first off let me say that I was raised as a vegetarian. I now eat meat, infact i believe that "man" is supposed to eat meat.
I try my utmost to only eat "ethically" farmed meat, but I do not disregard the fact that an animal was killed.
I live in a big city (London) and dont have space for livestock but if I did I would willingly slaughter my own animals to eat. I would also Hunt, kill and eat "wild animals"(not endangered or rare ones).
I think one of the biggest problems with our(western) society is the passing of the "responsibility" for killing, to others for example "slaughtermen" or "soldiers". People are happy to sit at home while people are dying for their "freedom" (Afghanistan, Iraq and many more places). The same people expect the supermarkets to be full of "cheep" meat and fish with little or no idea of the waste involved. In other words they dont think about it because they dont have to.
In my eyes all creatures "humans" included are equal and there is something wrong in placing higher importance on the "romantic" ones.
Dolphins in my eyes are no more "important" than Sharks, a cow is not better than a horse just different.
It seems more than hipocratic to say for example that "clubbing" seal pups is barbaric, and then say that farming livestock is ok. but sadly many believe this to be the case.
Nature is harsh and unforgiving when viewed from a privalaged position. most people do not understand that we are the only "truly" cruel beings. for example: people do not see a bird collecting worms for its chicks as cruel, but if a fox gets in a chicken coop, it is seen as evil and cruel because it kills all of the chickens. if the chickens where not caged some would escape. in other words we caused that behaviour.
I love Fish and Angling but I will not eat fish. the wholesale pillaging of the sea is an unjustifiable crime to me and should be recognised as such*. this is to say because fish are deemed to be "ugly" or dont demonstrate behavior that we recognise as "intelligent" they have no right to be treated with respect like Dolphins do.
What I am trying to say is that rounding up a few dolphins and killing them is no worse than the "battery" farming of chickens or intensive farming of pigs, indeed the Dolphins actually experienced freedom before they were killed.
If you disagree with what I have said about the dolphins, I suggest you research modern livestock farming and slaughter practices. also remember that pigs are far more "intelligent" than dogs for example.
It is my firm belief that "animal cruelty" leads to "human cruelty" to put it another way if you are cruel to animals you can or will be cruel to people. (it is important to separate cruelty and killing for survival)
I am sorry this is such a long post but i feel very strongly about this subject. I will be happy to answer any questions or criticism on what I have said
*(if it stopped i would eat fish)