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Secret UFO NASA Transmissions - The Smoking Gun Documentary.

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Have you seen this documentary. It came out in 2000 I think.
A lot of fluff but some good stuff as well. Worth taking a look. Good video overall.

I remember watching that a few years back. The only segment I really had a problem with was about the tethered satellite experiment from the space shuttle.
When the tether broke, all sorts of broken fibers and dust were flying in all directions. When the camera tried to get a close up of these particles, they unfocused out into fuzzy disk shapes. This was obviously what happened from watching the vid. It was just out-of-focus broken bits.
Yet they interpreted it as disks flying around, even behind the broken tether as it floated away.
Other than that, I thought it had some good vids and photos after wading through all the fluff.
I remember watching that a few years back. The only segment I really had a problem with was about the tethered satellite experiment from the space shuttle.
When the tether broke, all sorts of broken fibers and dust were flying in all directions. When the camera tried to get a close up of these particles, they unfocused out into fuzzy disk shapes. This was obviously what happened from watching the vid. It was just out-of-focus broken bits.
Yet they interpreted it as disks flying around, even behind the broken tether as it floated away.
Other than that, I thought it had some good vids and photos after wading through all the fluff.

Dozens of pulsing dust particles with a notch in them, with at least one of them with a diameter of at least 2 miles? THAT, I find hard to believe. I watched the 2 docs several times since they got uploaded to UFO TV on YT. I don't see how the objects can either be dust or ice. Also the video of orbs/objects builing a formation in orbit over a thunderstorm are very interesting.
Those pulsing lights are still not properly explained. This is why that tether video will always be one of the most important videos out there. I've seen people try to explain them away as ice crystals, optical distortion etc, but these objects change direction, speed up and slow down, pulsate like a ticking clock and appear to have an internal intelligence.