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Skycam films light phenomenon over Poland

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Paranormal Adept
Gerhard Gröschel is a sincere and scientifically-minded UFO researcher from Germany (yes, they do exist) who has set up several automatic sky observation projects in areas that are reportedly hotspots for UFO activity. His current observation areas are Knittelfeld in Austria and Wylatowo in Poland, both remote areas with mainly ball-of-light type activity. Mostly his cameras capture very short appearances of streaks or balls of light which could be anything and are easily dismissed.

A few weeks ago, he posted this video on his Youtube channel which was put together from a recording made in Wylatowo.

In the still at 0:06 you can see where to look at in the recording itself (down at tree level), which starts at 0:25.

After standing still for a couple of seconds, the light starts to move from left to right, flying slowly, eventually separating into two lights, the first of which accelerates faster than the second. After a few seconds more, the lights seem to merge again. There isn't much more to be seen, I'm afraid, but I think reflections can be excluded with this one, IMO the lights are actually too slow to be car headlights or something of that nature.

At 2:40 the recording repeats at 24 x the actual speed (keep that in mind, if it looks kinda fake now). Although you can always say lights in the night sky can be anything, I guess this is not so easy to debunk.
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i dont think its fake, mis-representation yes.

i think its moisture on the lense, being slowly blown across, the bright flashe's along the ground could be anything.
Thanks for commenting. The bright flashes on the ground are car headlights. If it's moisture drops being blown along, the wind must have been strong enough to prevent the drops from following gravity downward for quite some time.

I've seen some presentations by the researcher and read a short book in which he shows stills from and talks a little about his research. He's very thorough, has a very dry and technical approach, and he's definitely not the guy who would post anything as being anomalous before checking all the natural explanations.
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It's cool that Gerhard is doing this kind of monitoring. Who knows? Maybe someday he'll get a real UFO or crop circle formation video. Thanks for posting this one up! In the meantime, this video is just more vague lights off in the distance. The seeming separation of the lights may just be the result of the way the aircraft were flying in relation to each other and the camera.