I have listened to your show for years. It is so sad to see David's message but so understandable. Unfortunately, the closed minded people have the power these days. So, I understand his feelings on this. But his intellect and ability to evaluate the information presented to him by various guests made The Paracast, in my opinion, the best paranormal podcast going. And the two of you together had real chemistry. I loved to hear the two of you banter back and forth. Unlike the other paranormal podcasts, you both have personalities. David will be sadly missed.
I have listened to your show for years. It is so sad to see David's message but so understandable. Unfortunately, the closed minded people have the power these days. So, I understand his feelings on this. But his intellect and ability to evaluate the information presented to him by various guests made The Paracast, in my opinion, the best paranormal podcast going. And the two of you together had real chemistry. I loved to hear the two of you banter back and forth. Unlike the other paranormal podcasts, you both have personalities. David will be sadly missed.