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skinny Bob alien footage

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I'm not convinced. Notice the forearms-they seem so big compared to the rest of the anatomical proportions perhaps like some kind of prosthetic was added from the elbow down. The fingers never move, either. The head is pretty impressive, but definitely not beyond Hollywood makeup capability. 'Gray' basket.
I'm not convinced. Notice the forearms-they seem so big compared to the rest of the anatomical proportions perhaps like some kind of prosthetic was added from the elbow down. The fingers never move, either. The head is pretty impressive, but definitely not beyond Hollywood makeup capability. 'Gray' basket.
Yeah... I ain't down with this but you gotta admit that the eye blinking was pretty cool.
The person/s behind the original footage is very very suspect, long history of fake claims.

There is a suggestion Ivan0135 is 351nova etc

Beware ivan0135 aka 351NOVA aka Mr351Nova
I want to warn people of a massive deception thats going on
whether it is a government disinfo campaign, or a person in search of dollars i dont know or care, but this person has obviously put a lot of time and effort into his crap!

A year or two back somebody called 351nova spread footage of `smuggled out of area51 light being footage`

this was prooven to be a fake and ripped off a documentary...

[link to www.youtube.com]

this person is back and has created a viral fake here

[link to www.youtube.com]

and this one here

[link to www.youtube.com]

just like the old one, features over the top black and white effects blinking aliens etc

however, one the video entitled leaked documents, the `kgb emblem` was ripped off this video here

[link to www.youtube.com]

anyway so im told by somebody that ivan0135 and the nova seem to be random anagrams and i traced him to here

[link to www.totalgamingnetwork.com]

isnt it strange that 4 days ago he sent a link to his favourited videos, EXACTLY THE SAME DAY that this ivan who hasnt replied to ANYONES COMMENTS, favourites THAT VIDEO TOO?

there are so many links its beyond ridiculous
and to top it all of he is posting on the video in the comment section under his new name

[link to www.youtube.com]

yet if you research mr351nova he has spent a lot of time traveling the internet debunking videos and talking about where he could make `alien puppets`

this is a guy who devotes a lot of time to his hoaxes and isnt exactly easy to track, but slips up.. and ive found him!
this is new making the rounds; Im thinking that this is a hoax but take a look and tell me what you thnk;

There was a very active investigation on few internal mailing lists after the video appeared. Some data from those discussions was used in this article:

In the middle of the article you can also find my discovery of the KGB logo.

As bbridges said...next...

Best Wishes.

and so with minamal checking anther hoax falls by the waysideI thank you uforadio for finding that link...I wait with baited breath the mainstraim getting a hold of this...