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Secret Space Program & Break-away Civilization Conference 2014

Free episodes:

Charlie Prime

Paranormal Adept
This conference looks good...

June 28-29
San Mateo, California

Confirmed Speakers:
  • Catherine Austin Fitts
  • Joseph P Farrell
  • Richard-Dolan
  • Michael Schratt
  • Robert Morningstar
  • Carol Rosin
  • Jon Rappoport
  • Mark McCandlish
  • Henrik Palmgren (Host)

Website: Secret Space Program |

Sounds good but it would be a little hard for me to get there.

what I hope for are some audio recordings/video from the conference to listen to later.
With the breakaway theory in "voge "at the moment wonder if similar theory was around in 1980-90s ? or even earlier ? Looking back Sci-fi authors like later Victor Appleton II suggested this theory in Tom Swift and Vistor From Planet X. Furthermore, late Mr Edward Ruppelt hinted about this theory in his book The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects and late Mr Donald Keyhoe book The Flying Saucers are Real. More plausible the cattle mutitlation might be some aspect of this so called breakaway civilisation?
You should have your children get student loads to pay for college.

At current rates of Quantitative Easing a $200,000 debt in today's dollars will be only about $2,000 of debt in the near future.
I went to this with Joseph Farrell and one of his other associates. Met some interesting people, including the other speakers. The breakaway civilization evidence has roots in the mid 19th Century with the Dellschau material: I refer you to Empire of the Wheel II: Friends From Sonora and also the works of Dennis Crenshaw, Theo Paijmans, Michael Busby, Stephen Romano, Sean Casteel and others who have actually dug into the details and full story of the airship mystery rather than just superficially read a few of the newspaper accounts and chalked it all up to randy newspaper editors. I followed the German trail identified over a hundred years ago by Dellschau himself and turned up bankers in Berlin and the hunt for gold among other things. The story behind breakaway civilizations (I identify two) didn't start after WW2, it started before long before that.
I went to this with Joseph Farrell and one of his other associates. Met some interesting people, including the other speakers. The breakaway civilization evidence has roots in the mid 19th Century with the Dellschau material: I refer you to Empire of the Wheel II: Friends From Sonora and also the works of Dennis Crenshaw, Theo Paijmans, Michael Busby, Stephen Romano, Sean Casteel and others who have actually dug into the details and full story of the airship mystery rather than just superficially read a few of the newspaper accounts and chalked it all up to randy newspaper editors. I followed the German trail identified over a hundred years ago by Dellschau himself and turned up bankers in Berlin and the hunt for gold among other things. The story behind breakaway civilizations (I identify two) didn't start after WW2, it started before long before that.

Yes it's all explained in this feature film ...

and this one ...

Attention !
Although breakaway civilization theorists may consider the above films to be documentaries,
any similarity to persons alive and assumed to exist in a secret society is purely coincidental.
( except the Sarah Palin character who is real ).

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But everyone knows that it could only be this, right?:

Or this...

And never anything but that (amen, hallelujah), right?

Attention: Though ET UFO True Believers and Disclosure Evangelists
may consider the above films to be holy scripture,
they are indeed dogma.
But everyone knows that it could only be this [see videos in post above ], right? ... And never anything but that (amen, hallelujah), right?

Attention: Though ET UFO True Believers and Disclosure Evangelists
may consider the above films to be holy scripture,
they are indeed dogma.

LOL ... nice comeback :D .
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I went to this with Joseph Farrell and one of his other associates. Met some interesting people, including the other speakers. ...The story behind breakaway civilizations (I identify two) didn't start after WW2, it started before long before that.

Cool beans! I'm not educated on the whole Breakaway Civilization concept. I need to do a lot more reading on it.

I enjoy "following the gold". Where the gold came from. Where it went. Where it might be now.

There is a Swede who does this with the JFK assassination and cars. He culls through the old witness statements from hotel owners, waitresses, cops, etc. and matches up the model of car they reported in order to track the movements of the conspirators. His strategy yields interesting clues.