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show idea???

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Paranormal Maven
Gene, have you ever thought about doing a show about all the ufo
whistle blowers who have come on the scene with great theories or facts and then have either stopped talking all of a sudden or died mysteriously? I can think of about five names or more but I bet you know of quite a few. Maybe the forum here can help think of some names.​
I'm curious to hear the 5 names you have in mind, I'm definitely interested in the subject of UFO whistle blowers but, to be honest, I don't know that much about it. The only whistle blowers that I've ever heard mentioned are the ones from Project Camelot and let's just say I don't find them convincing, at all. Well, I am aware of a few supposed ex NASA employees that have come forward with stuff on UFO's, but they're all alive as far as I know.
Albert k. Bender would probably be good place to start. Didn't his claim get pooh-poohed by mr. moseley? But then jim pooh-poohed more than a few things.
Albert k. Bender would probably be good place to start. Didn't his claim get pooh-poohed by mr. moseley? But then jim pooh-poohed more than a few things.

Is he considered a whistle blower? I wasn't aware that he was privy to any inside information besides what he said the Men in Black told him, but I may be mistaken.
Well I guess he wasn't technically a whistle blower but it was because of his claim that he was visited by three mib he shut down his organization because they sort of served him with a cease and desist order.

If I recall the International Flying Saucer
Bureau that he headed wasn't thriving so it could have been a face saving move to disband the organization.

The visitation was based on a bulletin albert had put out claiming he had figured out the source of the ufo phenomenon and included some oblique reference to laying low with the info as it was really hot stuff.
. . . and then have either stopped talking all of a sudden or died mysteriously?

Hey Steve, great idea! Now Gene might have difficulty interviewing the reluctant living ones, but the dead ones could show up in Robbert van den Broeke's camera to explain what happened to them. Then Gene could interview Robbert about them. And who knows what secrets might be uncovered? What if there is weird stuff going on in the afterlife that needs whistle-blowing above and beyond the UFO phenomena?
I'd stay dead and silent if my only 'gateway' to comunicate with the living would be Robberts Camera. Any new 'hacking' escapades from him yet ?
Hey Steve, great idea! Now Gene might have difficulty interviewing the reluctant living ones, but the dead ones could show up in Robbert van den Broeke's camera to explain what happened to them. Then Gene could interview Robbert about them. And who knows what secrets might be uncovered? What if there is weird stuff going on in the afterlife that needs whistle-blowing above and beyond the UFO phenomena?

Just out of curiosity, why are you so obsessed with that obvious fraud? This isn't the only place I've seen you bash them, you seem to be all over the internet smashing good ole' Robbert. It's not that I don't approve, I do, I'm just wondering why you care? Robbert, Nancy and by association BLT are pretty much considered a joke by anyone who isn't a deluded, new age nutcase.
Just out of curiosity, why are you so obsessed with that obvious fraud? This isn't the only place I've seen you bash them, you seem to be all over the internet smashing good ole' Robbert. It's not that I don't approve, I do, I'm just wondering why you care? Robbert, Nancy and by association BLT are pretty much considered a joke by anyone who isn't a deluded, new age nutcase.

Hi Muadib,

The short answer to your question is that I myself am a deluded new age nutcase and I even have the Narcissism to prove it! But that of course does not explain anything.

But since I really appreciate your asking my motivation, I will give you the courtesy of a straight answer. (Let me hit the pause button on my snark and tomfoolery for the time being.)

It’s actually a short story but I need to fill in the necessary background because it involves Colin Andrews, crop circles in the movie THRIVE, Arthur Young with Billy Meier & the Pleiadeans, even Andrei Puharich and the MK-ULTRA experiments of the early 50’s along with the channeling of The Nine, but thankfully, no sacred mushrooms.

It all starts for me in 1981 in Berkeley, California when I became friends with Arthur M. Young (1905-1995), inventor of the Bell-47 helicopter (the ones you see on M*A*S*H) and the author of the The Geometry of Meaning and The Reflexive Universe.
Arthur M. Young: About Arthur M. Young

Arthur also founded the Institute for the Study of Consciousness in 1972 and he became what I call the “Gertrude Stein of modern physics” because he provided his place as the first “salon” for the wild and crazy group of modern beatnik-hippie physicists who are described in MIT professor David Kaiser’s book How the Hippies Saved Physics.
How the Hippies Saved Physics by David Kaiser

They include physicists Elizabeth Rauscher, Jack Sarfatti, Nick Herbert, Fred Alan Wolf. Saul Paul Sirag was a mathematician and the Jeffrey Mishlove got his PhD in Parapsychology at UCB.

Now I myself have degrees in physics and classics (Greek/Latin) so I became quite interested in Arthur’s multi-disciplinary Theory of Process because it is still such an elegant paradigm to illustrate not just evolution, but also the evolution of consciousness.

Arthur introduced me to the work of Billy Meier through his friendship with Wendelle Stevens in Arizona. Arthur was fascinated wit the messages that the beautiful Pleaidean Semaje gave to Billy. Arthur was also a consummately diligent and creative astrologer and has made terrific breakthroughs in that field.

Now one of the folks I met at Arthur’s place in Berkeley was Foster Gamble, an heir to the P&G fortune and the producer of the cult movie THRIVE which debuted on that auspicious date 11/11/11.

I had known about Foster’s plans for his movie for a good decade before it came out, but I was quite shocked at the result, notably for having included David Icke as an authority on the NWO, but mostly for what I felt was Foster’s trivialization of Arthur Young’s signal concept of the torus.

Since both Foster and I are consummate Baby Boomer Narcissists (both of us born in 1948), then, when I raised the slightest criticism of his movie, Foster took it personally and put me on his paranoiac shit-list. In deference to his being an Aikdo master, I immediately took this opportunity to posture on the Internet as a worthy opponent to him in the ukemi fashion of aikido.

Thus I joined forces with the infamous “paid disinformation agent” called Muertos on his THRIVE-Debunked blog,
Thrive Debunked

where I really earned my keep on Foster’s list.

Now since Foster’s movie interprets crop circles as messages from ETs about how they are trying to help us, and since Foster had consulted with crop circle film maker Suzanne Taylor, who in turn was good friends with Nancy Talbott, then a whole lot of Nancy’s BLT research was dissected and debunked on the blog.

Then in May, I found out about Colin Andrews’ distress over this Dutch medium and protégé of Nancy who was having images of Colin’s good friend, the late Pat Delgado and the late Dave Chorley appear in his cameras. So I got in touch with Colin and helped him weather the storm, translated a few of Robbert’s postings for him and then while surfing the Internet about crop circles I discovered Paracast, joined on June 20, 2012, and the rest is Paracast history.

I hope this answers your question.

Tom Mellett
Los Angeles, CA

PS If you or anyone else is interested, I’ll develop the Puharich MK-ULTRA mind control LSD experiments at Ft. Detrick and The Nine channeling connection to THRIVE and possibly to Robbert another time.
Hi Muadib,

The short answer to your question is that I myself am a deluded new age nutcase and I even have the Narcissism to prove it! But that of course does not explain anything.

But since I really appreciate your asking my motivation, I will give you the courtesy of a straight answer. (Let me hit the pause button on my snark and tomfoolery for the time being.)

It’s actually a short story but I need to fill in the necessary background because it involves Colin Andrews, crop circles in the movie THRIVE, Arthur Young with Billy Meier & the Pleiadeans, even Andrei Puharich and the MK-ULTRA experiments of the early 50’s along with the channeling of The Nine, but thankfully, no sacred mushrooms.

It all starts for me in 1981 in Berkeley, California when I became friends with Arthur M. Young (1905-1995), inventor of the Bell-47 helicopter (the ones you see on M*A*S*H) and the author of the The Geometry of Meaning and The Reflexive Universe.
Arthur M. Young: About Arthur M. Young

Arthur also founded the Institute for the Study of Consciousness in 1972 and he became what I call the “Gertrude Stein of modern physics” because he provided his place as the first “salon” for the wild and crazy group of modern beatnik-hippie physicists who are described in MIT professor David Kaiser’s book How the Hippies Saved Physics.
How the Hippies Saved Physics by David Kaiser

They include physicists Elizabeth Rauscher, Jack Sarfatti, Nick Herbert, Fred Alan Wolf. Saul Paul Sirag was a mathematician and the Jeffrey Mishlove got his PhD in Parapsychology at UCB.

Now I myself have degrees in physics and classics (Greek/Latin) so I became quite interested in Arthur’s multi-disciplinary Theory of Process because it is still such an elegant paradigm to illustrate not just evolution, but also the evolution of consciousness.

Arthur introduced me to the work of Billy Meier through his friendship with Wendelle Stevens in Arizona. Arthur was fascinated wit the messages that the beautiful Pleaidean Semaje gave to Billy. Arthur was also a consummately diligent and creative astrologer and has made terrific breakthroughs in that field.

Now one of the folks I met at Arthur’s place in Berkeley was Foster Gamble, an heir to the P&G fortune and the producer of the cult movie THRIVE which debuted on that auspicious date 11/11/11.

I had known about Foster’s plans for his movie for a good decade before it came out, but I was quite shocked at the result, notably for having included David Icke as an authority on the NWO, but mostly for what I felt was Foster’s trivialization of Arthur Young’s signal concept of the torus.

Since both Foster and I are consummate Baby Boomer Narcissists (both of us born in 1948), then, when I raised the slightest criticism of his movie, Foster took it personally and put me on his paranoiac shit-list. In deference to his being an Aikdo master, I immediately took this opportunity to posture on the Internet as a worthy opponent to him in the ukemi fashion of aikido.

Thus I joined forces with the infamous “paid disinformation agent” called Muertos on his THRIVE-Debunked blog,
Thrive Debunked

where I really earned my keep on Foster’s list.

Now since Foster’s movie interprets crop circles as messages from ETs about how they are trying to help us, and since Foster had consulted with crop circle film maker Suzanne Taylor, who in turn was good friends with Nancy Talbott, then a whole lot of Nancy’s BLT research was dissected and debunked on the blog.

Then in May, I found out about Colin Andrews’ distress over this Dutch medium and protégé of Nancy who was having images of Colin’s good friend, the late Pat Delgado and the late Dave Chorley appear in his cameras. So I got in touch with Colin and helped him weather the storm, translated a few of Robbert’s postings for him and then while surfing the Internet about crop circles I discovered Paracast, joined on June 20, 2012, and the rest is Paracast history.

I hope this answers your question.

Tom Mellett
Los Angeles, CA

PS If you or anyone else is interested, I’ll develop the Puharich MK-ULTRA mind control LSD experiments at Ft. Detrick and The Nine channeling connection to THRIVE and possibly to Robbert another time.

Yep, that's one of the sites I was referring to when I said I'd seen you elsewhere, I'm a big fan of what Muertos did with that site. I appreciate you taking the time to answer the question, since it's something that I was curious about, plus I've heard some rather nasty accusations thrown your way on a few crop circle sites, naturally this piqued my curiosity since I recognized your name from the Paracast forums and you always seemed very polite and intelligent, if a little snarky, but I love sarcasm so that kind of thing never bothers me. I'm definitely going to have to track down that book you mentioned on the hippies saving physics, I recognize at lease one of those names as a physicist that is referenced in the infamous Romanek case. I'd also be interested in hearing about the MK-ULTRA and The Nine connection to Thrive and Robbert whenever you feel like writing it up.
Paul Bennowitz is a name that can certainly be included on any list. He was sent to an early grave as a result of his interest in UFOs. The late "Mike Younger" is another guy who died mysteriously after spending much of his life releasing sensitive subject matter on UFOs and government secrets. James Forrestal was most likely murdered, many like Richard Dolan have taken this position. Phil Schneider died under odd circumstances. Karla Turner mysteriously got terminal cancer and quickly died after she made waves in the abduction scene. Danny Casolaro was looking into all sorts of classified subjects when he was found dead in his hotel.

I am sure there are many more, but perhaps this is a start.