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Show Crash Problems

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Paranormal Adept
Ok I am not a big conspiracy theorist or paranoid tweeker, but it does seem curious to me that each time you get a guest who starts talking about sensitive stuff suddenly the SHOW GOES CAPUT --WIPED OFFLINE? :confused::confused:

could this be some unkown technical computer problem

is it WINDOWS or MACINTOSH that is the problem?

Last night Norio Hayakawa was talking about some great stuff and BADA BING BADA BANG the show goes FLAT?

any thoughts
or ideaRs
Ok I am not a big conspiracy theorist or paranoid tweeker, but it does seem curious to me that each time you get a guest who starts talking about sensitive stuff suddenly the SHOW GOES CAPUT --WIPED OFFLINE? :confused::confused:

could this be some unkown technical computer problem

is it WINDOWS or MACINTOSH that is the problem?

Last night Norio Hayakawa was talking about some great stuff and BADA BING BADA BANG the show goes FLAT?

any thoughts
or ideaRs

Last Fridays show with Rich and Don was terrible. One minute Don and Rich be chatting, then very suddenly the audio would go silent and return in 10 to 30 seconds, And finally, at around 1hour 44 minutes the show just ended. You had phoned in Ryan around that time.

I haven't heard the show with Nario Hayakawa yet. But there was a Cyber attack on Cyberstation just around the time Don joined that station. It be interesting to check the fault reports back before Don Joined, and statically check if there is more problems occurring now then previously before he joined.

If it was a furtive operation against the Dark Matters Show, then Don, most be upsetting a few people:D But before any of us believe that, the problems that have occurred so far, most be fully solved, and explanations must be given by the engineers or technical staff to what caused it. Only then can we speculate.
Last Fridays show with Rich and Don was terrible. One minute Don and Rich be chatting, then very suddenly the audio would go silent and return in 10 to 30 seconds, And finally, at around 1hour 44 minutes the show just ended. You had phoned in Ryan around that time.

I haven't heard the show with Nario Hayakawa yet. But there was a Cyber attack on Cyberstation just around the time Don joined that station. It be interesting to check the fault reports back before Don Joined, and statically check if there is more problems occurring now then previously before he joined.

If it was a furtive operation against the Dark Matters Show, then Don, most be upsetting a few people:D But before any of us believe that, the problems that have occurred so far, most be fully solved, and explanations must be given by the engineers or technical staff to what caused it. Only then can we speculate.

Get this the power to Don's studio was cut off right at 1:44 on Friday:confused::confused:
I heard the show last night before bed, but I had no idea what caused the show to end before the 2.00 hour deadline. Thanks for the update Ryan.

Good morning all. First .. I am NOT conspiracy prone, kay?? However I too find this very strange. I called the head eng. this AM and he is already on the phone to LIVE365 to find out whats up. There have been some problems of late that cause me to scratch my head. Last nites show with Norio went bada bada bing at approx. 22 minutes prior to end of show. (By the way, the entire show will be in the archives l hope before end of business today) We kept on broadcasting and there is a full 2 hour program but at this point I have no idea what caused the problems. Jay (head eng.) and I discussed this early this morning and he is as preplexed and pissed as I am. LIVE365 (the people that carry the show) and Jay and Jeremy (Senior VP) are going to have a chat with the carriers and if I find anything out I will post it here. At this point I can assure you all that the entire show is "in the can" and will be available later on today.

Don I have a feeling what might have happened is when you switched on the phone lines last night that maybe that is what killed it. You mentioned that when someone calls you have to watch the computer, but last night did you accidentally miss the Skype software and that is what happened?

Maybe that is not what happened, but for the most part alot of your shows have gone on without much of a hitch, with exception of a few that did.

It happens when running internet radio, that these things happen.

I think Dark Matters is the best late night talk radio program around and if someone wanted to be a hacker they would target Don.
I just spoke to the chief eng. at CyberstationUSA and the Norio Hayakawa show should be available for download at about 12:30 PM Pacific time today. (Weds.)

Okay, for all you that wanted to hear the Norio Hayakawa show ... it is up and ready!!

Dark Matter's Radio - Downloads


Hey Don,
How about a show on the great work USA & International Police Force who do a excellent job which main stream media tends to ignore and some of the strangest cases you come across regarding strange awarness. Surley there must be some former D.I.s out there with x-file type cases?

Great Shows this week:)