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San Simeon daytime UFO sneaks-streaks by our campsite * Video*

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Paranormal Maven

In August of 2014, I uploaded a video taken at Joshua Tree Retreat Center where a description of an encounter with ravens unwittingly included a group of lights-spots-clouds that sneak up in the background and form a large triangle. I had no idea any of this was going on in the background until looking at the video several days later, creating another example where UFOs will stealthily appear within the frames of photos and videos.

[The video got a range of responses. While many were scratching their heads like I was, some thought they were just clouds ( that somehow formed a perfect equilateral triangle), while others ardently accused me of “hoaxing” the video…which I had no way of doing. When one gets such diametrically opposed responses, well….ya got something!]

Well, last month a “sneak take” happened again.

NOTE: (FOR THOSE WITH Short Attention Spans or Attention Deficit Disorder)




A close friend had been bugging me ever since he got a classic camper-van this summer to go camping with him on the central coast, and last week I finally got a chance to check out San Simeon and the Heart Castle.

We were packing up, preparing to leave our camp after a couple of days. Actually my friend was packing up. He had an engineering genius of tying everything down for the journey, and after throwing rubbish away, it was really best for me to just stay out of the way.

I went out to get another look of the small view of the water we had from our ground. It was the first time I was able to see it since we had been there. It was mostly overcast and a bit foggy since we arrived. That morning was bright and sunny and the air felt amazing.

After looking at the water for awhile, I turned to my left and noticed a large airliner flying towards the west/northwest dragging a contrail behind it. In a few seconds, I noticed a point of light going in the opposite direction, but much closer to me. I was certain it was a plane, and stared at it for about forty seconds before noticing that the light that I thought was reflecting off it was not changing. I lowered my sunglasses and saw no wings…just a bright point of light moving in the opposite direction of the huge airliner many, many miles behind it.

I didn’t have my camera with me at the time… It was still in the camper van. Like the sighting I had two years ago, I knew there was a possibility that it would hang out long enough for me to get a camera, but it disappeared. I could no longer see it. With or without sunglasses, it was gone.

I was laughing to myself as I quickly walked back to the camp, disappointed that I hadn’t brought the camera with me ANY time I was looking at the sky…

I grabbed the camera out of the bag in the van, and walked back out to where I was, and began filming just for the heck of it. I figured I hadn’t had a chance to really videotape the campground where we were because it had been so cloudy, so now was a great time as we were getting ready to leave.

I started videotaping in the direction where I saw the airliner and the point of light, and began to do a panorama view of the area behind where we were camped…with the intention of ending on the view of the sea and San Simeon Beach.

I’ve included most of the original clip first… The clip starts with the trees covering up our site, and pans over the sky and horizon of the thick trees to eventually end on the view of the water.

When looking at the clip in actual speed, you have to really look very carefully, but you can see a blip appear between the trees and above the wooden kiosk moving from left to right. It happens incredibly fast.

I’ve slowed down the clip in the area where the anomaly appears, and have repeated it several times at differing speeds with gamma, brightness and contrast adjusted for each. A few are zoomed in as well.

You can see what seems like two blips/lines/rods/spots moving from left to right.


I’ve ruled out birds being able to move that fast. There is just no way, and there would be a more distinct shadow/silhouette.


I have not 100% ruled out insects….but that isn’t making much sense either.


The objects appear to be off in the distance and fairly large. You would see a continuance of the flight pattern in front of the trees, and none can be detected.


And…once again, I have never in my life seen bugs move that fast, ever…


This is another one of those instances where I was filming in the area, knowing there was a possibility of some kind of anomaly. I had already seen a strange light in the sky earlier, and grabbed my camera to see if I could capture anything.

Just like the clip uploaded a few months ago from Joshua Tree, I didn’t spot any of this activity until after downloading the clip from the camera, and looking at it very slowly in the Magix editor. When scrubbing the clip, I was initially tracking the birds…and was quite surprised to see fast moving blips, much larger than the birds in the approximate same distance, moving so unbelievably fast between the trees.

Oh, and in light of some of the flak and accusations I got from the last upload, I guess it’s necessary to say that I did NOT hoax, make up, or fake this upload in any fashion either.

I’m sharing this in earnest with other people who wish to analyze real paranormal and oddity clips. Thanks

Forget the naysayers - it is obvious that if anyone was to hoax UFOs and have a paranormal forum with some pretty good minds have a look at it, one would not produce a hoax like the above. Well probably not because it is so difficult to see.

I remember the initial post and I'm glad you felt you had more to add. I'm no expert but hopefully some others here will take a good look.
Forget the naysayers - it is obvious that if anyone was to hoax UFOs and have a paranormal forum with some pretty good minds have a look at it, one would not produce a hoax like the above. Well probably not because it is so difficult to see.

I remember the initial post and I'm glad you felt you had more to add. I'm no expert but hopefully some others here will take a good look.
Hello Goggs

Thanks for the advice. Getting such harsh accusations from a few who decided to forgo asking any questions about the experience was odd...

Just the experience itself was extraordinary....before anything was captured on video, and I was looking forward to sharing that part too. Unfortunately I found myself in an 'endless loop' of "no I didn't hoax it...no really, I didn't!!!"

Definitely a learning experience though, and gave me a little deeper understanding of the human condition and how some people may or may not deal with unusual information, right there in front of them.

By the way, the shutter speed of the camera was at 1/500 of a second, and the objects are in four frames of video. How fast does that mean these things were moving?
I must admit they look like birds in flight to me.

Hope you got a chance to see the video. See if you can catch the blips go by without the video being slowed down.

I thought so at first as well but...

  • They dont continue in front of the trees
  • Birds would leave a distinct shape. There's a bird in the shot actually, but it moves slower than dirt in comparison.
  • These look more like planes at times.
  • Ive never in my life seen birds fly that fast. Once again...at 1/500 sec frame rate with only four frames of video, it doesnt make sense.
  • And, as one said at another forum...if they are bugs are birds, they are HUGE and getting the hell out of dodge!

Thanks for saying hi.
Last edited:
I thought so at first as well but...

  • They dont continue in front of the trees
  • Birds would leave a distinct shape. There's a bird in the shot actually, but it moves slower than dirt in comparison.
  • These look more like planes at times.
  • Ive never in my life seen birds fly that fast. Once again...at 1/500 sec frame rate with only four frames of video, it doesnt make sense.
  • And, as one said at another forum...if they are bugs are birds, they are HUGE and getting the hell out of dodge!

Thanks for saying hi.
I thought Id include some of these updated stills.

They zoomed in shots, some with contrast/brightness and gamma boosted.

There is some pixelation, but I dont see the outline of a bird. Especially when comparing the bird in the video, or comparing it to the obvious "bug" in this other shot taken from the same location.


A closer shot.


I see more of a solid line than any kind of bird!


Another... No wings.


You can see the obvious bug or bird here. Taken from the same location, different time.
Hope you got a chance to see the video. See if you can catch the blips go by without the video being slowed down.

I thought so at first as well but...

  • They dont continue in front of the trees
  • Birds would leave a distinct shape. There's a bird in the shot actually, but it moves slower than dirt in comparison.
  • These look more like planes at times.
  • Ive never in my life seen birds fly that fast. Once again...at 1/500 sec frame rate with only four frames of video, it doesnt make sense.
  • And, as one said at another forum...if they are bugs are birds, they are HUGE and getting the hell out of dodge!

Thanks for saying hi.
Well, I haven't calculated the speed (I don't know how right off hand), but according to this small writeup from Stanford, a Peregrin falcon can reach 200 MPH:
How Fast and High Do Birds Fly?

Maybe you should try to find a formula to calculate the speed, because there's so much motion blur that the speed seems to be the only thing to go by. You can't trust the pixelated film because it's so blurred. At 1/500 you're basically recording too slow to avoid motion blur on anything faster than a bicycle, unless you're shooting from a distance.
Well, I haven't calculated the speed (I don't know how right off hand), but according to this small writeup from Stanford, a Peregrin falcon can reach 200 MPH:
How Fast and High Do Birds Fly?

Maybe you should try to find a formula to calculate the speed, because there's so much motion blur that the speed seems to be the only thing to go by. You can't trust the pixelated film because it's so blurred. At 1/500 you're basically recording too slow to avoid motion blur on anything faster than a bicycle, unless you're shooting from a distance.
If its taking up only four frames of video, they are going much faster than 200mph.

I'm sure if there were birds in the shot, we'd notice the blur with the film playing at full speed. Playing at full speed, when you do catch it, you can see a distinct "blip".

I went to a school that would show a falcon display at every football game, and yes...those things can cook. But you can see them! They don't disappear to the naked eye because they are moving so fast. And when they are moving that fast, they are in a "dive", not flying perfectly horizontally. You can see some typical dives below.

This does not look the same at all.

The blips ion my film can barely be seen until the film is slowed down considerably, and..well...they're not birds or falcons. I think I agree we disagree on that.

I'll eventually figure out the speed and post it.

Thanks again, man.
I don't really think you can accurately make that speed calculation without accurately knowing the distance of these objects from the camera at their points of entrance and exit out of the visual frame, so that you can state just how much ground is being covered, and then you can estimate speed. These objects could be only a few feet away from the camera or they could be a significant distance fom your camera. Either way, you need that proximity in order to know just how much ground they are covering how fast.
If its taking up only four frames of video, they are going much faster than 200mph.

You are having the same problem as you did with 2D and 3D.

Distance, an insect flying past 2ft away out of focus will appear to do 1000mph in 4 frames it was visible for as it passed by.

Yet an airliner 5 miles away traveling at 500mph would slowly cross the field of view, over many frame's, what is it you dont get ?.
If its taking up only four frames of video, they are going much faster than 200mph.

You are having the same problem as you did with 2D and 3D.

Distance, an insect flying past 2ft away out of focus will appear to do 1000mph in 4 frames it was visible for as it passed by.

Yet an airliner 5 miles away traveling at 500mph would slowly cross the field of view, over many frame's, what is it you dont get ?.
Okay, still not sure on how you are making those calculations. Those random distances tell us absolutely nothing about these objects as there is no way to tell how far away the objects are. Consequently, you simply can not tell how much distance is covered here at all never mind the fact that we don't even know the lens size or have an actual measurement of the width being captured in this frame. This is a 3D event and to calculate your speed you can't just arbitrarily determine a depth for the object nor the length of ground being covered in the time alotted. Appearance of speed tells us nothing at all.
Depth theres no way to gauge depth/distance to object, so no way to calculate speed.

Or size either.

There may not be a very accurate way, but I'm sure one can estimate.

One can look at the map on Google Earth and get an approximation of how far the trees were from the observer. Just an estimate however.

In the meantime, this speed-frame analysis is interesting, so I'll post it below....
