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OKAY I HEAR WHAT YOUR SAYING ( er typing), you're right, he probably is not a racist. A buffoon, a bigot as in  “ a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion. “ Hell I'm a bigot, I can't stand ignorant people, conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Billionaire Brothers who pull the strings of the most reactionary conservatives ( talking about the Koch Brothers)

That being said, I do not know what is in Ted Nugents heart, don't care. He used the term and has been on a tear since the President was elected. Nugent stated this piece of genius “ I will be in jail or dead if the president is reelected." I'm still waiting.

Free advice, wouldn't use the term chimpanzee to describe people of color wherever you go Jeff. But I am sure you're a tough guy and can handle yourself. At least when you write...

To summarize, President Obama was born in the United States. His birth certificate is legit. Black people are not related to monkeys. Anyone on this thread that entertains these thoughts, look it all up. Wikipedia is good. Google works good too.

