Here's how it works: Things are done very gradually. If someone happens to hear about or read any of the 'advanced OT data, before it was time to be on it' and they ask someone in scn about it, they are told 'acceptable truths' and the standard patter for that one was usually:
1) It was not the 'real' info and THAT is why it did not adversely affect you. (Scn's are told that they will DIE upon READING the info before they are up to the point of doing the level).
2) You got 'lucky' that what you read did not affect you, but you need to hurry up and do the bridge and get to OT III, V, VII, VIII, etc..only THEN you will 'understand' and 'reap it's abilities'. (scn's are told and believe that being 'OT' will make one a very powerful person in terms of their life, being able to make vast amounts of money, whatever they 'apply' this 'ot power' to.
Liken it all to a frog being put in a pot of water (sorry this is kinda a bad example but it illustrates my point). Put it in some nice room temperature water and it'll swim around nice and happy. (ie: put the new person on counselling and courses and they gain actual benefit from them, feel 'wins' and they want 'more' Not unlike a drug, really).
Ok, ever so slowly turn up the heat, frog won't notice a thing! Keep turning it up bit by bit, and it'll still swim happily in boiling water and die in it before it starts feeling the pain!
It's kinda like that.
So even if new scn's (be they celebs or regular folk) don't believe the alien stories, they believe the 'accepatable truths' that we would explain to them. (I was in charge of explaining scn to 'new people' lol. Also was an auditor (counselor), bodyrouter, bookseller, registrar (reg for short), in two languages, so I rarely had to tell anyone about this at the 'lower rungs' so to speak.
Now, I had never gotten that far up the bridge, but I've heard that many who did, had to do some intense mental and spiritual gymnastics to try and make the info they learned 'fit'. Those that stay in, have figured out a way to continue deluding themselves or brush it off as 'it's just THEIR problem' (cuz in scn, you are not allowed to EVER talk to another about what you read/audited, see).
Not only that, frankly, we all WANTED this stuff to be REAL, ya know? So...sometimes it will feel a little bittersweet when one first starts to wake up or realizes the state of clear or ot isn't cracked up as they've heard all the hype to be, ya know? When you wake up, it HURTS.
Nice trap, huh? :
Here, watch this vid (It's long but worth it for those interested). It kinda shows one of the celebs in stages of his early/new days as a scn to now...