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Shake up Australia to the extent you can . . .

Free episodes:


Paranormal Adept

Shut Down Australia
Plea for help and awareness.

Our peoples rights in many areas is virtually non existent.

Its not only closures of Communites that is a concern it is also Aboriginal housing situation is in Crisis. Fellas pay $300 a week for Aboriginal Housing in the desert and food out there is 7 times higher than in the city. People out there is left with $100 per fortnight to buy kids clothes, groceries, bills, phone, utilities, petrol and car etc. Our mob is being starved out of country now!

We need this awareness to spread Globally. Suicide has reached catastrophic levels and so many have given up the will to live.

Mob is left to the fringes of townships and cities where many have died unnecessarily. Many get picked up by the police and placed in custody. Many is dying in custody of suspicious circumstances and police not getting no murder charges on them even though they get caught on camera bashing our people till their last dying breath.

We need your help to please strike with us on June 1st 2015 for 60 minutes. 10:30 - 11:30 am.

Please help us.

Australian Actions besides the 250 Registrations within Australia:

Port Augusta https://www.facebook.com/events/883154448413869/

Canberra https://www.facebook.com/events/373852846143257/

Geraldton https://www.facebook.com/events/1597103983907797/

Brisbane https://www.facebook.com/events/1432376833735903/

Perth https://www.facebook.com/events/1583149481951941/

Katoomba Facebook

Sydney https://www.facebook.com/events/1611142109127858/

Darwin https://www.facebook.com/events/754264361339326/

Solidarity actions planned to date:

Vancouver in Solidarity with ‪#‎SHUTDOWNAUSTRALIA‬

New Zealand ‪#‎SHUTDOWNNZ‬ in solidarity with #SHUTDOWNAUSTRALIA

Thames https://www.facebook.com/events/436947349807782/

London! We won't stop until Barnett does! https://www.facebook.com/events/579725272170185/

Belgium, Europe have a solidarity gathering 1 June at Cafe Bizon in Brussels. Event notice coming soon.


Don't see anything for your area?

Well don't just sit there... start planning with your friends and family. ‪#‎GlobalSolidarity‬

Please post your solidarity events here:

Non First Nations Aussies Supporting First Nations Aussies Lowanna Wickham Lola Forester Ngigjingah Maryanne Skeen Timothy James Wilkey Albert Hartnett Karen Fusi Felon Mason Fern York Blackfulla Revolution Laurence Coghlan Matt Elliott Maryam Elizabeth Clay Vince Coulthard Michelle Aleksandrovics Lovegrove Michael Anderson Michelle Tuahine Michael Leslie MiChelle Tyhuis Gayle Hull Mather Moya Barton Smith Stephen Atkinson Amos Roach Karen Cummins Coghill Daniel Whyman Dee Tinley Deborah Briggs Debbie Carmody Derik Digga Lynch Deanne Keed Deadly Talk - The Voices of Black Australia Debbi Jones Fleur Magick Dennis Fiona West Gerry Georgatos Vsa Gwenda Stanley Padraic Gibson Woppaburra Elder NITV News NITV ABC ABC News ABC News ABC News Breakfast
From the London movement in support of the rights of Australia's First People ~~~

"This will be the 4th London action to protest against the closure of up to 150 remote Aboriginal communities in Western Australia as the State Government under Premier Colin Barnett intends to close off municipal services by shutting off power and water. The international community stands strong with the First Peoples of Australia and recognise their right to be on their homelands and to be supported to do so. These protests also condemn the Prime Minister of Australia Tony Abbott who accuses Aboriginal peoples of making lifestyle choices. Failure to recognise the importance of country to Aboriginal peoples contravenes the United Nations Declaration of the rights of First Peoples. Australia is the only Commonwealth Country to have not formed a treaty with its First People and we call on Australian and British people to stand up against these actions."

I want to add for those who don't know it that these recent government actions against Australian aboriginal groups in Western Australia are in the service of clearing the ancestral lands they live on for the benefit of international mining corporations. All this and other destruction of life, social justice, human culture, and hope by globalized corporate capitalism must be stopped.
Indigenous populations globally suffer from the effects of the colonial eras. Water and food scarcity are still basic features of life for aboriginal communities. Govts refuse to provide standard essential services for these citizens and so getting access to proper water and sanitation, keeping their lands free of toxins and pollutants from fuel and mineral mining is only the tip of the iceberg. Employment, education and health issues are constantly lagging behind national standards with few in the home nations caring enough to create change.

In Canada, treaty law is one of the fastest growing law sectors as more and more aboriginals become lawyers in order to pursue treaty obligations. Our Truth and Reconciliation commission just wrapped up today exploring and exposing the history of residential schools: 150,000 children taken from their families, not allowed to speak their language, express their culture, subjected to physical and sexual abuse. It is known that at least 6,000 kids died in the care of Christian sponsored residential schools. Under the UN genocide definitions this is genocide and that's how I name it in the provincial curriculum project I'm writing right now.
Idle No More
The plight of indigenous populations is rarely cared for. Inuit children are currently committing suicide at unprecedented rates as a consequence of the intergenerational trauma. Their parents and grandparents carry with them the pain and misery of our genocidal past. Compassion for these ongoing traumas is hard to find. Perhaps more education of what these people went through may sensitize the present to the past?
The Indigenous Movement | First Peoples Worldwide
But as their languages die, and forced assimilation processes like Australia is pursuing will work towards an erasure of the past. Most colonial govts have proposed the eradication of the former identities by simply squashing their legal status as an indigenous person. In Autralia things are very bleak. In Canada, the only population that is growing in the nation are aboriginal peoples - here there is a growing sense of reclamation.

The best path forward is an education of the dominant populous. Privileged people need to understand the relationship between their privilege and the plights of others. Link up people.
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