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Ryan Skinner/ Path of the Skinwalker Back on The Paracast -- Recreated

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Thanks Gene, great my luck. That was an exciting conversation, with some unique information revealed. Can it be recovered for archival purposes? Let me know when the book releases and I'll put a links few links/pictures up on my site. :)
I had similar problems with my own forum last week. When it rains it pours, sorry to hear this happened to the site :(
I had similar problems with my own forum last week. When it rains it pours, sorry to hear this happened to the site :(
Umm, yikes, I think it was me. I was attempting to create threads on the new Stalking the Herd website and may have accidently been switched over to the regular Paracast Forum and inadventently erased it. Is there anyway we can get the thread back Gene? Sorry about that, if it was me... It wasn't done intentionally. Sorry about that...
Chris, we'd have to restore it from a backup, but that would be complicated. What time did this happen? There are possible solutions, as I said.
It's a matter of doing a restore from an older version of the database, and that's listed among the directions there. I'll get some answers though.
Without going into detail, I'm learning this is possible but extremely complicated. We are talking of maybe copying data from dozens and dozens of tables, which is a long manual process. We may be better off accepting the loss and asking you to make a new thread, and we'll just populate it again. Sorry folks.
that would/should be simple gene, open a backup, and copy and paste over to here, hopefully, or recreate post by post.
be lucky.
It's not just one place for the posts. It's copying over data from multiple tables in a MySQL backup. It's way beyond may meager pay grade. If someone wants to help, I do have the files available. But I don't think it'll be a quick process.
we had a fruitful discussion regarding Skinwalker Ranch and my appearance on the show. There was a lot of input from the community here and I had some updates to add, but noticed that the entire thread is missing or deleted. I'm confused.
Both you and RPJ got vanquished, but that is what happens when you know too much.;) In both cases there was some really strong material, but in yours there was an excellent parsing out of the ranch with a huge amount of info., questions, answers and some excellent extended discussion. I think the only way to recreate such a thread is to revisit the show one day in the future and go through the whole exchange all over again.

Regardless of fate, thanks again, Ryan, for sticking it out here and taking on all questions, both friendly and otherwise. You really added an extra boost to the show by hanging out here in the forum to respond to everyone. You were tireless and detailed and took on all challenges as well. You are to be commended as an excellent guest willing to to provide a back end to your story, and that doesn't happen very often. Good luck with the book and i look forward to your next appearance on the show!
That was a great show thanks Ryan i actually will buy your book when my rotten apple laptop is fixed was very interesting. Looking forward to going over the thread on your show.
You can find it on Google. Search this page on Google:


Then click the arrow that shows the link to the cached version. Save to disc, or mark what you want to copy, or take screenshots, then make a new thread where you paste the copied info. It won't be perfect, but the info will be there.

Keep searching the following pages by replacing the page number at the end of the URL.

Here's the cached version of page 1:
Ryan Skinner/ Path of the Skinwalker Back on The Paracast | The Paracast Community Forums