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Scientology- A FRAUD?

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Uhm, why does the original post have a question mark? Were you joking? of COURSE it's a fraud.

Sarcasm does not translate well .... via the net.

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The book Sex and Rockets has some very revealing information about Hubbard, and many other interesting things, of course. Anyone here who has not read that book is missing out.

Hubbard was, apparently, a creep, a thief, a fraud, and generally just a lazy asshole.
I find Scientology an invaluable tool to any atheist or agnostic, as it provides, very clearly, a modern day example and study into the creation and propagation of an entirely new religion, one that is clearly fraudulent and can be easily disassembled with logic.

Given less analytical times, and another hundred years of growth, Scientology may have been as acceptable as any other creation myth and subsequent unquestioning religious following, as it's founding falls ever further into history.
Thankfully, we do not live in the dark-ages anymore, and this fraud has fallen under modern societies' critical eye, regardless of the fact that it still maintains a (un)healthy following.

I wonder if similar scrutiny would have fallen on other religions, had we the communication tools we have today, and were we as critical upon their formation, as we are now,...

Regardless of what Hubbard was or did,...the guy got away with it (quite handily considering it still exists), and Scientology's growth is a modern marvel and stands as a stark warning to us all, in regard to blindly following creation myths of any sort, imo,...
Decker: As one who was a devout, practicing $cientologist of 14 yrs AND an almost-80-hrs-per-week-on-little-to-no-pay $taff Member for 4 yrs, YES, I 500,000 percent agree it IS a Fraud!

I invite you to read another Thread that's been started here ALLLLL about it: (But feel free to ask ANY questions of me if you wish, I'll give you BOTH sides of it, not as just a raving, angry critic's side...)



One thing that i have always pondered over is why do so many of the hugely rich movie stars follow these wierd cults. I mean, they're movie stars so yes many of them are just nuts, but I wonder if there is some sort of taxation benefit where they can funnel their money through a registered charity/church.

Not being an accountant I wouldnt know but I keep meaning to ask one of my financially based frends whether this sort of thing is possible. They seem to cerrtainly invest heavily in these cults/religions
Hoff: Yep, the Co$ considers themselves as a Tax Exempt organization, so the more you 'donate' :rolleyes: the more of a tax break one can get, apparently.

Now the Celebrities are treated VERY carefully (I've been around a few of them) in order to interest them and ensure they stay in $cientology, once they're hooked.

I like to call them Celebritologists, because the world of scn THEY see is NOT the exact same world every other scn sees and experiences. They are only surrounded by the most dedicated, high-level Sea Org Members and Staff and Auditors (scn word for counseling, basically). They are love-bombed and every whim catered to. (Nutshell answer for you). I could go on and on...but I probably shouldn't......:o (Go see the other Thread I've given for more info in general, too).
Cults can harbor screwed up individuals. (No offense intended toward you, Bixyboo.) Anyone can qualify for screwed up, including wealthy entertainers.

Scientology also seems to allow for great secret keeping so that those entertainers maintain outward lives similar to those of us who would never consider stepping foot into Scientology's inner sanctum. (We take our screwed upness elsewhere!) :D

But one of Scientology's most famous has a history in my city. He partied rather hardy during the making of one of his movies, albeit when he was much younger. I've no doubt that Scientology has helped him hide his secrets so that his public persona is clean and he's one of America's most endearing actors today.

It isn't as though his secrets, at least the few I know, are damaging, but I suppose he finds more work with the public in the dark. With Scientology's thugs always at the ready ... all the good little children are safe.
Poi: That's ok, none taken! ;)

Well if the celeb you know has any darker secret, if he ever decided to leave $cn publicly, let's hope he wouldn't be blackmailed with 'em! :eek:
Water- WET?

Let's not forget his "Commodore's Messengers"

(teenage girls who performed various tasks for him, such as fixing his shower, dressing him, and catching the ash from his cigarettes.)

Or the captain of his Yacht. :redface:

My uncle and aunt were high placed within scientology. Then they got wise to the scheme (aka didn't have any more money) and left. But while they were in, they had very good access to L.Ron...

But yeah, scientology is a moneymaking and powerbroking scam. Nothing more, nothing less.
Bixy, what I find fascinating is that guys like Travolta, Tom Cruise and other celebrities of that level walk around believing that whole alien story for how the earth was created etc.

Do most people accept this idea?
Here's how it works: Things are done very gradually. If someone happens to hear about or read any of the 'advanced OT data, before it was time to be on it' and they ask someone in scn about it, they are told 'acceptable truths' and the standard patter for that one was usually:

1) It was not the 'real' info and THAT is why it did not adversely affect you. (Scn's are told that they will DIE upon READING the info before they are up to the point of doing the level).

2) You got 'lucky' that what you read did not affect you, but you need to hurry up and do the bridge and get to OT III, V, VII, VIII, etc..only THEN you will 'understand' and 'reap it's abilities'. (scn's are told and believe that being 'OT' will make one a very powerful person in terms of their life, being able to make vast amounts of money, whatever they 'apply' this 'ot power' to.

Liken it all to a frog being put in a pot of water (sorry this is kinda a bad example but it illustrates my point). Put it in some nice room temperature water and it'll swim around nice and happy. (ie: put the new person on counselling and courses and they gain actual benefit from them, feel 'wins' and they want 'more' Not unlike a drug, really).

Ok, ever so slowly turn up the heat, frog won't notice a thing! Keep turning it up bit by bit, and it'll still swim happily in boiling water and die in it before it starts feeling the pain!

It's kinda like that.

So even if new scn's (be they celebs or regular folk) don't believe the alien stories, they believe the 'accepatable truths' that we would explain to them. (I was in charge of explaining scn to 'new people' lol. Also was an auditor (counselor), bodyrouter, bookseller, registrar (reg for short), in two languages, so I rarely had to tell anyone about this at the 'lower rungs' so to speak.

Now, I had never gotten that far up the bridge, but I've heard that many who did, had to do some intense mental and spiritual gymnastics to try and make the info they learned 'fit'. Those that stay in, have figured out a way to continue deluding themselves or brush it off as 'it's just THEIR problem' (cuz in scn, you are not allowed to EVER talk to another about what you read/audited, see).

Not only that, frankly, we all WANTED this stuff to be REAL, ya know? So...sometimes it will feel a little bittersweet when one first starts to wake up or realizes the state of clear or ot isn't cracked up as they've heard all the hype to be, ya know? When you wake up, it HURTS.

Nice trap, huh? ::)

Here, watch this vid (It's long but worth it for those interested). It kinda shows one of the celebs in stages of his early/new days as a scn to now...


Oh sure... next thing I know you'll be telling me that Catholic priests like little boys....

Yuckkk, yuckkk!!!!

Yeah, and the Jews have all the money ...

Yeah, and the Blacks are all addicted to crack ...

Yeah, and the Mexicans are all illegal ...

Yeah, and the Italians are all with the Mafia ...

Yeah, and the Asians have the dry cleaning industry fixed ...

Keep up the intelligent, thoughtful posts, brother!!!!

Yikes! It's impossible to enjoy the video while all the exploitation creeps up my spine.

That, and I'm left with what a sad boy can become when left to the wolves. Horrendous.