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No, I figure Obama can pick up the tab. I mean he and his family spend 4 mil on a little vaca. I am certain they could afford to pay for one of his. Why not the dieing person outside the hospital?

Come on! Is that what I just stated? Why can't these people REPAY what we give them? Where is the common sense system that should be in place to keep from incurring such a needless deficit?

BTW, I do NOT feel responsible for anyone other than myself. That's called "taking the road to responsibility" which I and millions of others have already done many years ago.

Are you honestly stating here that you think just because we have medical facilities that anyone that strolls into an emergency room should be taken and treated without reservation?

Gene, that's kind of opposite from reality. Nothing real about it. If it were that way, it'd take 14 years just to get your soar throat checked. Money doesn't grow on trees or in anybodies heart for that matter. You gotta stay real to keep it real.
