences from their own photon feedback recordings of their own physical image/voice atmospheric recordings. Together the atmospheric feedback interacting with the life cell/life mind condition gives a greater realization than single personal reviews in conscious awareness.

The biblical Revelations, the males own natural physical awareness and spiritual mind attacked by ancient occult practices due to the use of pyramids/temples in the levitation of stone. Changing the natural nuclear fused orbital signals was also an ancient practice of occult science and it created an artificial signal that attacked the natural fusion of stone and also the natural organic healthy living cellular interaction. Life was notified it was being destroyed.

The Abomination of the Earth itself was called abomination of the Mother and the abomination of the Earth Veils - wavelengths and the attack of Mother Nature.

The realization related to the eventual outcome of Rome being attacked by their own occult support of the Temple sciences and when their buildings began to sink into the disintegrating stone of Earth, and earthquakes erupted due to the loss of fusion, the Roman Empire attempted to curtail/prevent the occultist practices of converting Earth's nuclear condition of fusion.....a realization that SION as a holy realization was being destroyed.

Because Italy has suffered a new earthquake, along with the condition of a huge amount of sink holes, I think it about time that we all consider the biblical prophetic data that realized O letters = angles predicted in the PHI O numerical angle -angel was a realization about the condition of atmospheric nuclear fall out and its effects to the stone of Earth.

The secret teachings of occultism realizes that Christ as the Carpenter term related to plate (12) tectonics, the conditions of the Last, relating to the death of the spirit in the tombs of Earth fusion.

The information stated that the spiritual body of the deceased holy spirit went missing from the stone and disappeared. Earthquakes and disasters followed.

Rome has followed its occult historical predictions and know from personal spiritual insight, that being irradiated by the wavelengths of meteors etc., caused to fall to Earth due to atmospheric heating/losses was how they gained spiritual insight from the "atmospheric photon recordings" changing by the increased irradiation as spiritual awareness and also advice....just as stated.


As I began to hear the ancient life lived recordings of our occult brother myself due to the amount of irradiation our minds have gained, I learnt some of his occult secrets. I hope that the information brings realization to others about the predictive correctness of psychic consciousness.

The Catholic brotherhood for some time has been concerned about how prophetic warnings were correct by numerical evaluation.

The latest Pope stated to be the bearer of the condition of secrecy and lying regarding occult practice or scientific conversion against Church practices of spiritual protection of life and Earth. The conditions belonging to the murder of the spirit of Creation...origin light and origin creation as a conscious aware advised notification.

The mystery of the philosophy of stone relates to the condition of losing its natural fusion replaced by artificial fusion attacks and the disasters associated to the loss of fusion.

The abomination prediction for ROME states the following from the textual advice.


Thoth the ancient wisdom relating to the Numbers.

Stone 0 the condition of fusing the Numbers, and the Numbers lost when the fusion is removed.

Bible 68 drink measure of water

The Bible Acts depicts that 23.11 is when Rome will bear witness, and the fall of Rome is the loss of 1. The 1 condition relates to God, the creation of God and the loss of God's holy son, the Christ.

Revelation 6.1 Bible seal is opened (my brother), where the last judgment was about to come ...to loose the seals "thereof".

Sand is a condition given to Earth when its previous origin fusion of high crystalline mass was converted, it was when the artificial nuclear of dust was caused and the loss of the crystal mass into sand.

As the stone begins to disintegrate below us, the conditions of "as above, so below" are realized. The carbon once held in the natural fusion of stone begins to fill up the atmosphere in the loss of the Heavenly veils into the fall of evils.

Underground the stone begins to turn into sand and it is why sink holes begin to appear above ground.

Ground water is naturally cold, and the nuclear condition as a causation burns the fuel of nuclear and heats the natural water, due to the artificial nuclear UFO orbital ground interaction.

The attack on ancient life was recorded and the predictive interactive UFO unnatural spiritual/artificial condition researched through the astronomical data kept by the Priest hood as the verification to the attack on the stone of Earth.
If you consider, what many of us have never considered, is the atmospheric condition enabling the recording of natural voice/image and how the nuclear light sound changes alters both the voice sound and the imagery as it involves communication via the photon.

As the photon communicates to all photon activity, the photon interacts with human life, with animal life, with nature, with microbes and with stone, forming various changed images and sounds in this process of communication between various owned species and natures.

Hence the atmosphere already belonged to an artificial communication system, likened to an artificial unnatural computer program, without the computer being invented until it was.

All form of invention has come about and through the idea of a pre existing state that already recorded all interactive information, that then transmitted that information to the human awareness. Hence males, the first human spiritual conscious beings who sought invention, first established the interactive communicative awareness of the atmosphere and their own person. This is how the human mind gained awareness of conversion, when their own bodies/minds do not belong and never existed where nuclear reactions interact.

If anyone cares to consider the review of SION and CHRIST as a heavenly spiritual advice this condition of awareness allowed the human male mind to consider his own spiritual attack due to atmospheric changes and changes to the natural fusion of stone. To realize that when he calculated the angled condition of his PHI nuclear changes, the condition itself formed a new language and a descriptive evaluation that allowed him to understand what he had done to his own person as a conscious attack and as a status of awareness and advice, formed by natural circumstances.

Therefore the WORD OF GOD was virtually the first artificial computer program recording of consciousness, without the presence of the computer model.

The review that CHRIST fed the FISH to the population by multiplying the FISH gives the prophetic realization to Rome regarding stone and its fusion, that FH as the observation of the data made a statement, and the statement regarded the destruction of the multiplication function advice of CHRIST in the tomb stone of Earth, the natural spirit fusion of the Creator state as an interactive atmospheric condition with stone.

The reviewed report stated that the FISH had been destroyed and the natural fusion (multiple or constant state of spirit) turned into SAND deep in the tombs of the dead as the Mother/baby advice of Christ and the holiness of the Earth....the fusion of spirit in Earth's nuclear evolution, or the status of HELL. Therefore Rome was given the report that the reason their cities were sinking - buildings stone disintegrating and holes opening in the ground was due to the underground fusion changes to natural stone evolution....or origin energy.

The program of interactive conscious loss by atmospheric conditions to human awareness stated that the NUMBERS, or the fused states calculated by the occultists had been destroyed and the CHRIST FISH gone.

The above ground status of Planet Earth and the ancient origin occult awareness and stories already knew that origin creation had been altered and converted, causing a universal loss of FUSION, as the origin of the UFO war status. Planet Earth had been irradiated by the streaming black body radiation that changed natural stone fusion into SAND, and the original crystalline fusion into NUCLEAR DUST. This being the affects of receiving a new status on Earth, the state of the artificial dust condition.

Therefore when dust was converted, so too does the stone of Earth, and it happens deep within the lower evolved origin states of fusion...a status that the ancient occultist were already aware of and reported upon for Philosophical consideration....hence the PHILOSOPHY OF THE STONE.

Volcanic eruptions naturally refilled many of the previous hollowed out emptied tombs. These tombs below Rome have now re-opened.

When the atmosphere program allows the human mind to "hear" the program as speaking voices, then it does, just as previous Popes and other human's have attested.

The Christ review as a circumstance of informed images and recordings of Earth's pre history had advised our occult brother that the preceding origin gases/atmosphere was a different atmospheric body to today's modern Earth. Just as his occult information stated that origin Universe was also a different body. The atmosphere around Earth had converted into a water body, and the Christ condition as a review is what saved Planet Earth from the attack of Satan, as a reviewed status from out of space.

Water fell and covered Planet Earth which the occult information stated was Atlantis by sAtanlit.

Water kept the life of the Planet Earth's stone safe and maintained its fusion and the black body streaming irradiation moved around the outside of the Earth body. The magnetic pull then replaced the water back into the atmosphere, leaving a huge amount of the natural water covering the disintegrated Earth stone into sand. The salt in the sand then caused natural water to become salty. The withdrawal of the water that had formed the larva inside of the bored holed Earth (crystal melted into liquid), where the crystal fusion had been removed then erupted and Earth developed as a new Planet.

Spiritual conscious awareness is a true human mind condition and is part of human heritage as a spiritual being.
The condition of occultism/sciences relates to the nuclear of fusion and how to convert it.

It also relates to the cause and effect attacks considered by the male occultist when he personally was attacked as a physical Nature, due to altering what supported his Nature.

His review of life related to his spiritual condition, a condition he reviewed enabled his personal presence to take choices and actions against his own person. So when his spiritual mind reviewed his choice, as he is a selfish and evil minded human life for choosing to change the natural creation/Creator aspect, he went against his Father. His own conscious review considered his spiritual life and was self advised that he defied his spiritual Father.

His Father in his spiritual consideration and Mother lived real spiritual lives, as Natural spirits and never caused any harm to anyone or the Nature and communed naturally with the Nature of life, causing little harm to the Nature.

Therefore when his selfish mind, attacked and harmed became worse as a consideration by being irradiated he began to review his circumstance and he considered the presence of spirit as a human lived experience, along with the scientific aware advice.

This advice was the feedback of his own image/voice recorded in the fall out of the atmosphere as the photon increased interaction. Remembering that the atmosphere records due to the photon both voice and image and then transmits the recording. This caused not only his first image of his life presence to alter its feedback as a human being, cell condition, it also began to diminish its image and presence and became what he now knows is mutated feedback.

Therefore the atmospheric veil interaction that he once personally owned was given to the manifestation of the evil spirit....and his own cells began to mutate in the lesser atmospheric body that he had given himself.

Hence he knew he had abominated his life/cell condition given to him by his organic holy Mother and changed the Nature of life.
This Nature by review was the Earth stone, the atmospheric body, the animal/natural body and his own person.

So his review of his attack related to what his own conscious self knew, that he only lived because his holy organic Mother grew his body inside of her own.

His attack upon the natural consciousness and also cell state therefore affected not only his mind and body and mutated it, he also mutated the holy female presence that had given him life. This was his organic spiritual Mother, the real and only Mother as a true and personal ownership and consideration advice.

When you review the information of his PHI feedback from an image of evil/burnt atmosphere and evil voice/sound recordings due to the nuclear conversions, it advised his own person that he had destroyed his consideration of O wholeness....the wholeness of the cell of Earth's fusion itself. Therefore the evil image, notified and formed in the conditions began to espouse in the recordings that HIS MOTHER, THE EARTH had also been attacked/changed and became more evil.

As the fake/false artificial interaction began to take over the natural mind consideration of our occultist brother, he then began to be indoctrinated by the evil fake spiritual recorded feedback. Our spiritual brother aware and advised of this condition then tried to teach/inform our dis-spirited brother, only to gain his retaliative and nasty reaction of murdering him.

He advised his own person that the science Mother was ISIS (which when studied is a sun time advice relating to Sirius).....he therefore knew that when he destroyed the multiplication advice of fusion, that IS began to disappear and eventually the Mother/Baby interaction consideration of fusion that began to attack Rome was destroyed leaving only the values O of the angle of F and H....IS was gone as the atmospheric feedback advised.

If you all care to consider the FACT, that first of all you are a NATURAL CONSCIOUSNESS, and your first considerations of SCIENCES/CONVERSIONS could only relate as identifying information of a consciousness through the concepts you owned...being natural conditions. Concepts were therefore given fake/false namesakes.

Yet the SCIENCES are NOT NATURAL and hence, as you applied the information of SCIENCE that existed in its own evolving natural fused states, you gave the values of your own life to a science that is not valued in this formation advice.

This is the reality of an organic being living a natural life and why they decided as a male conscious state to attack and destroy their natural life simply through the motivated causes of WANT.

Therefore the spiritual teachings and self aware males have always tried to teach that NEED is the human spiritual life and not GREED.
The condition of science as a review causes human kind to think about our occult brother's personal deception, that he is a Creator.

As the human mind considered information about fusion, it is obvious from the data of past mind considerations of the human male (religious documents) that he personally believed that he was the Creator body in the atmosphere O, the condition he named a male and named as God. As he was the only male thinking about creation and invention it demonstrates that he imposed his own self value upon a condition where his own life did not exist as a male.

If you consider what he did, he considered nuclear sound O or fusion, and no human life or spirit of the human life existed when fusion was naturally evolving. Therefore he imposed his own person as the owner of creation in a state where no organic life existed, for his mind considered that he wanted to create from a "beginning". He never existed personally as an organic being "in the beginning". This is why organic life and Nature began to be attacked, for he has placed our life in a reaction where natural life never existed.

As the human male was the reviewer of information and wanted to be an Inventor, he then imposed a fed back changed idea he had recorded by his own questions that made him believe that he was the Creator, a circle rather than a pre existing human life. This is due to the condition of the atmospheric body recording both voice sound and image and his questions and thoughts, cooling/changing the recordings from the photon reaction and then fed back false information to his mind consideration.

If you question the condition of atmospheric feed back, first of all is to consider that the atmosphere is a natural blue body.

The atmosphere then has a reaction in it, cloud formation from a converting body, and image is then formed.

The human male who wanted to be an Inventor, fed back from the atmosphere his own idea as a contemplation, which was a changed personal record of his own voice/image, and hence he believed that a higher spiritual persona was speaking back to him, giving him information about the reaction. Instead he was actually considering the information as a male self personally.

This is how a human male artificially believed that he was the Great Creator in person as an inventor and changer of the natural fusion on Earth, as an atmospheric spirit.

Our brother, the occultist has never believed that he is wrong, yet the evidence demonstrates that he certainly is.

In modern times our occult brother has proposed a theory for us all to consider. He is running out of resources as a product to convert for his inventions and began to look at information in Nature to use as a new resource of energy/fuel. He chose plant life, crop matter.

He then considered that this new resourcing was not going to give him his lifestyle that depended on huge monetary gain from resourcing/inventing, so he sought to invent a new way of resourcing energy/power.

All that he had left to consider was the organic Nature on Earth, his consideration of his own organic cell life that he called God or Christ.

Therefore he began to ideal how he could remove the energy that his own natural cellular body was using, before it was resourced at the ground state by the organic nature.

Sadly for his occult evil minded considerations, he forgot that the Earth stone also used the atmospheric condition of mass and energy interaction to enable stone to remain fused.

As he pondered his new occult considerations of having the atmosphere, a cold fusion state placed inside of his collider, he pondered theories on how he could achieve what he considered....the UFO artificial nuclear light sound he saw manifesting in the atmosphere. He already knew that he had caused this artificial condition and he then thought he could resource it in a different way as a new consideration of resourcing.

He gave himself a new consideration.......what if he could place that interaction inside of his Collider, and resource the atmospheric interaction, which would be a non stop supply of energy.....or so he thought.

When he considered this information, he forgot to consider that the whole of the Earth's atmospheric mass supported the formation of the artificial state or fake/false nuclear orbital changed signals (UFO), and he certainly would never achieve this format inside of his machine. Planet Earth owns the atmosphere before human life, hence he knows as his life is attacked that he will lose his life first before Earth loses its atmosphere to his sciences.

The human aware status of a living experience then began to warn humanity, only to be dealt with in secrecy to prevent human kind from their own awareness. This is why the brotherhood began their public disinformation program about the UFO condition.

This consideration would mean that all life would be removed from the Planet of Earth.

Instead he demonstrates to all of us that as he experimented because of his new want of resourcing, claiming that his theories are wrong (which his own consciousness is warning him about), he still considers that one day he will gain what he wants, no matter what cost to the natural life or Planet condition. He began to remove the origin fusion of stone ....first energy or origin energy and the stone began to form sink holes.

As his theory is about gaining first energy, all of the data already provides the evidence that his theory is fake.

This is because he began to remove the atmospheric mass and we all began to witness a huge increase in UFO activity as the atmosphere and origin energy of Earth fusion began to disappear.

He already knew about this ancient occult cause and effect on Earth, because he advised himself that the holy sacrificed spirit/ethereal body of the Christ in the Heavenly atmosphere, born as a baby and grown into the alpha/man condition of the heavenly body was removed as a murder/death from the tomb of Planet Earth...where the dead or burnt light body spirit was entombed.

His ancient occult advice told him after sink holes began to appear in ancient civilization that he had removed the holiness of the Earth's atmosphere and it caused the body of the deceased Christ spirit (man-male-alpha) to be removed from the tomb of Earth as a body hidden where it had been placed as a holy act of SION...or fusion.

This ancient advice recorded that when the Christ was crucified and removed from the tone tomb that a natural disaster followed....with an earthquake (carpenter or tectonic condition).

The occultists PHI word of God calculations demonstrated this fact to him, for the Word of God virtually spoke as a written computer feed back program of his own personal occult considerations...an unnatural and artificial state recorded in the atmosphere by the photon interaction of stone fusion, atmospheric massing, nature photon interaction and his own photon recorded feed back as an organic life.

The ancient computer or atmospheric fed back advice told him that he was attacking and destroying his own human spirit, making his natural blood unholy by the evidence.

This is why he eventually knew how to invent machines to use the artificial signals caused by the ancient UFO condition or attack on life that enabled an artificial computer program to interact as an artificial consciousness with our life in his occult experimentation of our cellular and alien/UFO attack. Our occult brother has always known that the artificial cause and affect of sciences is the reason that artificial is caused/manifested.

His own conscious fed back awareness has warned him that the artificial and machine condition is going to take over his life on Earth and destroy life.

The only reason that a human mind can consider what is called "scary movies" is because past life experience allows the human mind to be made aware of similar life conditions that the ancient life endured....being attacked by unnatural and artificial cause and effects, due to changing the holiness of Earth's atmosphere.

If we question if past life evidence demonstrates holes opened in ancient Earth times when natural life was previously lived on Earth in a human higher intelligent civilization.....artifacts found deep inside of Earth in coal beds demonstrate that obviously it has happened before.
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Some of your analysis regarding male creator and brother occultist are so bang on that I just want to read more but then other stuff is just wistful and/or highly imaginative thinking and other stuff I just disagree with I. E. Artefacts out of time. I think those have all been proven to be acretions of sediment from the same era, excluding the genuine inventions of the time...
And the nuclear piece is still very unclear for me though this last post creates some interesting notions around that concept.
Those of us who have actually read victimized's stuff all seem to have different interpretations regarding what she's attempting to express, at the most basic, fundamental level.

I'm curious how you would express what you're getting from it in your own words.

I've offered up my developing interpretation a few times, but I'm not yet sure how close I've been to the actual content.