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Gene Chris fellow forum users.
for some time a gentleman named Ty Bollenger has advertised a "wonder drug" on major talk shows. the name of this drug is Carnivora (Venus fly trap extract)
he makes some clams that must be looked at
1. Ronald Reagan had the drug sent to the white house in 1985
When President Ronald Reagan got cancer during his presidency, the great German doctor Hans Nieper, M.D, treated him. It would have been front page news if it hadn’t been hushed up at the time.

Just imagine if the American public knew a sitting president preferred German cancer treatments!

I learned about it from my confidential source in Germany. In addition, Reagan’s German doctor acknowledged it in an interview.

I called the Reagan Library to see if the Library would confirm or deny that Dr. Nieper treated President Reagan in May of 1985.

A Reagan Library employee named Jenny responded to my request. She admitted that Reagan was in Germany in May of 1985, but she would neither confirm nor deny that Dr. Nieper treated him. She told me, “President Reagan’s private medical records before, during, and after his presidency are unavailable.” In July of 1985, Dr. Nieper flew to America to attend to Reagan in his hospital recovery room, according to my source.

Many American cancer patients lose their hair and their vitality. But Reagan kept his famous pompadour hairstyle. He also kept his warm smile and vigorous stride.

And after whipping his cancer the German way…Reagan lived for another 19 years

this is the source Bollanger uses for the claim.
recently Reagans name has been removed from the add.
2. Carnavoia causes "immune modulation"
well its a fancy term for boosting the devopment of white blood cells. Vitamin C and Echinacea do the same thing for 1/4 of the cost of carnavora
Mr bollenger is playing on the fact ppl are ignorant of drugs and what they do.
This supplement is NOT approved by the FDA Mr. Bollenger is so full of woo his cancer books have been dismissed a quackery.
A cancer quackfest – Respectful Insolence
I know Gene and Chris have little control over ads but in the case of carnovia for armed is for warned.
Bollenger is nothing more nothing less then a snake oil salesman. a snake and a quack.
Carnavoira is NO MORE EFFECTIVE then vitamin C or Echinacea.
Reagan died of Alzheimer's not cancer...
Liquid Carnivora from Carnivora Research International is a pure liquid extract designed to promote a healthy immune system. It contains only the original, patented premium quality pressed juice of the Whole Plant Venus Fly Trap. This supplement is free from magnesium stearate, salt, gluten, yeast, sugar, soya, starch, lactose, peanut, corn, artificial coloring and preservatives. It's safe for vegetarians and vegans.

this is the product in question