Paranormal Adept
I'm gonna admit something here that will shock some of you. I honestly had never read a single issue and I know that to some here that is..just unforgivable. But, I came across some archived stuff and it's really a neat publication. Oh, I have at one time or another seen snippets of it but not really in depth. This stuff from around the year 2000 is what I call fun. They take James Randi down to size and then they take "Dr. Randle" down to size. Without fear of skeptic or believer they seemed to just shoot from the hip. Now, I understand the respect for J. Mosley around these parts a little better. I know he's getting up in age these days. We need more like him from what I can see.
Saucer Smear, September 5th, 2000
Saucer Smear, September 5th, 2000