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rich dolan - what happened to schuyler's ..

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Paranormal Novice
thread about dolan - something to the effect "it's getting stranger" - where dolan writes a forward in someones book supporting claims that they receive messages from aliens through a Ouija board? and then will give you the message - only after you pay for it.
I abandoned it myself. It got WAY off topic and very repetitive to the point that it wasn't doing anyone any good at all. I support David's decision under the circumstamnces.
thread about dolan - something to the effect "it's getting stranger" - where dolan writes a forward in someones book supporting claims that they receive messages from aliens through a Ouija board? and then will give you the message - only after you pay for it.

In the end it got pretty accusatory regarding other people in the field. It was looking kinda ugly, you wouldn't have wanted to be there :)