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But Jacobs _did_heartily suggest on several forums and podcasts that his subject suffered from one, perhaps two, personality disorders. To say this out loud or put it in print in direct association with the person's name...he's implying the link. If he were a health care professional and if someone did take him to court, believe me, he'd be found guilty as hell.

HIPPA was mentioned as a federal standard for protecting patient confidentiality, just as I might mention the benefits of using "the scientific method" when considering whether "hubrids" are actually chasing one across the cornfield or sending one Instant Messages on an AOL account. It's the principle that is paramount. Not whether the subject is a US citizen or not.

The American public is largely unaware of either of these guiding principles that help make actual research valuable to us all. Using such standards, a researcher might reasonably expect that her findings will reveal a new truth or perspective on the material world. But someone who makes up his own rules as he goes along, as Jacobs does, has revealed nothing to us in the end.
