These descriptions are eerily similar to spheres I have seen. Not sure what to make of it. Strange language.
The Rosicrucians and the Illuminati, describing the angels, archangels, and other celestial creatures,
declared that they resembled small suns, being centers of radiant energy surrounded by streamers of
Vrilic force. From these outpouring streamers of force is derived the popular belief that angels have
wings. These wings are corona-like fans of light, by means of which the celestial creatures propel
themselves through the subtle essences of the superphysical worlds.
Some secret orders have taught that the sun was inhabited by a race of creatures with bodies composed
of a radiant, spiritual ether not unlike in its constituency the actual glowing ball of the sun itself. The
solar heat had no harmful effect upon them, because their organisms were sufficiently refined and
sensitized to harmonize with the sun's tremendous vibratory rate. These creatures resemble miniature
suns, being a little larger than a dinner plate in size, although some of the more powerful are
considerably larger. Their color is the golden white light of the sun, and from them emanate four
streamers of Vril. These streamers are often of great length and are in constant motion. A peculiar
palpitation is to be noted throughout the structure of the globe and is communicated in the form of
ripples to the emanating streamers. The greatest and most luminous of these spheres is the Archangel Michael; and the entire order of solar life, which resemble him and dwell upon the sun, are called by
modern Christians "the archangels" or "the spirits of the light.
The Rosicrucians and the Illuminati, describing the angels, archangels, and other celestial creatures,
declared that they resembled small suns, being centers of radiant energy surrounded by streamers of
Vrilic force. From these outpouring streamers of force is derived the popular belief that angels have
wings. These wings are corona-like fans of light, by means of which the celestial creatures propel
themselves through the subtle essences of the superphysical worlds.
Some secret orders have taught that the sun was inhabited by a race of creatures with bodies composed
of a radiant, spiritual ether not unlike in its constituency the actual glowing ball of the sun itself. The
solar heat had no harmful effect upon them, because their organisms were sufficiently refined and
sensitized to harmonize with the sun's tremendous vibratory rate. These creatures resemble miniature
suns, being a little larger than a dinner plate in size, although some of the more powerful are
considerably larger. Their color is the golden white light of the sun, and from them emanate four
streamers of Vril. These streamers are often of great length and are in constant motion. A peculiar
palpitation is to be noted throughout the structure of the globe and is communicated in the form of
ripples to the emanating streamers. The greatest and most luminous of these spheres is the Archangel Michael; and the entire order of solar life, which resemble him and dwell upon the sun, are called by
modern Christians "the archangels" or "the spirits of the light.