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rick dyer retires

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folks what can I say this man is the most offensive man I ever heard blameing every one but himself! even billy mier or the brothers FAKE do not compare to the SCUM that is this man I never ,never seen some one so unrepentant when faced with the END of a hoax.this is why NO ONE takes the field serosly WHY real reseachers like Chris and Don and laughed at. this is why I don't talk about my sighting except on fourms such as this!
you are looking at the man who just may have put the final nail in the coffin of serios reseach...
I was intrigued by Dyer's tent video until I found out he was behind it. He's a hoaxer & a scumbag and how he gets anyone to believe anything is beyond me. I'm glad his latest circus act is over but I won't be surprised when he shows up again.
I heard he was moving to loch Ness, to do abit of fishin, he caught one this big last time.

OK folks this is it the moment we all been waiting for...Rick Dyer released his DvD "after the shot" the DvD sold for $199.00 and claimed to show A REAL BIGFOOT BODY...
I now post the video. I will state that this IS NOT A CHANNEL THAT FUNDS DYER..so click away if you see a real body in this muttled mess then please direct me to it...

Now why am I talking about him? simple..this is the man who is making laughing stocks out of ppl like Chris and Don. this is WHY they languish and have to deal with ridicule and scorn. this man commited FRAUD. there is no question.
so the next time you see some one poking fun at the paranormal you can thank RICK DYER...
I quite enjoyed that vid, it was an insight into him, he has abit of zip/go about him, strange really all that effort of a tour.
He is the kind of guy who could make money legit, good money, and to be fair some people and branch's of the paranormal are only fit to be laughed at, and he did that and got a house out of it.

Bigfootologist's and Bigfootology being 2 of the more obvious, he made the most money at fringe venues, i guess more small town people will pay to be entertained, they havent the 'choice' of 'entertainments' the cities have.
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Please dont discount Sasquatch Ontario. That guy is moving research forward with the stuff he is coming up with. I still can't wrap my head around the audio he has recorded and I know my way around digital audio and know how to fake stuff if I wanted to. This stuff is mind blowing.

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Ok..Dyer recently wrote that he is going to "hunt down and sue the pants off" of those who wrote things harmful to him and his character. Ok.. Rick Dyer is a fraud. He paraded around with a fake bigfoot. He defrauded the public of $60k. He sold a video that promotes to show a dead bigfoot. He changed $199.00 for the DvD. If posting facts about him brings a lawsuit BRING IT