Like I said, you seem to have read comments you posted from reddit and you just take them at face value. My advice, read the study and not just comments on the study if your goal is to try and reduce the study to something that's meaningless and has been known for years.
There's several things and some of this will get technical. The Authors said:
“~15% of human codons are dual-use codons (“duons”) that simultaneously specify both amino acids and TF recognition sites.”
Why is this important?
The experiment was carried out on cell lines from the human exome. What's the exome?
The exome is the part of the genome formed by exons, the sequences which when transcribed remain within the mature RNA after introns are removed by RNA splicing. It differs from a transcriptome in that it consists of all DNA that is transcribed into mature RNA in cells of any type. The exome of the human genome consists of roughly 180,000 exons constituting about 1% of the total genome, or about 30 megabases of DNA.[1] Though comprising a very small fraction of the genome, mutations in the exome are thought to harbor 85% of disease-causing mutations.[2] .
This is big news. Again, the reason this is being belittled is because people are threatened because it's just more evidence for intelligent design.
The Scientist found the Transcription Factors don't just bind to DNA promoter's but to the exons and particularly the exome which are thought to harbor 85% of disease causing mutations. The study said this:
Intriguingly, TFs involved in positioning the transcriptional preinitiation complex, such as NFYA and SP1 (29), preferentially avoid the translated region of the first coding exon (Fig. 3A) and typically occupy elements immediately upstream of the methionine start codon (Fig. 3B and fig. S9A). Conversely, TFs involved in modulating promoter activity, such as YY1 and NRSF, preferentially occupy the translated region of the first coding exon (Fig. 3, A and C) (30, 31). These findings indicate that the translated portion of the first coding exon may serve functionally as an extension of the canonical promoter.
This is a simple explanation of the second code.
Transcription factors involved with positioning avoid the translated region of the first coding exon while transcriptions factors involved with modulating promoter activity prefer to occupy the translated region of the first coding exon.
Why is that?
Herein lies the term duon or the second code. The second code is twofold. It shows the translated portion of the first coding exon may also serve as an extension of the canonical promoter and the second code also determines which region the transcription factors occupy and why they occupy them.
This second code could help us with things like diseases and give us better understanding of epigenetic marks.
Here's a laymen example. I hate to get so technical but it's sad when people have a silly, knee jerk reaction when they see the words intelligent design. Once intelligent design was mention the objective quickly switched to trying to belittle this important study that could lead to profound breakthroughs.
You see some websites that offer tests that will determine your genetic factors for disease. This practice has been highly scrutinized by the FDA. I think the company 23 and Me even stopped giving these kind of tests. The second code could make these kind of tests commonplace. Here's more on 23 and Me:
Silver Spring, MD—The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued a warning letter to 23andMe, a genetic testing service, for marketing its product for the diagnosis of diseases without approval.
23andMe’s DNA Spit Kit is a Personal Genome Service (PGS) device that, according to the company’s Web site, analyzes over 240 health conditions and traits, including risk for breast cancer and diabetes. It also reports on how the patient’s genetic makeup indicates they would respond to certain medications and drugs. As FDA’s warning letter indicates, some of these intended uses have not been classified and their lack of premarket approval are thus in violation of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act).
The second code could make tests like these mandatory when you visit the Doctor. What 23 and Me is doing right now is like fishing without bait. The current tests can't give you a complete picture. The position of duons that contain the code of transcription factors in exomes or the second code, could allow a diagnosis of diabetes or cancer to be caught earlier just through the understanding of this second code.
Another blow to the convoluted theory of evolution. Again, Darwin didn't have the instructions and just looked at the end result of these instructions(DNA) and came up with a theory that belongs in the trash can after we have found the instructions. I'm not saying all of the things that Darwin discovered are meaningless, I'm saying the interpretation based on what Darwin discovered belongs in the trash can. This is a convoluted theory of evolution that excludes intelligent design.