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So There I Was ....

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Okay, so there I was this morning ... doing my "net" surfing as I had my first cup of coffee. I have several news sites I hit, usually just scanning the headlines as I sip my Java. I then saw it and it caught my eye since this "Is The Season". What you ask? Well, NPR's Nina Totenberg.

Nina Totenberg: ‘I Was At – Forgive the Expression – a Christmas Party...’ | NewsBusters.org

Gotta tell ya I was somewhat Flumexd but hell, at my age I gotta tell ya that I am rarely surprised anymore at the rampant stupidity everywhere. I watched it and then laughed at this moron. Hey Nina, it is fricken' Christmas time. To tell the truth (and I am somewhat ashamed to admit it) in years past I would great folks by saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas .. but no more! If I say to you Merry Christmas and you become offended .. well too bad. It is meant in the Spirit of the Season. Then I found this by Jackie Mason.

Jackie said it better than I ever could! So there it is ... I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy Chanukah. Hope it is a great one!

As a former Christian now atheist I try to maintain my sense of humor about all of this. Sometimes though its really hard. The conservative talk-show hosts that I have heard babble on about the alleged war on Christmas and the idiotic nonsense displayed by Totenburg really make it hard. But you have to just laugh at this nonsense really. The spiritual giants I have heard weigh in on this are comical in their hypocrisy and willful ignorance of the origins and additions to this particular holiday season which in all reality have no relevance whatsoever to their professed religious significance. It's like getting all high and mighty and taking some spiritual stance about EASTER for Pete's sake. Christmas and Easter are pagan holidays adopted and adapted by Christianity. They are pagan people! Dust off those history books. Do some research. And sure, you can claim it for your own and believe it to be whatever you want it to mean to you. But for the sweet love of Baby Jesus don't get on your high horse (as I have heard radio personality John David Wells do) about how it is an exclusively "Christian" holiday or practice and require others to share your delusion. It simply is not. Not to let the facts get in the way of a good hateful spat between people who disagree about religion though. I wouldn't want to do that! That would be counter to the whole spirit of Festivus!

I think it would really be cool if at some point in our evolution as a civilization that we would just have holidays that celebrate life, living, and each other sans the religious, mythological, commercial, and political trappings and overtones that plague The Holiday Season. (OMG Ethel! The old boy is a Secular Humanist or something! Run for the hills!) But I'm willing to put up with just about anything apparently in the meantime as long as I get some loot and some pecan pie.

Merry Christmas, Merry X-mas, Happy Hanuka, Happy Holidays, Happy Festivus, and all that jazz people! Let the Airing of Grievances and Feats of Strength begin! Whoohooo!
They changed the name of our town Christmas parade to the Holiday parade. What the fuck people? Everyone is so worried about hurting other peoples feelings and everything is so PC anymore it makes me sick. I think it all started with that douche that sued Mcdonalds because the coffee was to hot. My head hurts now. Merry Christmas you crazy bastards. :)
Everyone is so worried about hurting other peoples feelings and everything is so PC anymore it makes me sick. I think it all started with that douche that sued Mcdonalds because the coffee was to hot. My head hurts now. Merry Christmas you crazy bastards.

It is nauseating. It is hard to believe that people are wasting time, money, and emotion on this at all isn't it? But in all reality, "The war on Christmas" seems to serve both sides of the issue. Everybody gets to be all emotional, spend more money, and hate on each other. 'Tis the Season! Personally, I could not care less what people call it, however I think folks that insist that people acknowledge each others religious fantasies are unrealistic and absolutely ridiculous. Having said that, I still think changing the name of a Christmas Parade to Nondescript Generic Holiday Parade or whatever is equally silly.

And you are probably right. I think you're on to something. Stella probably did trigger the decline of civilization in 1992.

Merry Christmas to you wild man, uh or wild woman, whatever the case may be.

P.S. Love your avatar photo.
It is silly to get upset when a Christian wishes another person Merry Christmas. It's equally silly when Christians get upset when a non-Christian does not wish them Merry Christmas.
As a former Christian now atheist I try to maintain my sense of humor about all of this. Sometimes though its really hard. The conservative talk-show hosts that I have heard babble on about the alleged war on Christmas and the idiotic nonsense displayed by Totenburg really make it hard. But you have to just laugh at this nonsense really. The spiritual giants I have heard weigh in on this are comical in their hypocrisy and willful ignorance of the origins and additions to this particular holiday season which in all reality have no relevance whatsoever to their pofessed religious significance. It's like getting all high and mighty and taking some spiritual stance about EASTER for Pete's sake. Christmas and Easter are pagan holidays adopted and adapted by Christianity. They are pagan people! Dust off those history books. Do some research. And sure, you can claim it for your own and believe it to be whatever you want it to mean to you. But for the sweet love of Baby Jesus don't get on your high horse (as I have heard radio personality John David Wells do) about how it is an exclusively "Christian" holiday or practice and require others to share your delusion. It simply is not. Not to let the facts get in the way of a good hateful spat between people who disagree about religion though. I wouldn't want to do that! That would be counter to the whole spirit of Festivus!

I think it would really be cool if at some point in our evolution as a civilization that we would just have holidays that celebrate life, living, and each other sans the religious, mythological, commercial, and political trappings and overtones that plague The Holiday Season. (OMG Ethel! The old boy is a Secular Humanist or something! Run for the hills!) But I'm willing to put up with just about anything apparently in the meantime as long as I get some loot and some pecan pie.

Merry Christmas, Merry X-mas, Happy Hanuka, Happy Holidays, Happy Festivus, and all that jazz people! Let the Airing of Grievances and Feats of Strength begin! Whoohooo!

LOL. Festivus for the restofus
They changed the name of our town Christmas parade to the Holiday parade. What the fuck people? Everyone is so worried about hurting other peoples feelings and everything is so PC anymore it makes me sick. I think it all started with that douche that sued Mcdonalds because the coffee was to hot. My head hurts now. Merry Christmas you crazy bastards. :)

I'm no rabidly-religious Christian (just a quiet Christian in my heart) but it makes me want to projectile-vomit, when I see throughout todays society, various people, media, groups, agencies, etcetera, bend-over-(f*****g)-backwards to make sure they don't offend every sexual and religious persuasion EXCEPT Christianity, for 'whom' it is --open season-- upon.
There are some things I hate about my fellow Leftists, like the Progressive Talkers, who always wan't to remind us that RobberBaron Neocon WarHawks, those Skull And Bones Luciferians, and ThirdReich'ists are the Christians, so thats why we hate Christians. Sometimes I wish my Progressives would shut up and go do something more productive, but they are too busy loudly celebrating that 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' has been nixed. Because what can possibly be more important?
As a "left of center " person and a "liberal", agnostic Christian I feel the same way. The latest idiocy from N.P.R. and the "Christmas" party apology was just sickening. As for Don't ask,don't tell I guess I feel the same way I do about gay marriage. I don't mind and you can do it if you want ot but why would ya want to? :-) Just kidding, I kid the gays and straights and all the rest. :-)

But your point is well made and well taken.
THANKS Tyd. I'm also like, WHY would you want to, and I'm not just kidding. Back in the 1980's when I was in the military, there were vigorous witchhunts against gays. Ferret them out them get them out. I SUSPECT but cannot prove, that somewhere in Authorityinnersanctum, The They decided I was gay. I never had gotten myself a relationship in the service, (nor everafter afterward) because I am Autistic (Asperger) and SPD, and I kept encountering these, what seemed overtly like sting traps, which kept failing miserably, because they had me pegged wrong. I feel sorry for gaus in the service but be discrete about it AT LEAST.
Yeah, they used to be able to tell the "Christmas Story" at my kids public school. That got changed a while back. Now it's all about Santa Claus and the orgy of greed that occurs Christmas morning.

Perhaps this idiot wasn't Christian? Then her wording may have been more appropriate, I suppose. I have to agree with an earlier post but I'm a Christian-turned-agnostic when I say I can sit back and just laugh at it all. Watching people stammer over offending someone about a holiday that was stolen from the pagans and given a Christian theme is hypocritical and ridiculous.

I say celebrate in anyway you want; even atheists need a time for family, friends, good-will toward men, and all of the philosophical things that go along with Christmas, Hanika, and the rest, so enjoy the season and get over all the BS organized religion and PC brings to it.
It is nauseating. It is hard to believe that people are wasting time, money, and emotion on this at all isn't it? But in all reality, "The war on Christmas" seems to serve both sides of the issue. Everybody gets to be all emotional, spend more money, and hate on each other. 'Tis the Season! Personally, I could not care less what people call it, however I think folks that insist that people acknowledge each others religious fantasies are unrealistic and absolutely ridiculous. Having said that, I still think changing the name of a Christmas Parade to Nondescript Generic Holiday Parade or whatever is equally silly.

And you are probably right. I think you're on to something. Stella probably did trigger the decline of civilization in 1992.

Merry Christmas to you wild man, uh or wild woman, whatever the case may be.

P.S. Love your avatar photo.

Thanks. I am the handsome guy that looks like Brad Pitt(or John Goodman....whichever) and the lovely lady next to me is my lovely wife. She is the skeptic.......and I mean SKEPTIC in our relationship.
...even atheists need a time for family, friends...

I can safely say that everyone reading this is in fact an atheist. Some are complete atheists while others are atheistic toward all gods except one that they've singled out or in most cases had singled out for them by family or society. While some may entertain a true pantheon of multiple gods few if any I imagine, claim to believe in the over 3000 gods mankind has professed allegiance to at one time or another. So ...happy, happy, joy, joy, we are all the same. We're human beings with all the glory, tragedy, and hope that entails. Atheists every one!

Love, Peace, Joy. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.
As a "left of center " person and a "liberal", agnostic Christian I feel the same way. The latest idiocy from N.P.R. and the "Christmas" party apology was just sickening. As for Don't ask,don't tell I guess I feel the same way I do about gay marriage. I don't mind and you can do it if you want ot but why would ya want to? :-) Just kidding, I kid the gays and straights and all the rest. :-)

But your point is well made and well taken.

A platoon of gay men would be the best dressed unit ever. And could you imagine fighting a pissed off unit of lesbians? Sign em up, teach em to shoot and lets end these wars!!!!!
Ya know I'm over 50 but still a male. So when ya say a unit of angry lesbians I can't help myself. :-) I start having these warrior amazon fantasys. :-)

---------- Post added at 08:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 PM ----------

Oh crap. I got off topic again didn't I? :p
Ya know I'm over 50 but still a male. So when ya say a unit of angry lesbians I can't help myself. :-) I start having these warrior amazon fantasys. :-)

---------- Post added at 08:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 PM ----------

Oh crap. I got off topic again didn't I? :p

mmmmmmmmm amazons.