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Roswell compared to 9/11 in this sense is disheartening

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Creepy Green Light

Paranormal Adept
I was thinking the other day, especially after starting Karl Pflock's book, on what a debacle of a mess Roswell is just based on this fact alone;

We were all around for 9/11. Most of us watched it unfold on TV. It was recorded. And yet....one can spend days on the internet reading conspiracy theories or people debating the facts - "It was really 3 planes that crashed into the WTC/I saw a missile launch right before one of the planes hit the WTC/The WTC was detonated with TNT/There was a flying saucer in the background which shot a plasma beam at the WTC/The planes were unmarked/" blah blah blah.

So if something that happened on live TV in modern times and was recorded, but yet with have 300 different versions of what happened, just imagine how much B.S. & bogus information there is out there when we are trying to figure out something that happened in 1947 by interviewing people 30-50+ years after the fact & no video recording etc.

After listening to the Paracast the last 6 years, reading articles & now reading Pflock's book - I'd bet my life that all Roswell was is Mogul & the rest is just bogus, hysterical, erroneous garbage.
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