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Russian meteorite question

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Paranormal Novice
Hello everyone. As you can tell I am new to the forum so I apologize ahead of time if this has been discussed/explained.

I am sure everyone on this forum is familiar with the video footage from the meteorite breaking apart over russia. There is a good chance that you all have also heard the theory that something or someone "shot it down" so to speak. I have been made aware that because of the extreme speed of the meteorite, we currently do not have anything that could have done this. However if you watch the videos close up, you can clearly see something come from under the object and pass through it heading up. On some of the better videos you can even see debris from the meteorite explode out of the top.

I am highly skeptical of every video I see online. Not close minded at all, just don't like to get excited about something that will turn out to be BS. So I was wondering if any of you have heard an explanation as to what this could have been?

My money is currently riding on Kal El.
First of all hi there & welcome :)

However if you watch the videos close up, you can clearly see something come from under the object and pass through it heading up. On some of the better videos you can even see debris from the meteorite explode out of the top.

Would you mind pointing that out in one of the videos you mentioned (not being sarcastic here) ?
Skeptic on this to be honest, if this is all the evidence, meteorites tend to brake up when entering the atmosphere and more so when going to their gravity-pulled grave. I'm sure there are more savvy experts on this than me though. I personally think it was nothing more then a frigging awesome display in the sky (sorry for those wounded russians and all..).
Skeptic on this to be honest, if this is all the evidence, meteorites tend to brake up when entering the atmosphere and more so when going to their gravity-pulled grave. I'm sure there are more savvy experts on this than me though. I personally think it was nothing more then a frigging awesome display in the sky (sorry for those wounded russians and all..).

I am skeptical as well but it was the angle that confused me. I would have thought anything breaking off would follow the tail of debris behind it. Something shooting out of the front just looked weird to me.
I think I know what you mean, question then would be, how many meteorites have we (you and me) seen explode, in person or otherwise. Not that many, at least for me.

If we had (as humanity, for the sake of argument), an 'anti- meteorite shield' in place, I'm sure we wouldn't know about it. And benevolent ET's, I doubt it very very very much. ;)
I think I know what you mean, question then would be, how many meteorites have we (you and me) seen explode, in person or otherwise. Not that many, at least for me.

If we had (as humanity, for the sake of argument), an 'anti- meteorite shield' in place, I'm sure we wouldn't know about it. And benevolent ET's, I doubt it very very very much. ;)

Oh I don't disagree with you on any of those points really. I only posted this question in this forum because I saw something in the video that appeared to come from behind and underneath the object and appear to pass through and out the front. A flying object I couldn't identify ;) I assumed there would be some sort of rational explanation that I missed seeing as I am no expert in any sort of areal phenomenon.
At least we have some mysteries left. Norway Spiral (no missile test), this as well, hope someone else will chime in.
i thought those large submerged alien cauldrons in the northern Russian wastelands attract meteors to the region, a la Tunguska, and then they rise up out of the marsh and start blasting any meteor that threatens us out of the sky! because that's what our alien defence shield does for us, no?
i thought those large submerged alien cauldrons in the northern Russian wastelands attract meteors to the region, a la Tunguska, and then they rise up out of the marsh and start blasting any meteor that threatens us out of the sky! because that's what our alien defence shield does for us, no?

Edgy :) but I think the system you speak of was a casuality of the START treaty.