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Scientists discover huge subterranean ocean

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Skilled Investigator
Scientists have finally confirmed what many of the enlightened among us have known for years:Huge 'Ocean' Discovered Inside Earth
Now the theories of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Richard Shaver and John Cleve Symmes will receive the acknowledgement that has been denied them so long by establishment science. The impact will be explosive.
The ancient, silly notion of earth's seas tidal motions and currents being caused by a gigantic orbiting alien meat processing plant...which some misguided academics insist on calling "the moon"....will be replaced by the more accurate model of a hollow earth with openings at each pole, where the oceans drain and recirculate, much like a flushing toilet. Or something.
However, there is a darker side to this revelation. Burroughs proved beyond contention that our planet's interior territories are populated by several sentient species, and most of them are quite nasty. The bulk of this population seems to be composed of brutish Homo Erectus type monkey men, who would like nothing better than to smack you upside the head with a big rock in order to make a meal of your still twitching corpse.
Any sane species would respond to such a threat by immediately organizing a powerful international military strike force to invade this newly discovered land and subdue its degenerate inhabitants. This will never happen. I have it on good authority ( Nancy Lieder, Billy Meier, and my mamaw ) that the Trialateral Commission have already reached an agreement with the Chinese government to take no pre-emptive defensive action.
How could anyone follow so destructive a course, you ask? Simple answer. Population control. The Chinese are desperate to reduce their population to susutainable levels. No program they have implemented to date has had much of an impact, including the draconian measure of forced abortion. All that did was cause an imbalance in geneder distribution, creating a surplus of males who will never have girlfriends, thus turning them into reluctant yet insatiable sissies, much like Republicans or televangelists.
When the subterranean monkey man invasion comes, the slaughter will be horrendous. Most of the world will turn a blind eye to the suffering, just as they did when Louis Vuitton started using Velcro. But what makes the world's leaders believe the invaders will be content with eating nothing but Chinese? Even if they devour the whole country, an hour later they'll be hungry again. That means big trouble for Russia and all those little tinpot dictatorships with names nobody can pronounce. Then the nukes will start to fly, ushering in an age of post apocalyptic nightmares.
This is not just pie in the sky confabulation. Burroughs and Shaver wrote real words on real paper with real pens. There are a host of witnesses who will substantiate this claim. May God have mercy on us all, except for the people we really can't stand.
This is some very interesting information - Thanks for posting this link.
I have only read a bit of the information on this site - but this is truely some exciting news.

This begs lots of questions and opens a whole new realm of study. This just goes to show once again the main stream academics do not know everything about the world.
Well, the reported discovery that, based on seismic research, there is a high likelyhood that a vast subterranian ocean exists underneath the earth, is indeed an exciting, exhilirating, and world-view altering discovery! Science needs to dig deeper into this, and confirm the findings of these scientists, and build a concensus on what this thing actually looks like, how it behaves, and what it means. My guess is it may help to explain platectonics, and expand our understanding of how geological processes operate on a much larger, observable scale. This is important, because perhaps down the road, we'll be able to use this new view of the earth to enhance our ability to make practical predictions about things like earthquakes and volcano erruptions, and that is perhaps the very tiip of the iceberg.

But angry monkey-men coming out of their caves to annihilate the human race? Well, that's a bit of a stretch, and we're talking a very long rubber-band.

You say that "...Burroughs proved beyond contention that our planet's interior territories are populated by several sentient species..."

Isn't this the same guy that wrote Tarzan?
Hi All,

This kinda goes in hand with the theory of the "Hollow Earth" or the mythological underworld in so many now dead (or mostly inert) religions. (be it Greek or Mayan)

With Mogwa's assertions of a subterran superior race coming out to undo humanity. Is kinda like the novelist and futurists tales from "H.G. Wells", The Time Machine. The super industrial mutated subterrian species evokes kinda the crypto-terrestrial theory mentioned by David many times during a podcast. It does sound like a interesting parallel between H.G. Wells "The Time Machine" and the crypto-terrestrial theory of a proto sentinent species on Earth pre-ceding humanity.

Perhaps our presupposition of the reptilian species such as dinosuars dying out was a misnomer. Maybe the the ones able to slither the most on their bellies were able to escape into the caverns of the Earth and forage a new lively existence. Thus preceding humanity as a sentient species and thus displacing our ego-centric view of being top-dogs.

Otherwise it makes for a good movie nonetheless. :)
It might be worth taking a few moments to gell out some basic facts about this recent announcement. Here we go!:

1) SCIENTISTS: Michael Wysession, seismologist. Washington University, St. Louis and Jesse Lawrence at UC San Diego.

2) PUBLISHED WORK: Findings will be published in a forthcoming American Geophysical Union, I don't know the date.

3) THE BEIJING ANOMOLY: It is a vast "water reservoir", it is located below Asia, and it is the size of the Arctic Ocean, at the least.

4) SEISMIC EVIDENCE: Evidence is based on 600,000 seismograms, collected globally. The evidence is 'dampened' seismic waves noted below Asia, which occurs when seismic waves travel through water. Wysession explains that ""Lots of damping and a little slowing match the predictions for water very well."

5) HOW THE OCEAN IS FORMED - EVAPORATION: I'm going to quote the description of this ocean, as taken from THIS ARTICLE: "if a cold slab of the ocean floor were to sink thousands of miles into the Earth's mantle, the hot temperatures would cause water stored inside the rock to evaporate out."

6) OCEAN IS CONTAINED WITHIN SOLID ROCK: And it continues: "...The water then rises up into the overlying region, which becomes saturated with water [image]. "It would still look like solid rock to you," Wysession told LiveScience. "You would have to put it in the lab to find the water in it."

7) CLAY-LIKE OCEAN FLOOR ROCK: "Although they appear solid, the composition of some ocean floor rocks is up to 15 percent water. "The water molecules are actually stuck in the mineral structure of the rock," Wysession explained. "As you heat this up, it eventually dehydrates. It's like taking clay and firing it to get all the water out."


So, perhaps it's a little too soon to become over-excited, just yet. Clearly, we may not be talking about a hollow-earth. Rocks, which contain water molecules in them, get closer to the Earth's mantle, heat them up, and that evaporates the water, which rises to the ocean floors, which then turn into a "clay" type material that contains water molecules, and I would guess "so forth and so on". It's really a new PROCESS that has been discovered, and perhaps it's premature to describe the Beijing Anomoly as an underground Ocean.

That said, I'm personally very excited. Imagine what this could mean. If the Ocean floor is comprised of Clay-like material, and if the Earths interior, through to the mantle, is, at least in some areas, comprised of clay-like material, than much could be explained about Platectonics. The earth could be moving about a slippery, greasy, moving, wet interior, as opposed to a static, rigid, rocky one. Scientists could edge closer to fully understanding that nature of earthquakes, volcanos, and perhaps even delving into questions of physics such as better understanding the laws of thermodynamics (gravity, electromagnetism, etc.) We could move closer to understanding why the Earth stays glued to the Sun, and how the Earths magnetic core operates, and how and what the Mantle is, etc. So, the exciting thing here isn't the science fiction of the hollow earth, it is the real science of saving lives, and advancing knowledge forward.

That said, this certainly is fabulous materials for new science-fiction novels. In addition, new forms of life very well could be found deep below the ocean floor! If new life is discovered down there, I'm more inclined to imagine them as large worms, centipedes, and pill-bugs, with really big mouths, who don't mind a lot of heat, and are into very humid steam-baths!

Lot's to look forward to.

Perhaps an apology is in order here. My original post in this thread was supposed to be a silly tongue in cheek satire to lighten the mood a bit. While the discovery of a large subterranean sea is certainly fascinating, it hardly offers conclusive evidence supporting any hollow earth model. Or cannibal monkey men either, I guess. What a shame. Think of the reality series that could come from that.
While I do not believe the concept of a hospitable hollow earth biosphere can be supported scientifically, in my opinion that does not preclude the possibility of cryptoterrestials inhabiting vast systems of below ground natural or constructed caverns. After years spent studying the ufo mystery, I've come to the tentative conclusion that the non-human species most often encountered by contactees are living here, on this planet, underground.
I for one welcome our new Monkey Men Overlords. Toiling away on the banana plantations, wearing silly hats for their amusement, Having poop thrown at me, and being used as scientific test subjects to further advance our new masters race. Good times people good times
Darn! I was looking forward to the NFL hiring some of the cave men!! Now it they can train them not to go ape??

Scientists have finally confirmed what many of the enlightened among us have known for years:Huge 'Ocean' Discovered Inside Earth
Now the theories of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Richard Shaver and John Cleve Symmes will receive the acknowledgement that has been denied them so long by establishment science. The impact will be explosive.
The ancient, silly notion of earth's seas tidal motions and currents being caused by a gigantic orbiting alien meat processing plant...which some misguided academics insist on calling "the moon"....will be replaced by the more accurate model of a hollow earth with openings at each pole, where the oceans drain and recirculate, much like a flushing toilet. Or something.
However, there is a darker side to this revelation. Burroughs proved beyond contention that our planet's interior territories are populated by several sentient species, and most of them are quite nasty. The bulk of this population seems to be composed of brutish Homo Erectus type monkey men, who would like nothing better than to smack you upside the head with a big rock in order to make a meal of your still twitching corpse.
Any sane species would respond to such a threat by immediately organizing a powerful international military strike force to invade this newly discovered land and subdue its degenerate inhabitants. This will never happen. I have it on good authority ( Nancy Lieder, Billy Meier, and my mamaw ) that the Trialateral Commission have already reached an agreement with the Chinese government to take no pre-emptive defensive action.
How could anyone follow so destructive a course, you ask? Simple answer. Population control. The Chinese are desperate to reduce their population to susutainable levels. No program they have implemented to date has had much of an impact, including the draconian measure of forced abortion. All that did was cause an imbalance in geneder distribution, creating a surplus of males who will never have girlfriends, thus turning them into reluctant yet insatiable sissies, much like Republicans or televangelists.
When the subterranean monkey man invasion comes, the slaughter will be horrendous. Most of the world will turn a blind eye to the suffering, just as they did when Louis Vuitton started using Velcro. But what makes the world's leaders believe the invaders will be content with eating nothing but Chinese? Even if they devour the whole country, an hour later they'll be hungry again. That means big trouble for Russia and all those little tinpot dictatorships with names nobody can pronounce. Then the nukes will start to fly, ushering in an age of post apocalyptic nightmares.
This is not just pie in the sky confabulation. Burroughs and Shaver wrote real words on real paper with real pens. There are a host of witnesses who will substantiate this claim. May God have mercy on us all, except for the people we really can't stand.

I say we send in 82nd airborne now and take care of the nasty monkey men once and for all.
Perhaps an apology is in order here. My original post in this thread was supposed to be a silly tongue in cheek satire to lighten the mood a bit.

What? No Monkey Men? :( Darn and I had just gotten my Banna Bazooka all loaded and everything!
