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Searchlight, Scoop Marks, Arthritis

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Still Seeking Samantha
The closest I've personally gotten to having a UFO sighting turned out to be merely lines of flares fired off by Air National Guard jets during training exercises very far off in the distance. But at least for a few days, my brother and I were convinced we were seeing lights from craft driven by some extraterrestrial beings.

However, about 12 to 14 years ago, I learned of the experience of an individual very close to my family. He was a dairy farmer. The farmhouse and barn are on the crown of a hill, and the pastures and alfalfa fields lay along the fairly steep, rocky slopes that surround the hill. One night, I believe it was well into autumn, after he had finished cleaning up after milking his cows, he exited the barn and started walking the short distance across the yard to his house.

Suddenly, he became aware of the presence of a large shape moving above the trees and over the yard. I don't know if he ever even looked up at it, if it was illuminated or just a dark shadow, or even if he could say what shape the thing was. But I do know that he said it was sending a sort of searchlight straight down to the ground, and that beam was moving or sweeping through the yard between the buildings. The shape from which the light came made no sound.

He was absolutely terrified, and he ran to the nearest cover he could find to try to conceal himself: one or another piece of farm machinery. From there, I don't know if he said how long he hid, if he tried to see what was going on up above, if he experienced lost time, or even how he managed to get back into the house. And I've never had the courage to ask him about this, as from the tellings of his story that I heard, he wanted to forget about it, and only told the story--with great difficulty--to selected individuals. No one else in the community knows about it, and that makes it all the more credible to me.

However, I do know that he mentioned noticing strange marks on his big toes, of all places, while showering after chores in the days following this encounter. I was told they were round red marks. I don't know anything about their size, if they were like cuts or abrasions or more like red stains on the skin, if they caused him any discomfort, or even if they faded or are still there. Again, I've never had the courage to ask him about it.

One other detail that may or may not be related to the encounter: he was a very young man--in his late 20s or so--but we were shocked to find out one day that he was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I know that it's not unheard of for young adults to have this condition, but it was hard not to allow my imagination to connect those dots.

I don't know if this was the only up-close encounter he had, but I do know that he and another individual close to the family saw a red light low in the sky some distance away while working outside as dusk neared. The light remained far off, but at the mere sighting of this light, he became very agitated and told the man he was working with that they should call it a day, and he preferred to get quickly back to the house.

I have read about other UFOs flashing lights down on the ground, and I've heard about "scoop marks" on the bodies of alleged abductees. Quite honestly, I've always been extremely skeptical of those sorts of accounts. But then I remind myself of this man. I know him, and so I trust these stories. And of course we would like to know exactly what happened, and who's the blame for it--I'm sure he most of all!

The marks on his big toes and the arthritis have stuck in my mind as very odd details. Have any of you come across other such an account? And in spite of the seeming predilection of "ETs" for cattle mutilation, none of his cows ever turned up missing, and he never found any of them mutilated or in any kind of abnormal physical distress--as far as I know.

Anyway, thanks ahead of time for any feedback you might be able to provide!
Interesting account. Thanks for taking the time to share it.

Where in the world are you/this man located? I guess what I would say is if there is any way you could work up the courage to ask this man some questions, maybe you could glean something more that could help figure out what happened, or if this is truly is highly strange.
Have a girlfriend I've known since we were about three years old, almost 57 years now. We're like sisters so I trust her to tell me the truth, even if I find it very difficult to ask any more questions about her incident. But she tells a story of a searchlight having been turned on over her head and that of her husband's after a walk in their neighborhood one night several years ago.

She says it turned on just as they were about to go into their house. If she looked up, she didn't say. What's really weird is that I didn't ask her if she had. I can't honestly say I wasn't shocked into silence, but I've never asked her about the incident again. I felt my throat close at the time and darned if it hasn't remained closed. Don't know why.

But she developed a host of health problems afterward. When the doctors were stumped, they called it fibromyalgia and began to treat symptoms such as pain in her muscles and joints, sudden high blood pressure, serious weight gain from inactivity and some depression. Today, she remains medicated to the hilt, but she's doing well.

Heart disease runs in one side of her family so I can't blame it on some damn alien thing. Can't seriously blame any of her symptoms on it either. She's approaching sixty when such health problems seem to rear up. But it all started after her searchlight incident, perhaps coincidental, but your post made me wonder.
The marks on his big toes and the arthritis have stuck in my mind as very odd details. Have any of you come across other such an account? And in spite of the seeming predilection of "ETs" for cattle mutilation, none of his cows ever turned up missing, and he never found any of them mutilated or in any kind of abnormal physical distress--as far as I know.

Anyway, thanks ahead of time for any feedback you might be able to provide!

i have similar symptoms, was medically retired with psoriatic arthritis


this may explain the red dots and toes, and its something he may want to pursue with his doctor as there are different treatments for the various types of arthritis
Have a girlfriend I've known since we were about three years old, almost 57 years now. We're like sisters so I trust her to tell me the truth, even if I find it very difficult to ask any more questions about her incident. But she tells a story of a searchlight having been turned on over her head and that of her husband's after a walk in their neighborhood one night several years ago.

This exact same thing happened to a friend of mine in the middle of the night, except she was in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in a small sailboat hundreds, if not thousands of miles from land. She said her boat was illuminated completely for several seconds. Then the light switched off. She couldn't see anything in the night sky. I don't think she experienced any health problems, however.
i have similar symptoms, was medically retired with psoriatic arthritis


this may explain the red dots and toes, and its something he may want to pursue with his doctor as there are different treatments for the various types of arthritis


Thank you for the reply and the great link to info on psoriatic arthritis!!!! I will pass it along. Did this condition occur soon after a similar incident?

All the best to you!
psoriasis runs in the family, on my paternal line

grandfather, father, me

as far as i know they only had the skin problem.

i developed the skin problem in a mild form when i was about 30.

the arthritis developed much later, and some time after what may have been sleep paralysis or a classic abduction scenario. both are possible scenarios and i have nothing definative to confirm one over the other as the reality.
