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Sleep Paralysis (documentary)

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Thanks for the review. My sense is that 6.2% of the population (Western world?) represents an under-reporting. For instance, the number of Out-of-Body Experiences (OBE) that end in SP is significant yet rarely reported as SP.
I did go to see it last night (@ 10:00 pm!) and it was unsettling at times, I could identify with some aspects of pretty much all of the people featured, thinking " that was me" and feeling sorry for them. I got the sense that at least a couple of people "figured it out" and found their happy place as I did some 10 years ago but I was tortured for a long 30+ years not knowing what was wrong with me, I don't know there were others that also suffered and i didn't even know it was a thing.

Most of the reviews bemoaned the fact that there was very little...actually close to nothing...involving shedding any light on possible causes although several people mentioned being in a stressful period during these episodes which is likely, but to someone who lived it for a large part of their adult life I can say that the stressful part of my life was dealing with this s***, it may have been a chicken and egg thing, no doubt a cyclical feedback affliction.
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One of the potential explanations ala William Buhlman is that the etheric or astral body is not reunited with the physical one hence the physical is on "hold" until the reassembly is complete. This would mean that many dreams are OBEs and I find this part of the explanation to be exactly so.
The fact is I have always been a fairly lucid dreamer and thought it interesting that perhapsI was experiencing a OBE and perhaps my "landings" were a little rough. The fact is I still have these episodes but they are not as frequent, by all accounts no where near as frightening and they can even be interesting.

Although the doc didn't actually go into dreams per say, in the latter part of the showing one of the experiences spoke of constantly finding himself in a landscape where there is a disconnect in the structures lay out when it comes to stairs (my words) those scenarios are a stalwart in many of my dreams where the stairs, escalators, ramps and elevators go nowhere or bypass where I need to go. I have to exit and take a special route. It's like always being in a M. C. Escher landscape which is why I find his work so evocative.

Although I'm not so sure I'm having an OBE I'm positive that being somewhat alert and active in my dream state has a role here, my body is not ready and my mind is jumping the gun even if it means a 3 a.m. wake up
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The difference between a LD and an OBE, by most accounts YMMV, is you can direct a LD and only may be able to direct an OBE some of the time. Sometimes they mix and match and it is noting short of confusing, alarming, disengaging and a heck of a lot of fun.

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The only time I am 100% certain I am in an OBE is when I self-initiate one. The similarities between those SIOBE and dream-state OBEs can be very, very alike hence I agree with "professional" OBErs like William Buhlman, the Roberts Petersen and Monroe, others as to the qualities that differentiate them from the LD.