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Saw a UFO last night

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Paranormal Maven
This was somewhere around 11:00 PM last night and 1:00 AM this morning.
Ok this was nothing spectacular but it was pretty cool since I haven't even seen a satellite in quite some time. Anyway I noticed a bright light and the first thing I thought was it was airplane lights but it was brighter and more brilliant. It seemed to be way up there moving at a steady pace from north to south. It only lasted around 90 seconds, from brilliantly bright for about 20 seconds then just dimmed down quite rapidly to the point I couldn't track it anymore. Of course I didn't have my astronomical binoculars set up at the time :( so after this I grabbed my regular binoculars and did see a satellite as well. I've seen many airplane lights and satellites so I do know the difference. Like the other things I've seen I have never seen anything like them, before or after.
One night last week my neighbor frantically called me to tell me about some blinking ufos all over the sky... I went out and saw nothing at first glance but then suddenly I was surrounded by blinking UFOs... they were quite bright and only stayed lit for a few seconds at a time but they were everywhere! The UFOs turned out to be Photinus pyralis.
One night last week my neighbor frantically called me to tell me about some blinking ufos all over the sky... I went out and saw nothing at first glance but then suddenly I was surrounded by blinking UFOs... they were quite bright and only stayed lit for a few seconds at a time but they were everywhere! The UFOs turned out to be Photinus pyralis.

You could have saved me a trip to google by just saying fireflies :)
If one can be subjected to thinking fireflies are UFOS I hope there no older than 4 haha.
What I saw had no sound and not a blinking light to be seen whatsoever. Every UFO I have ever seen has been fleeting. This one, and the one I saw when I was much younger, out of the several I have seen, was the second longest viewing.
You could have saved me a trip to google by just saying fireflies :)
If one can be subjected to thinking fireflies are UFOS I hope there no older than 4 haha.
What I saw had no sound and not a blinking light to be seen whatsoever. Every UFO I have ever seen has been fleeting. This one, and the one I saw when I was much younger, out of the several I have seen, was the second longest viewing.

sorry... i thought it might bring a bit of science into the story. the woman, as well as her children are indeed "a nickel short". these are the same people that called 911 to report aliens were coming to "eat their brains" because of the bright green beam and orb in their back yard. Now I cant bring myself to show them my 100mw green laser i have been using to mess with their heads. ;)
I realize I posted this experience rather haphazardy and probably in the wrong part of the forum. And yes I did say it was not exactly a spectacular experience, but in a sense it was, as I had not seen anything unusual in the sky for a very long time. I'm sure skeptics just brush it off and don't give it a second thought or just mock the post with some story's about someone who mistakes fireflies for UFOs and then has them convinced that aliens are coming to eat there brains because they saw a laser beam, oh my. I do have a sense of humor but those story's seem to be more on a debasing trajectory than a whimsical fun way to approach this post. Just seemed out of place to me pixelsmith. I could be totally wrong in my assessment. I also have no lesser view of you either way.
If I would of had a good camcorder to capture whatever this was, or if I were to ever capture anything amazing on video, I don't think I would tell or show anyone. I always wondered why in the world someone would not want to report a UFO or present good evidence of there existence, but the more I see in this field of study or observation the more I understand why they wouldn't.
Speaking of catching video, the argument that with the millions of cell phones, camcorders, and surveillance cams out there, why are we not getting many many more good images or videos of UFOs. from my experience, every UFO I have ever seen has been at nite. This pretty much takes cell phones out of the picture, as they are all crap for any night video or pictures. Yes there conveniently with us all the time to be used at a moments notice, but never the less still crap for this application. Out of the millions of camcorders, what percent of people dedicate there use to any real effort to video UFOs. I would think that percentage is very small. Surveillance cameras are on 24/7 sure but unless you have some relevant reason to check the video it just gets recorded over wether an ET landed in view on your front lawn, got out the craft and did a waltz in your front yard, this would never be seen. As far as commercial or military telescopes and satellites, I don't think we would be informed about anything they didn't want the public to know unless they wanted us to, and for whatever reason, I don't think they want us to know. So it doesnt surprise me we don't have more video or photographic images of UFOs as some would think should be the case.