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Show Suggestion: Sky Sounds

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FeralNormal master
I haven't listened to many shows yet this year so maybe this subject has been covered ( yes I'm a bad boy, BUT in my defense I seem to be unconsciously steering myself to a somewhat narrow subject of interest ) but sky sounds seem to be all the rage, sort of a 2012 version of weird bird/animal behavior. I'm not sure if this one subject can carry so whole show so maybe you can piggy back it with a related phenomena or chris could bring his band or gene could read us a spooky story
I'll second this. Even if the "sky sounds" are bogus, it's interesting to see how the stories of such things are spread, and the wild theories that arise in an attempt to explain them.
maybe the sky sound hoax is a cover for events about to happen... i think we may be on the verge of an attack from the Frogoids. They amuse themselves by "bullfrogging" (sky sounds) their prey for several months before they hop into genocidal action. My god we are doomed... if only we knew someone who could slay these amfuckingphibious monsters... :eek:
My second bump of the morning. What are the odds it would be one of my own?

As I've mentioned before in various threads on the paracast forum, I walk. A lot. If not my sunday hikes which I will wait for until the bills finish their season...I guess for them it already is though...to my three to four times a week night walks, to my walking to work I spend a lot of time on my feet

Given that, as I mentioned on a thread that over the years I have become well acquainted with the flight traffic patterns and recently after an abscence of a couple of years I notice a reoccurring "phenomena" which I find intriguing, not necessarily paranormal, but maybe high strangeness.

This time it's sound related, and no it's nothing like those unearthly whining trembling sky sounds you can find on youtube. These sounds sound for all the world like a low flying military or commercial flight except there is nothing to be seen. A couple of years ago I heard what an extremely loud low rumbling in the sky above. Imagine one of those passing high altitude jets you can hear them after they pass overhead. A low roar. Well what I picked up a couple of years ago and several times recently was just like that but much louder or much lower and there was nothing in sight. In fact last monday night, a week ago, I was not alone. I saw another guy up the street starting at the sky and catching up to him and trying to sound as casual as possible I asked him if he was looking at anything interesting and he confirmed what I thought he said he thought he heard a very low jet passing overhead. The other funny thing is this sound lasts well over a couple of minutes, much longer than the typical sounds of normal traffic and often occur in batches, like there is a squadron that's slightly spread out passing through as I'll hear two or three passovers in just a few minutes. fwiw, I live in los angeles
Is it possible you are simply hearing an aircraft too high to be seen? Like ages ago a U2 could fly too high to be seen from the ground. There must be equivalent high-altitude craft of some kind? Certainly if it's not a huge aircraft, there is no reason you would see it at 65,000' - well I'm guessing, I don't actually know.

Just a thought, but I imagine that the fact you are posting that, it must have been a new sound experience, otherwise you'd have just passed it off un-noticed, like many other passenger jets during the day (if you live under some flight paths). So it ranks as a strange sound then for sure.
This sounds like something I noticed last year, I think it was. Pretty sure it was the summer of '11 when I started hearing low flying jets, but could not see anything of them. It was odd, for sure. I too spend a lot of time outdoors, working, hiking, biking, general fooling around. We have 300 days of sunshine here, as they say, and the weather is usually fine. Being something of an aviation fan for fifty years or so, and having lived near active air force bases, I have a lot of experience watching planes. Twenty years ago, I was even getting pretty good at identifying aircraft passing overhead just by their sound. Anyway, suddenly last year I'd hear jet fighters passing over at unusually low altitude, but I could never see them. It's easy enough, the first few times, to think well it wasn't going the direction I thought, or it must have been behind that cloud, or that hill, or whatever. After having attended a dozen or so air shows over the years, and watching low flying planes of all types whenever the opportunity arises, it's pretty jarring to suddenly be hearing "invisible jets." This is the first time I've mentioned it, in fact. Anyone hearing about it or reading this is likely to roll their eyes and just assume I was mistaken. Such assumptions are as tiresome as they are narrow minded. But go ahead and bag on my honest description of real experience. I have thick skin.

Oddly, I have not heard any such "invisible" planes lately. The phenomenon lasted several months and just went away as suddenly as it started, for me. Of course I'm open to the idea that what I heard were not planes at all, but then I'm not cowardly enough to just assume I was mistaken a dozen times in a row and then suddenly got my eyesight back. Sometimes I wish I were. Then I could just ignore anomalous experiences (my own and those of other sane and honest people) and get on with a tidy and sensible life.

As for the other "sky sounds" mentioned above, I have not looked at it any further than wasting time on some absurd Youtube videos, but there could be something to some of the reports from reliable people, by way of changing weather patterns or some other cause. I see we already have a Doug & Dave act. That's progress, I guess. :rolleyes:

My second bump of the morning. What are the odds it would be one of my own?

As I've mentioned before in various threads on the paracast forum, I walk. A lot. If not my sunday hikes which I will wait for until the bills finish their season...I guess for them it already is though...to my three to four times a week night walks, to my walking to work I spend a lot of time on my feet

Given that, as I mentioned on a thread that over the years I have become well acquainted with the flight traffic patterns and recently after an abscence of a couple of years I notice a reoccurring "phenomena" which I find intriguing, not necessarily paranormal, but maybe high strangeness.

This time it's sound related, and no it's nothing like those unearthly whining trembling sky sounds you can find on youtube. These sounds sound for all the world like a low flying military or commercial flight except there is nothing to be seen. A couple of years ago I heard what an extremely loud low rumbling in the sky above. Imagine one of those passing high altitude jets you can hear them after they pass overhead. A low roar. Well what I picked up a couple of years ago and several times recently was just like that but much louder or much lower and there was nothing in sight. In fact last monday night, a week ago, I was not alone. I saw another guy up the street starting at the sky and catching up to him and trying to sound as casual as possible I asked him if he was looking at anything interesting and he confirmed what I thought he said he thought he heard a very low jet passing overhead. The other funny thing is this sound lasts well over a couple of minutes, much longer than the typical sounds of normal traffic and often occur in batches, like there is a squadron that's slightly spread out passing through as I'll hear two or three passovers in just a few minutes. fwiw, I live in los angeles
Is it possible you are simply hearing an aircraft too high to be seen? Like ages ago a U2 could fly too high to be seen from the ground. There must be equivalent high-altitude craft of some kind? Certainly if it's not a huge aircraft, there is no reason you would see it at 65,000' - well I'm guessing, I don't actually know.

Just a thought, but I imagine that the fact you are posting that, it must have been a new sound experience, otherwise you'd have just passed it off un-noticed, like many other passenger jets during the day (if you live under some flight paths). So it ranks as a strange sound then for sure.

Well they're quite noticeable, I'd guess they would rate just as loud on a decibel level as the commercial jets that fly into lax. by the time those flights are above my apartment they are less than 3,000 feet and given that, if these mystery jets were flying too high to be seen and they sound as loud as a commercial jet @ 3k feet they must be making a hell of a racket
Help us out... we'll do a show but we need more source material w/their compilers (if possible)...recordings of these types of anomalous sounds presented by the witnesses would (obviously) help immensely, but we need to identify some sort of pattern or context for something worthy of a whole two-hour show.
Help us out... we'll do a show but we need more source material w/their compilers (if possible)...recordings of these types of anomalous sounds presented by the witnesses would (obviously) help immensely, but we need to identify some sort of pattern or context for something worthy of a whole two-hour show.

That is quite true, but personally speaking I don't think you could build a whole show around such a nebulous phenomena. I envisioned these sky sounds as part of a larger theme, not necessarily paranormal, maybe closer to a fortean show with falls from skies, mysterious washed up creatures, strange animal behavior and such, the type of things some point at to validate their end of the world beliefs. Obviously these type of events have always been a part of our history and I'm in no position to say if these incidents have increased over the past few years as I'm sure some would claim, but i think at the very least it may make for a good spoof for your show around 12/21

A more twisted mind would suggest doing it as a war of worlds type episode being so close to christmas and throwing in the above events and sun activity and earthly magnetic fluctuations. Santa relocating to what is now the south pole because the poles are going to switch, stuff like that.
I think it might prove hard to differentiate the copies. That is, I'm assuming half the videos I've watched are copycat fakes. And, that is not to say that there are any 'real' ones. It's been noticed that the sounds in one video from one part of the world are very similar to those found far away.
Did someone just copy the audio from one video and make their own?

It would be interesting to see if anyone has studied the audio - to see if the sounds can be identified as synthesizers or slowed down music or scraping metal etc.

It is a story that interests me but I'm not sure if it isn't just a viral internet hoax.

DOES ANYONE KNOW OF ANYONE WHO ACTUALLY CLAIMS TO HAVE HEARD SUCH SOUNDS THEMSELVES FOR REAL? - I think the answer to that question may indicate whether there is anything worth pursuing?
" It is a story that interests me but I'm not sure if it isn't just a viral internet hoax."

Me as well but that's because I am very interested in memes and if there is a fortean or paranormal aspect to it, so much the better.

This is probably going to come across as heretical but I find many hoaxes interesting as well. Anything that people grab onto to justify their belief systems and how these ideas get spread and become gospel ( so to speak) it's an interesting subject and like I mentioned earlier while it's not a paranormal event per say, it certainly is a subject that upon investigation could explain how we got to where we are today...if that makes sense...
Interesting stuff in this thread. Like Spooky, I find a lot of the hoax stuff to be full of interesting studies in human psychology and behavior. It can be frustrating, embarrassing, even disgusting to look closely at, but it's interesting and it may end up telling us something we need to understand if we are ever going to get beyond what Uncle Stanton refers to as our chief activity as a species: tribal warfare.

Here ya go, Goggs. :)


Chris Holly is an interesting character. The writing on her site has improved a lot. I still don't know quite what to make of her. Maybe she'd be an interesting guest, though I can hear the howls now from certain directions.