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So What's the Deal with Todd Sees?

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Skilled Investigator
I recently listened to another podcast's episode featuring details of the Sees' case. I know that Witkowski is a bit infamous in the UFO community, but it sounds like Lon Strickler is now involved with the case as well? The information presented was most bizarre. Does anyone have any objective information/links on the case? When I google the name Todd Sees, I get a ton of UFO site results, which leads me to think the incident is possibly a hoax. Any thoughts fellow Paracasters? Thanks!
Well Todd Sees did die and the coroner's report states that cocaine overdose was to blame.

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One unique feature of cocaine overdose is that induces hypothermia as it is a huge heat producer for the body. People suffering from hypothermia routinely strip right down because their body is getting so hot and that would explain his remains being found in just underwear. I don't understand who started all the hype regarding 'mutilation' as that's not a feature of the police or coroner's report - only scratches on his body from the brush. The sighting of an object in the sky could have been a plane or anything really. There are always reasons why dogs can't pick up a scent. Anyone deranged on cocaine, stumbling down a moutain half naked would easily fall into deep brush.

That's a really sad thing for him, his family and his kids especially. The extra UFO hype around this case is not justified at all.
Thanks Burnt State. I'm not familiar with the case whatsoever and the information presented appeared to come straight from an X-Files episode. I thought maybe the entire situation was hoaxed as the investigators claimed that Sees had no official documentation proving his existence - birth certificate, marriage license,etc. All of it was very bizarre.
sagesigma, when you start running into that level of X-filesness it certainly becomes pretty suspicious. It doesn't help with Peter Davenport releasing statements open to the possibilities of UFO mutilation because of the supposed sightings at the time of the disappearance. All I can say is that once drugs are involved, all bets are off when it comes to trying to predict rational human behavior. That his body was found so close to his house only ups the ante of the overall tragedy of the event.
I had seen and downloaded the same podcast. Thank you Burnt State for saving me the two hours as I had also heard of a teneous ufo connection.
I had seen and downloaded the same podcast. Thank you Burnt State for saving me the two hours as I had also heard of a teneous ufo connection.
Well I'd recommend you yet listen to it only to hear the complex mythology being spun by the investigators. If anything, this story only goes to show how quickly this field and its proponents can apparently move something very tragic into something so fantastically out of control over a couple of years time span . Quite unreal.
I am not at all schooled about all the UFO sightings, contacts and so forth, and I've only been listening/reading of such stories of encounters since 1995. But to date I have not heard of any true UFO encounter with any human, that had turned deadly........just say'n.
I recently listened to the same podcast. the story has changed somewhat over the past 8 years. it started out a lot more paranormal in theory compared to now. I find it strange though that his history has been deleted just like Bob Lazars'
I am not at all schooled about all the UFO sightings, contacts and so forth, and I've only been listening/reading of such stories of encounters since 1995. But to date I have not heard of any true UFO encounter with any human, that had turned deadly........just say'n.
I wanted to find out the truth of that perspective as well here: Do UFO's cause human injury? because I also believe that aside from the Canadian dude that had the grilled exhaust pattern burned into his chest there are minimal injuries caused directly to a person. Some cite the many pilots who have died chasing UFO's but that was their choice. The one stand out of course is the disappearance, over audio recording no less, of the young Australian pilot Valentich. That one is indeed interesting. The thread covers most of the known cases I thought.

But now Nick Redfern is coming out with a book this summer to prove us both wrong. Curse you Nick Redfern! *shakes fist angrily in the air*
Being only marginally familiar of the case i took up sagesigmas advice. To be honest I can very much see ... given the presented narrative...why someone would contemplate going down the rabbit hole on this one. Given the irregularities in the aftermath...provided they are truthful...I wouldn't have needed to see flying disc's or BF tracks to consider something weird happened here (not necessarily paranormal in nature)

The record expunging is really odd. In short it nows seens from a legal stand point Todd never existed. Does that mean the County cannot get any property tax ? what about The state and feds are going to want their share also, Tbey don't get their taxes because Todd OD'ed in the woods? does his Widow not recieve any Life insurance payments despite any premiums Paid because Todd now dudn't ever exist even though he (assumingly) had insurance ?
I think this blog entry - link below - gives a pretty good summation of the case, though with some far out speculations, like a time-slip.

This is one time I wish I had the time to be a private investigator and really suss this out. I agree, Wade. It can't be that mysterious, but gossip has made this more fantastical than it likely is imo. That's my view. Sad truth is, take out the ufo-overlay, and this reads like something very 'simple' but very tragic, with a potential for being a suspicious death. With all the 'paranormal' hype, the real story gets lost and someone is protected from discovery.

The most interesting suggestion is that a witness-protection situation was in place. That would explain a lot like no pictures in yearbooks, etc. Also, would explain why he might have been found, targeted and killed. If he was in witness-protection, the feds would have an interest in him, of course. Interesting case - would love to gum-shoe this one.

The Curious Case of Todd Sees - February 9, 2014
LINK: Sagesigma Unbound: The Curious Case of Todd Sees