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Show Suggestion: Witness Round table

Free episodes:

Jeff Crowell

Paranormal Annoyance
I had a suggestion for an episode that I thought I would throw out there. I think it would be good to 'get back to the roots' of paranormal investigations, which is the actual witness/client/experiencer (depending on how you view them.) It's the people that experience or witness the phenomena that really drive this field, whether it's ghost or UFO or odd creature. Without someone who witnesses these events, we have nothing. It's these people that we point to when the skeptics say nothing's going on, or that people are just seeing Venus.

I propose screening a few willing participants, maybe four or five, who have had genuine paranormal experiences and bring them on the show, then have a few cohosts conduct an interview of these participants based on what they saw. I'd say the screening process should involve a set of criteria along the lines of daytime experiences, say, that last more than a full minute and, preferably, are multi-witness. Get maybe Paul Kimball or Chris o'Brien (sure, I have my problems with either one them, but respect them as interviewers/researchers) to conduct the interview and show how they would do such a thing. I'd also say that the witnesses chosen shouldn't be people "in the field", people who are not in the paranormal entertainment world and such. The best witnesses are simple Joe's not involved in paranormal research themselves.
