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Say "Hello to ET"

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Skilled Investigator
Hello All,It's been over 60 years and the solution to UFOs still eludes us. So I think it's time for action. We are trying to get the world to say "Hello" to ETon a certain day as one world.This is an attempt to put the question of ET existence to rest once and for all.
I therefore ask you to read the piece below and consider it. If you have questions, post them.

Operation Asking:
We ask ET to come to our skies globally on the date given so that we can begin to clear up the confusion that humanity has about them. I, like many people, have a picture based on the sum total of my experiences, and this picture, when compared to what other people have to say, is, as usual, different. The confusion level in this topic is too high, and it must be dealt with. Operation Asking will be the first step in an attempt to eliminate this confusion, and where we go from here will be based on the outcome of this first attempt at contact. Also, it needs to be understood that there is NO leadership in this picture. The idea is to get the word out globally and each and every person who wishes to try this will stand on their own two feet and simply pass the word along to every spot on the globe. This is NOT a “me” project – this is a “humanity” project. I will answer questions if necessary, but the idea is that people need to focus on themselves and on completing this project if they want it done: the picture is super-simple.
The date used in this (Wed. 7 / 20 / 2011 @ 5:20 AM Greenwich time) only has to do with my final conclusions and is NOT something people have to adopt as a belief; remember, we are putting aside doctrinal differences. Everyone is free to continue to believe whatever they choose regarding ET, including the notion that ET is here to do us harm. I have never had an ounce of trouble from them since 1955 when my experiences began, and there are others who say the same thing. One side or the other is wrong in this dual-aspect picture, and we will hopefully clear THIS problem up once and for all.
This date of 7 / 20 / 11 marks the time when the Orion nebula rises with the sun as viewed from Stonehenge. The nebula is the archetype for a symbol that we have lost, whose age goes back some 40,000 years. Stonehenge was chosen for its ancient history and ancient picture, and for no other connecting reason. This is OUR date and OUR picture for this - period. No one is forcing anyone to believe what I have found concerning it.
Regarding the why's of this “asking to come”:
In the topic of UFOs one picture has remained constant - the overall uniform confusion and resultant guesswork regarding ET and their flitting presence in our skies. In all of these years of ‘things happening’, there is still no uniform consensus as to what is going on, so, on the date selected, we are ‘ASKING THEM’ to provide the people of earth with evidence of their presence and put at least that much of the problem to rest. For those who believe the so-called “Powers That Be” have this type of flying technology and could fool us, let me just say that even if this was true and they had flying UFO-like craft, they cannot have as many ships as it would take to fill our skies on a global level – so, that ends THAT problem. Also, we are NOT asking for a landing, as quite frankly I believe this would upset a great many people, and the appearance in the sky, for some, would be upsetting enough. The picture involved is really no different than a young child's first look out of a window, and learning that there is more to his or her world than the house they live in. As the child grows, the picture of the world becomes larger still; this is just the next step in that picture's enlargement.
Regarding the HOW'S of "asking" ET to show up on that date, I leave this up to you. Some people, like myself, know for a fact their life is closely monitored; others are not sure. Do whatever you feel you should do to get a message out to them, if indeed you feel this is even necessary. Personally, I feel they watch everything here and know exactly what’s going on, so I do not believe there will be a problem.
One last thing ... there is no way this arrival can be guaranteed to happen – we are asking; there may be things we do not know about. Personally, I think it will happen as they have been doing this for decades, just not in a global organized manor. Also, we are not asking them to fly over restricted airspace and cause a military panic (even though this seems to happen fairly regularly). We are leaving the ‘hows’ of this picture up to them.
I believe the time has come for us as a people to grow up and meet the neighbors. I believe the time has come to TRY and eliminate the questions we have been plagued with for decades regarding ET and their presence here. It seems the world leaders cannot be trusted to share what they know - if indeed they know anything. This is OUR planet – not theirs - and we want to know. We the people - have spoken.
Please copy and paste this message to everyone you know, on every spot on the globe.
This email address is for important and not casual contact. Spam will be dealt with.
Thank you
onlychild "at" ftml "dot" net
Hello TClaeys,

The basic idea is stated in the notice and that is the method to say "hello" is up to you. The idea being that the "asking" is more telepathic than physical. If everyone who wishes to do so times it with the stated GMT then obviously half the Globe will be in daylight. Be aware of the laws governing aircraft illumination which are very strict with heavy penalties for infractions. Especially where laser devices are concerned. Use a little common sense to make the event go off without any problems. Read th notice a couple of times more to get the spirit of it.
Gday OC,
Just to confirm its the 20th of july ?
date formats differ dd/mm/yy and mm/dd/yy.

The question of "contact" is a complex one, for example it strikes me that were our species to know beyond a doubt we have neighbours watching us, we would be inclined to lift our game as a species.

Having said that there is at least one scenario that im aware of the makes contact impossible.
Impossible and for that matter unnecessary.
It could be argued that this experiment has been ongoing in the minds of "believers" since time began. So far, interpretation of contact has proved to be the problem.
Oh this is rich. Hah! hah! ha! A telepathic communique. How original. Ok, I'll play along. I'm going to set my telepathic transponder up to maximum volume. So that on Wed. 7 / 20 / 2011 @ 5:20 AM Greenwich time, I will be broadcasting my telepathic thought patterns at maximum amplitude. Since I don't know anything about telepathic antennas, I'll just assume I can mentally construct a telepathic dipole between my ears and use that.
But still, fine and dandy. I'll telepathically broadcast the time and date into the galactic internet and let's see if our alien friends show up:rolleyes:.
Man, I hope people don't get pissed at me if they do show up.
Everyone is free to continue to believe whatever they choose regarding ET, including the notion that ET is here to do us harm.
I am really appreciative of that, hiflier. I was not even aware that you were the one that 'says so' on such matters, or that anyone had the power to govern what I believe, but obviously I was wrong. Your compassion for your underlings is touching.

This date of 7 / 20 / 11 marks the time when the Orion nebula rises with the sun as viewed from Stonehenge. The nebula is the archetype for a symbol that we have lost, whose age goes back some 40,000 years.
....blink...blink....stare...A symbol we have lost, whose age goes back some 40,000 years. Uh huh. Since recorded history goes back only about 5,000 years, just how would you know this?

Some people, like myself, know for a fact their life is closely monitored; others are not sure. Do whatever you feel you should do to get a message out to them, if indeed you feel this is even necessary.
I think I know just how I am going to do it. Let's see..... Oh I got it! Here, a picture is worth a thousand words....

Seriously? I really have to believe if ETs new we were here or had any interest in us we would already be dead. If ETI exists, it most likely is a type of animal life form (cylons aside). What do animals do to other animals? They do what is in their own best interest. There is no way a nuclear-armed civilization would be deemed harmless to ETs IMO. Thus, if anybody knew we were here, we would be TOAST.
Hello NTS;110010,

There's already an Invitation to ETI (Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) for aliens who might be monitoring the internet:

Invitation to ETI: Hello, ETI

The ETI groups invitation requires that 1) ET exists, and 2) if they do, they read. I'm not being facetious here; just looking at what was contained in the invitation itself. The project in this thread is more a mass telepathic effort, not by a group of 100 individuals but bt a world group of thousands. Another difference is that each person taking part does so after first making a personal decision to do so regardless of fear or apprehention. I started another thread in "Contactees" to explore the personal aspects of being involved a little further.

And for anyone who may be keeping track, this idea was issued 150+ days ago. There are now less than 60. Peace.

---------- Post added 05-22-2011 at 12:10 AM ---------- Previous post was 05-21-2011 at 11:52 PM ----------

Hello bobheck,

I am really appreciative of that, hiflier. I was not even aware that you were the one that 'says so' on such matters, or that anyone had the power to govern what I believe, but obviously I was wrong. Your compassion for your underlings is touching.

I'm not the one in fact and sarcasm is fine with me though I see your point. "Onlychild" is actually signed at the end of the Announcement as it's author. I'm "hiflier" and we are not the same person. And since that is the case I know nothing of the history mentioned in it. The reason I am posting this is that as a non believer I have no ET agendas to promote, therefore, the Notice can stand alone without some doctrine or other mucking things up. Thanks for the reply.
Hello All,
This is the June 20th, 2011 reminder for the "Say Hello to ET" project that began 4 months ago. There are now 30 days left before the Event. If you haven't already read and understand the Announcement at the beginning of this thread now would be a good time to do so- maybe even a couple of times. It will answer any preliminary question and the rest will be addressed as well.
The timing for this project is scheduled for 5:20 am GMT on 7/20. Time zone issues and confusion can be eliminated by using this or a similar GMT website:
In that way one can be assured of timing any involvement with the rest of the World's participants. This exercise is meant to be brief but can last as long as anyone who chooses to be involved wants it to. In an ideal setting the entire endeavor will last about a minute. So for all intents and purposes it can in fact be over at 5:21 am GMT. It's up to the individual.
There is no website and no group to check in with which means if anyone does this it will be unknown to anyone else. It costs nothing and amounts to a one minute mental invitation for ET if ET exists to show themselves. Whether anything occurs is anybody's guess but it will be an important large scale maneuver to see if a worldwide effort at Telepathy will have results.
It is at least a step in the process of elimination WRT avenues private citizens can do for themselves on a global level to try and arrive at Truth. Inviting ET is a simple and easy thing to do anywhere while doing anything and the ONLY structured element is the precision involving the time frame.
Do as you wish, or not; it entirely up to the individual to elect either course. There will be a short note issued on or around 7/18/2011 which hopefully will give everyone who wants to do this a last call so to speak. After that, no more reminders, explanations, or anything- It will be over and for the most part I, hiflier, will say any final words I may have on 7/21/2011. So, until 7/18.............
Hello softbeard,

Thanks for the post. Just remember this is not a prediction or a demand that ET (if they exist) show up. Imagine inviting someone to a party. That's the real feeling and thought and intent behind this Event. I think it serves to separate this from previous and other attempts to "conjure" or force a showing. Your thoughts?
The fundamental understanding of the universe through, scientific, mathematical and even spiritual reconstruction has been going through their own interpretations and evolution for thousands of years, as people like Einstein, artists, theorists, and more delve on the subject, new avenues of thought spring up and consciousness as a whole, as a human race, is known to everyone, after such information is passed to one another, to assume the basic fabric of space-time is one set concept is by far dis-proven by mathematicians alone with the basis of time as relative. And the very word time, and relative and every aspect of our lives is a fabrication of our own sensory perception of the world and realities we live in, the best we can do is step on paths which seem sane to us and explore the insane with a magnifying glass, leaving on the table, every flavor of what could be, what is, and what has been, for further speculation and introduction to ongoing generations. If any have witnessed the Hubble telescopes findings & presentation, the reality we seem to be existing in at the moment has a collection of a billion times a billion and further stars, all remaining in their unique position amongst the universes non linear expanse, and coincidental multi-verses. The oasis we live in is just this, a word, an oasis. A place in space-time where we are able to survive, stepping outside this boundary requires some intelligence, a little luck and some insanity to boot. So yes be careful what we wish for, and what we have not wished for.
Hello All,
Since this project is only 5 days out or so and there is so much mistrust of YouTube and other digital media has the thought of using film cameras or film video crossed anyone's mind? For myself unretouched film media seemed to be more conclusive in the older sightings.