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Scott Corrales - Feb 8th Show - Different standards?

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Skilled Investigator
Hi Gene and David,

I have a comment about the current show.

I'm confused about your standards as to how you judge a UFO expert?

During the intro you bashed about everybody who speaks at the X-conference. That's ok to me, but then you bring on Scott Corrales who has this ridiculous "UFO beam" video on his site. If any of the "Swiss Guru" people did that you'd eat them alive for breakfast. Not so with Scott Corrales, who is an entertaining speaker, but offers no clear evidence of any kind. It's all hear say and anecdotes. He even admits that he doesn't take any responsibility for the info posted on his site???

I really think you guys are a breath of fresh air in this field, but I'm a bit lost about this episode.

All the best.
While I understand some of your concerns, the simple fact is that Scott is providing an important service to UFO researchers in the English-speaking world - a direct link to Spanish UFO reports. Scott is not claiming that anything he posts is legitimate, he's doing a ton of work translating the Spanish-language material that is otherwise lost in the noise. He charges zero money for what he does, another big plus in his defense.

He is not making any outrageous claims about the stuff posted on his site, he's just providing the info, which is OK in my book. If he were coming to conclusions about the material he posts, well, that would be an entirely different situation. Furthermore, he's intelligent and respectful, which is a whole lot more than what I see out of the Meierites.

He's one of our favorite guests, and he's always more than welcome to come on this show.

Yeah, he makes no claims about alien babies or zero point energy.

When Paola Harris doesnt even do her homework about images and Mr.Biedny is telling her he's an imaging expert and she still cant understand that, then the Paracast has the right to grill her or anyone else who claims or says outrageous things and wont face the facts and cant support their own views.

Corrales was asked questions and he answered.
Hi Gene and David,

I have a comment about the current show.

I'm confused about your standards as to how you judge a UFO expert?

During the intro you bashed about everybody who speaks at the X-conference. That's ok to me, but then you bring on Scott Corrales who has this ridiculous "UFO beam" video on his site. If any of the "Swiss Guru" people did that you'd eat them alive for breakfast. Not so with Scott Corrales, who is an entertaining speaker, but offers no clear evidence of any kind. It's all hear say and anecdotes. He even admits that he doesn't take any responsibility for the info posted on his site???

I really think you guys are a breath of fresh air in this field, but I'm a bit lost about this episode.

All the best.

To compare the ufo beam vids, with Meier is off. No, I have never been impressed with the vids and posted a mundane explanation for them. It still is no comparison.

David did express his concerns with the vid.

Hope you don't catch the SDM, Greer, Harris, or many other shows they've had with kooks. If you had probs with Scott, you'll bleed through your eyeballs listening to them. They do a good civil job imo of having differences with their guests. They will have some people that need questioned on.... Good. They do so not like Springer, or Fart Smell/Art Bell. Good again. To me at least. They give people a chance. But don't chance it on what is given and follow blindly.