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Senior Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Official Blows Whistle On UFOs

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Paranormal Adept
The “Anchorage” Incident is a well known UFO event involving a veteran Japanese airline pilot who saw three UFOs following his 747 aircraft carrier for over 400 miles. One of the objects was much larger than the 747, while the other two were smaller. The crewmen of JAL Flight 1628 reported seeing flashing lights trailing their jet to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). FAA officials confirmed the conclusions drawn from the controller who handled Flight 1628 on his radar.

His conclusion was that the aircrafts were unidentified. Air Force officials at the Alaska Air Command also said their radar picked up something near the JAL plane. The United States Air Force scrambled a jet to get a closer look at the object.

This incident occurred in 1986. It’s now 2013 and high ranking credible witness testimonies as well as officially released government documentation confirm that UFOs are a real phenomenon and should be taken very seriously by people in high power.

Three letter agencies have also released previously highly classified documentation. The documents indicate that UFOs are constantly tracked on military radar and jets are often scrambled so pilots can take a closer look.

Collective-Evolution – Senior Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Official Blows Whistle On UFOs