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Robert Salas — An Abductee!

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Why do they always have to be making hybrids? We take semen and eggs from animals that we research. How many panda hybrids have we made? Maybe they're just making more people for their intergalactic zoos. We're probably a pretty endangered species in the cosmos.
maybe on a future paracast we can have david jacobs do a hypno-regression (?) on the whole lot of us and see how many of us report an abdution experience.
No prob. Actually I was abducted not too long ago. They asked me to oblige them with a photo which I did just to show there was no hard feelings.

The big headed guy held me down , the smaller guy did the work but he had a very gentle demeanor and soft hands

and all i got for the experience was a lousy t-shirt, which i am wearing and one of them is pointing to. :)
I see this as a replay of one of this phenomenon's favorite themes: It discredits itself and often does so ( with at tip of hat to Chris) in a seemingly absurd and tricksterish way. Crazy people don't sit in nuclear launch capsules. The incident itself is apparently one of multiple witnesses and well documented. I would say Salas has been regarded as one of the most credible participants in high strangeness UFO events on the recent scene.

So what happened to Salas and when? Perhaps the same thing that has apparently happened to Jim Penniston. Granted, there may always be more to the story. But this one strikes me as typically in line with the way in which the UFO has historically operated.
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Oh crap !

<heads to bunker while credibility crashes with deafening noise>

Makes no sense... unless he ran out of cash or... his pension got cut off. I smell an exchange of a tall tale against a vastly improved pension from the military ;)

Hell I'd do the same thing. Cash is king around here and the years until Mr. Death comes around can be numerous. A few trips to Hawaii under palms and bikinis is the way to go :)

Governments don’t usually let the insane sit on nuclear launch codes. So what’s happened to Mr. Salas? “Close Encounters Research Organization” CERO INTERNATIONAL - Home , may serve as a starting point. Yvonne Smith, founder, specializes in Post traumatic stress disorder, or PSTD, may make for an entertaining show candidate. Her website states that she received her credentials from the California Hypnosis Motivation Institute, and practices regressive hypnotherapy in order to “ameliorate PTSD symptoms.” It appears that she runs a shelter or safe-haven for abductees. It may be of some use to find the two other hypnotherapists who worked with Mr. Salas. Why did he need three?

When Mrs. Salas states that she thought a bluish haze was in the other room during Mr. Salas’s abduction.., lost consciousness and went back to sleep, why didn’t the two of them being husband and wife, discuss this bizarre event the next morning, (in 85’) instead, waiting until 06’?

This is an excerpt from the Open Minds Interview:

“He tried to get Marilyn to help him but she was now unconscious. He saw someone in the doorway that appeared to be wearing a hood and had no discernible face. He next floated off the bed toward the locked bedroom window, which he felt certain they would be unable to unlock. Nevertheless, he went through the window in an upright position and was taken onboard a craft. He was shown a needle, eight to twelve inches in length, which was inserted into one of his testicles in order to collect semen. The pain was excruciating, and when Salas complained to his abductors, the pain suddenly ceased. This was followed by a physical checkup in which his back seemed to be of primary interest. He next remembers moving through a curved hallway and seeing a bright light before suddenly finding himself back in his bed.”

“Someone in the doorway that appeared to be wearing a hood and had no discernible face.”

Seriously, why should ET want to wear a hood?
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